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Weeb Thread (Anime/Manga Discussion)
I wanna get around to S2/S3 sooner or later
It's okay. It has it's moments, but i don't see it being that amazing.
Meanwhile, i'm loving new seasons of Fruits Basket and Kaguya-sama: Love is War. Both has good romance, but also Kaguya-sama has the best comedy.
I guess you don't know Weather you like the ending or not, huh?
I am liking the Villainous Otome anime, and I have been contemplating the meaning of life ever since the day we still have not heard of Stone Ocean confirmation announcement. Rilakkuma and Kaoru is something I have bee enjoying lately.
Now, for my daily dose of hating on popular anime.
I really can't understand the appeal of Irregular A Magic High School. It is no different than any other fanfiction you'd find on Wattpad, but doubling down on the social rhetoric that I just happen disagree with. That, and there's so much meaningless technobabble dialogue that functions as filler. It does nothing to develop these characters, to explain how the world works in order to understand the stakes and rules, or draw upon any relevant real life scientific ideas, theories, or concepts.
So we can spend a number of minutes explaining how hero Tatsuya won a fight. The issue is that the explanations aren't of rules, because we never establish Tatsuya as being effectively limited in any meaningful way; he may not be able to push a block a meter cross the floor, but when you are both simultaneously the best sharpshooter in the world, the world's best engineer and inventor of magical equipment, have incredible physical and combat prowess, and can effectively nuke your enemies anywhere within 100 km with just a thought, and can go through and absorb a library's worth of knowledge in a single day, it's really really difficult to believe in the idea of danger.
The author will simply introduce another aspect of Tatsuya's kit that hasn't been revealed to us previously if he ever writes Tatsuya in a corner rather than introducing them beforehand; this is essentially making up abilities on the fly that takes out all tension and interest away from the fight. We're never given any payoff for any tension or interest we may have, because quite simply, there's none to be had.
We're not shown Tatsuya creatively using old abilities to combat new threats, or having the gun in chapter 5 be shot in Chapter 9.
But what really angers me is the whole idea that Tatsuya only disagrees with the system because of how it personally ranked him, versus the idea of institutionalized discrimination and persecution. I am surprised the author is 40 years old going onto 50; this is the same time of angst filled writing I expect of a teenager lamenting that the world is soooo unfair against them.
He may be richer than me, but honestly, if I had to write a fanfiction that is basically me about life while re-imagining myself as the most special snowflakiest person who has ever lived in a society that just doesn't appreciate them out of jealously, then...well, I'll be tempted, but I have my pride too, ya know?
but a lot has happened recently, not just my watching list
ep 212 of One Piece babyyybut a lot of great summer season anime has come out!I mean I'm only watching Re:ZERO S2 but I've heard a lot of other good anime are showing too
lemme outttttt
Fruits Basket is really good. 2nd season is going right now. Everything else is meh, harem and cringe filled anime this season.
i've heard a lot of good things about Fruits Basket :O
also i agree (well besides Re:Zero, it's one of my favorite anime)
i really despise harem though
makes me cringe every time, idk how ppl can watch it
Yeah, Re: Zero is also good, but i'm also watching other this season's on-going anime: Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!, Rent-a-Girlfriend, My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected Season 3 and reading other titles i can say it's really bad and cringy anime this season. The My Youth Romantic Comedy doesn't even have any comedy anymore it's just drama and love triangle crap...
Oh and also SAO: Alicization War of Underworld Season 2 is meh, but dam the animations are amazing...
The first half was fine, least in my opinion, everything after wasn't worth it. I couldn't even finish the first episode of the second season.
...especially with all of the «cringiest lyrics» that could possibly be sang... then throw in over-played Maroon 5 for even more cringe... Disclaimer: I have NO interest in «country muzax» and I absolutely cannot stand Maroon 5 songs (they're worse than listening to country).
i've heard GGO was decent but i never was a gun freak either lol (also have no clue what season it would be or if it's an entirely new anime itself or?)
GGO (i think it counts as season 3) was crappy honestly as well, especially the funny part where Kirito was wrecking all these gun pros with his freaking BEAM SWORD and it was just big WTH? for me, but there was also a GGO spin-off which funnily was way better than original one. Now Alicization arc is kinda average, the first half was good because it didn't have Kirito's harem in it lol.
I love them, but you'll have to expect some CGI.
I've watched them all since that post lol
definitely one of my favorite anime series
i usually dont pay much attention to the CGI unless its REALLY bad.. though i cant remember a time i've seen any bad CGI?
In my opinion, a lot of CGI movements looks really slow and unnatural.
*cough cough* Berserk... *cough cough* There's plenty honestly, but Berserk 2016 is nominated as worst CGI anime after some anime fans and i agree lol.
Also just remembered Kemono Friends too. Theres SO MUCH actually. The only anime i know who pulled off CGI well without barely noticing was Fate series.