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This anime's animation style is so bad that it's good imo
Also since a lot of people seem to not care about this crossover, the gacha items that caught my attention are fairly cheap on the auction house. It's nice to finally be able to afford stuff I like, 'cuz I don't like spending over 20 mill for anything.
I'm still disappointed that Caracal outfit is still going for 50m and Serval outfit is non-existant in AH at least. Other outfits look too bizarre or lame to even look at them.
This is what is hurting me. I'm too poor now.
I guess compared to previous pets, you could say that the Japari bus is...Bus-sted, huh?
It was a busted piece of junk in the anime.
For an EC/Learning series, It has a very Yomiel'esqe Ghost Trick type ending. Worthwhile payoff for me xD
I wonder sometimes the logic of not being able to trade bags other than via Shared Bank unless it is in the form of a coupon.
I got plenty of other characters who could use the extra bags I might have stored away...
...which makes me have to ask : You don't put your bags onto other/extra characters or is their inventory also full of bags...? O_O