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It's been a long time


  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    I feel like a lot of people would have to protest/quit. One person can ignite change, but if you're leaving anyway, you're like drop of water in ocean to a company and their "loyal" playerbase.
    «The individual rain-drop never blames itself for causing the flood...» -Source Unknown
    They know they have a myriad of problem, but as long as something is working how they want, it's probably won't budge. Things like server issues/latency are different I assume, though.
    Server-stability (and/or Client-stability) and issues with Latency have come a long way. Like... a VERY LONG way. A time once existed when server-crashes were often a daily occurrence, and clients would also randomly crash as a daily occurrence, not to mention that there was also frequent «rubber-banding» for the whole entire population even if they lived right next to the server(s), yet, for some reason, many people still chose to stick around anyway. Problem-solving takes «time» but they do seem to be able to figure something out eventually (although sometimes it can create other «inconveniences» such as how the things that they did to fix latency apparently had something to do with causing that «weird pathing» that happens now with spawns, where-as in the past, they would just run straight at you and attack you immediately instead of ziggity-zaggity-zig-zag-run-around-in-a-few-circles-then-zig-zag-some-more-sometimes-loading-a-skill-then-finally-attacking-you like they do now, and it also affected gathering where we get «Your arms are too short» messages when historically you'd just be automatically pathed to be in-range, etc).
    Anyway, sorry to see you go and good luck. There absolutely no other mmo out right now for me so I'm going down with the ship (or until something else comes along).
    He'll be back (after the next-generation release), and, technically, he hasn't really even actually «left» either (from these forums).

    And in other random insertions...
  • КалашниковКалашников
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,300
    Posts: 274
    Habimaru wrote: »
    Server-stability (and/or Client-stability) and issues with Latency have come a long way. ".."
    Yes, that's why I consider it different issue (and they should prioritize making game playable). But I get the feeling company like to keep a lot of features conveniently inconvenient as to make player bypass with real money. Those are the hard issue to budge.
    Habimaru wrote: »
    He'll be back (after the next-generation release), and, technically, he hasn't really even actually «left» either (from these forums).
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    I'll probably hang around in game once in a while for nostalgia or to chat with friends but yeah.
    Pretty much what everyone is doing now.
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Habimaru wrote: »
    He'll be back (after the next-generation release), and, technically, he hasn't really even actually «left» either (from these forums).
    Server-stability (and/or Client-stability) and issues with Latency have come a long way. Like... a VERY LONG way. A time once existed when server-crashes were often a daily occurrence, and clients would also randomly crash as a daily occurrence

    Unless it adds something significant I'm not so sure about that, never cared for story and only did the gens for the content it unlocks, hence I haven't done g24 because all it is, is a series of long fetch quests. As for the second part, the servers haven't ever really improved. There's still constant channel crashes, lag spikes etc the frequency goes up as soon as it hits the ~500 players online via steam. We also have numerous game breaking bugs now that we didn't have before, like reaper/bleeds breaking mokku/dragons
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    There absolutely no other mmo out right now for me so I'm going down with the ship (or until something else comes along).

    Honestly, this. Everywhere I've gone I've just not found any mmo that I like or is anything like this. And honestly, for all its faults, I still really like this game, and have many good memories from it. So, come eventually the end days when the servers go down, I'll prolly be here to see it happen.

    Maybe I'll get to pull an Ainz, that'd be fun :P Anything to get me out of meeting deadlines!

    There's a reason runescape is still so popular no other game does what it does. Mabinogi is the same.
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    Regarding Story-skipping...
    I do remember, back on a past day, nearly the whole entire population who joined others' generation-quests didn't really care to read the story-line, and I'm not sure how many cut-scenes may have been removed since then, but most people kept on insisting to «skip the cut-scenes» and to just go to the library to view them (haven't done that yet even though I personally did want to watch the cut-scenes whilst progressing through the generations). I do know that earlier Generation-Quests have been made shorter, everything from the very first Generation all the way to probably somewhere around the end of Alchemist (just before the Saga-Episodes ? [the only «Generation» where first-time watching cut-scenes cannot be skipped]). Even if others were skipping Story-Lines there were some people such as KittyWolf who seemed to quite enjoy the Shakespeare-Arc (although she did apparently/eventually «quit» Mabinogi and I assume is now on active-deployment with the National-Guard but not to digress...).

