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Akule: Fantastic Bae go out there and get materials for us and may hime lark bless you
everyone (milletians) running around town breaking ceramic laternpole and sign board to get stuff for Festival
and the worst part is nobody pick up small gems or green gems.... when we got quest scroll to trade it off from nora and caitin....

Also rain boosts drop from from whacking objects, so making use of rain casting can help speed things along.
And remember to pick up stuff around your character, since if the ground's too crowded, it'll prevent new objects from dropping.
Also, those who still have those HS shrubs can also gather gems and berries for random drops.
I have put that to the test and it is not. Start off with synthesis until you exhaust your supplies, then go punch Nora's lights out or rather go punch her light. . . and then buy her quests. BTW she does NOT have a small to green quest.
While all of its villagers, watching in horror as the beloved village ransacked of gems, nails, and berries.
And the blue bird never slept again
Tir Graveyard has proven me efficient. Killing white spiders will drop a ton of green gems and at times red gems. You'll collect more than enough greens to trade for Blues
Caitin give small -> green gem
They do but so does the light next to Nora, which also drops blues and smalls.
XD Big kissie for you! MWA!!!
6 feet distance please xD
My stars, how familiar! It's two metres in Canada.
You can always press 'Q' ingame to access your Quest Tab then 'Events'. All the information is there.
Oh Geez I didn't even see the quest in there. Thanks. It's time for bed I think,