    Regarding something significant...
    DevCAT still developed something that has a little bit of something for everyone, and not necessarily something that fulfills the deepest-interests of everyone... what could be metaphorically described as lots of width but not every inch of that width is necessarily full of depth...? You seem to come across to me as someone who'd be more interested in some sort of at least semi-complicated real-time-strategy play rather than someone who likes to check out things like story-lines or animé-episodes (granted, they may have swerved in a possible tangent when it came to coming up with plots and story-back-grounds to explain how the new skill-sets ended up being obtained by current-Generation Milletians, etc. [and of course most of the story revolving around chasing a bunches of «Prophets» around only to escape in order to re-chase them is a lot like that one particular DBZ-Arc where nearly the whole entire series was about struggling to fight against Majin-Buu]), and even during the Halloween Brielle's Event-Story a number of people seemed to already be in an automatic «dialogue-skipping» mode (perhaps if they designed quests/boss-fights in such a manner as to where the significant clues for clearing the content were more consistently part of the dialogue then maybe people would think twice about dialogue-skipping too quickly [although I'm sure that might end up getting other types of «complaints» like «too much reading»]).

    The most «something significant» thing that came to mind to me the other day was this idea of Raid-Squad-Dungeons. Yes, Raid-Squad-Dungeons, rather than the four-man restricted dungeons. Dungeons where the room-sizes are bigger than normal dungeons (how it is so with Abyss-Dungeons). Although the population is not as significant now as it once was (thus part of the reason for the Server-Merge) and with the, ahem, apparent «power-creep» (to put it VERY «lightly») I am not sure if such a thing would be warranted unless in the form of some sort of RP-Style-Event but I'd need more time to think up the details and pros/cons of such a thing being introduced, when, really, a lot of the old content is now either largely ignored or only run as «Dailies» Quests, considering that it is quite a significant «con» that so much of the Server-Population consists of Milletians at all ranges of power-levels (the advertising that who-ever was doing seems to have helped repopulate the servers with «newer blood» [metaphorically] and «Returned» Milletians so that it's not entirely or almost/nearly entirely «End-Game» Milletians [like, seriously, when I first got back to resuming being active, everyone else was like 100x stronger than me and clearing even Elite-Missions at record-speeds that never would have been seen at the time that I had originally gone absent {although part of that absence was forced due to corrupt/lying government-agents which is one of the reasons why I complain about the very existence of the DE FACTO as much as I do and the «sinners» who worship/fund/perpetuate such a «system»}]). Anyway, even if such a thing got implemented, I can already «predict» that only a small handful of «end-gamers» would get together and pretty much figure out how to clear such a dungeon in one day unless some extreme thought went into how to design such a dungeon to be both fun, interesting, intriguing, not a push-over, but also not impossible-to-counter-spam-attacks mode, etc. I might get back to this idea some other day.

    Regarding Server-Stability...: I will take your reference as a partial-exaggeration even though I cannot comment on «Steam» specifically since I do not use Steam but I do think you are confusing «server-crashing» with «game-balance» in terms of Reaper/Bleeds unless the Reaper is literally crashing clients (spawn-de-popping used to be quite common during Dungeon-Runs/Shadow-Missions but if it's now limited to mostly happening if someone forgets to turn their Reaper-Off then that's really just a rather isolated incident and not something affecting the vast majority of the content that otherwise exists). Otherwise the very need-to-invent-another-word-or-term-or-phrase-for-power-creep itself could be considered rather «game-breaking» given how there are now people who can literally «solo» the Black-Dragon within a literal minute or two which would have most-certainly been considered «cheeting» (a form of hacking) back in the day.

    Regarding Popularity...: I suppose that depends on the definition of popular in this context. From historic posts (by others) I got the impression that Maple-Story was the «staple» title published by Nexon getting the vast majority of the active player-base and would be thus considered the most «popular» title they had/have. Just as long as there are things to do and experiences to share that people can have fun doing together people will often stick with it if nothing more than for the sake of being able to see and enjoy time with their friends (although people used to actually get out of their [off-line] houses and actually go to their friends' place [off-line] to do [off-line] activities together [even if it were for things like playing with each other on their Nintendo/SNES/Sega/X-Box/PS/etc]).
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Habimaru wrote: »
    He'll be back (after the next-generation release), and, technically, he hasn't really even actually «left» either (from these forums).
    Server-stability (and/or Client-stability) and issues with Latency have come a long way. Like... a VERY LONG way. A time once existed when server-crashes were often a daily occurrence, and clients would also randomly crash as a daily occurrence
    Unless it adds something significant I'm not so sure about that, never cared for story and only did the gens for the content it unlocks, hence I haven't done g24 because all it is, is a series of long fetch quests. As for the second part, the servers haven't ever really improved. There's still constant channel crashes, lag spikes etc the frequency goes up as soon as it hits the ~500 players online via steam. We also have numerous game breaking bugs now that we didn't have before, like reaper/bleeds breaking mokku/dragons
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    There absolutely no other mmo out right now for me so I'm going down with the ship (or until something else comes along).
    Honestly, this. Everywhere I've gone I've just not found any mmo that I like or is anything like this. And honestly, for all its faults, I still really like this game, and have many good memories from it. So, come eventually the end days when the servers go down, I'll prolly be here to see it happen.

    Maybe I'll get to pull an Ainz, that'd be fun :P Anything to get me out of meeting deadlines!
    There's a reason runescape is still so popular no other game does what it does. Mabinogi is the same.
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    There absolutely no other mmo out right now for me so I'm going down with the ship (or until something else comes along).

    Honestly, this. Everywhere I've gone I've just not found any mmo that I like or is anything like this. And honestly, for all its faults, I still really like this game, and have many good memories from it. So, come eventually the end days when the servers go down, I'll prolly be here to see it happen.

    Maybe I'll get to pull an Ainz, that'd be fun :P Anything to get me out of meeting deadlines!

    There's a reason runescape is still so popular no other game does what it does. Mabinogi is the same.

    I've never actually tried runescape, it just looked about the same as any other across the it actually any good?
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Habimaru wrote: »
    You seem to come across to me as someone who'd be more interested in some sort of at least semi-complicated real-time-strategy play rather than someone who likes to check out things like story-lines or animé-episodes (granted, they may have swerved in a possible tangent when it came to coming up with plots and story-back-grounds to explain how the new skill-sets ended up being obtained by current-Generation Milletians, etc. [and of course most of the story revolving around chasing a bunches of «Prophets» around only to escape in order to re-chase them is a lot like that one particular DBZ-Arc where nearly the whole entire series was about struggling to fight against Majin-Buu]), and even during the Halloween Brielle's Event-Story a number of people seemed to already be in an automatic «dialogue-skipping» mode (perhaps if they designed quests/boss-fights in such a manner as to where the significant clues for clearing the content were more consistently part of the dialogue then maybe people would think twice about dialogue-skipping too quickly [although I'm sure that might end up getting other types of «complaints» like «too much reading»]).

    Actually not true at all, gw2 has living story (think saga but much more grand) and I've payed attention to the whole story and even done the side stuff because it was interesting. I honestly did the same for mabi up until divine knights, because divine knights is just annoying pandering anime tropes shoved into the most generic underdog hero with a tragic background filled with guilt story I've ever seen. After that I really stopped caring because 90% of the characters are annoying and the ones that aren't are just barely tolerable. I prefer games that take skill into consideration over mindless gear grinds and have a fair bit of depth to them.
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    I've never actually tried runescape, it just looked about the same as any other across the it actually any good?

    Going to give you a very tentative yes. There's 2 version, old school and runescape3. Runescape 3 is the most aggressively monetized game I've ever seen, and has so many issues mabinogi looks flawless, so avoid rs3.
    Do you want a game with good world building, lots of quests that don't hold your hand and a fair level of complexity that you're willing to play casually? Yes it definitely is. The community is awful. Someone asking you to follow them? They're trying to scam you. Trade you? They're trying to scam you. Ask you pretty much anything? They're trying to scam you. Do something in game? They're trying to scam you. Pretty much every interaction with random people is someone trying to scam you in some form. The endgame community is very elitist and very toxic, and you guessed it... Full of scammers.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    I mean if you really want to know what goes on, just go to Nexon's Investor's relation page. They even have on demand video of their quarterly results meeting now.

    They're a public company after all. They'll release the 1st quarter results next week for 2020 I believe. Numbers could be down, but I don't think Mabinogi is in any danger of ceasing based off me following their results the past few quarters. Signs of MS2's potential demise could be seen.

    I'm afraid to get into any new game they release because it's just going to die 6-12 months later.
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Crims wrote: »
    I mean if you really want to know what goes on, just go to Nexon's Investor's relation page. They even have on demand video of their quarterly results meeting now.

    They're a public company after all. They'll release the 1st quarter results next week for 2020 I believe. Numbers could be down, but I don't think Mabinogi is in any danger of ceasing based off me following their results the past few quarters. Signs of MS2's potential demise could be seen.

    I'm afraid to get into any new game they release because it's just going to die 6-12 months later.

    Facts. Anyone who played maplestory 2 knew it was going to die after like a week.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited May 9, 2020
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Crims wrote: »
    I mean if you really want to know what goes on, just go to Nexon's Investor's relation page. They even have on demand video of their quarterly results meeting now.

    They're a public company after all. They'll release the 1st quarter results next week for 2020 I believe. Numbers could be down, but I don't think Mabinogi is in any danger of ceasing based off me following their results the past few quarters. Signs of MS2's potential demise could be seen.

    I'm afraid to get into any new game they release because it's just going to die 6-12 months later.

    Facts. Anyone who played maplestory 2 knew it was going to die after like a week.

    I didn't. It looked genuinely good, but sadly the end-game wasn't.
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Greta wrote: »
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Crims wrote: »
    I mean if you really want to know what goes on, just go to Nexon's Investor's relation page. They even have on demand video of their quarterly results meeting now.

    They're a public company after all. They'll release the 1st quarter results next week for 2020 I believe. Numbers could be down, but I don't think Mabinogi is in any danger of ceasing based off me following their results the past few quarters. Signs of MS2's potential demise could be seen.

    I'm afraid to get into any new game they release because it's just going to die 6-12 months later.

    Facts. Anyone who played maplestory 2 knew it was going to die after like a week.

    I didn't. It looked genuinely good, but sadly the end-game wasn't.

    As soon as you hit level cap the first thing you have to do is grind the same dungeon 8 times, on every character you have and after doing that for a while you grind the same 2 dungeons etc anyone who played to level cap would've known that it had next to 0 content, and the only reason there was content was because horrible success rates, and time gates. If there was no timegates in a single day you could level from 1-cap, and fully gear. On top of that you'd be out of content as well.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Crims wrote: »
    I mean if you really want to know what goes on, just go to Nexon's Investor's relation page. They even have on demand video of their quarterly results meeting now.

    They're a public company after all. They'll release the 1st quarter results next week for 2020 I believe. Numbers could be down, but I don't think Mabinogi is in any danger of ceasing based off me following their results the past few quarters. Signs of MS2's potential demise could be seen.

    I'm afraid to get into any new game they release because it's just going to die 6-12 months later.

    Facts. Anyone who played maplestory 2 knew it was going to die after like a week.

    I didn't. It looked genuinely good, but sadly the end-game wasn't.

    As soon as you hit level cap the first thing you have to do is grind the same dungeon 8 times, on every character you have and after doing that for a while you grind the same 2 dungeons etc anyone who played to level cap would've known that it had next to 0 content, and the only reason there was content was because horrible success rates, and time gates. If there was no timegates in a single day you could level from 1-cap, and fully gear. On top of that you'd be out of content as well.

    From the time MS2 was released until it's ultimate end, it was beat expectations/outperformed for the initial couple quarters and when to continuous deceleration/decline. For people who have never played the game before, those are very useful signs to potentially predict what the fate of that game is. Of course, it starts from overall negative critical reviews that leads to declines.