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Items, pets and events we no longer see.
So i have had these questions in my head for a few years now and finally decided to ask the Mabinogi community.
1: Why does collaboration items, pets and events never return? I would take a wild guess and say that it's something in a behind the scenes agreement, but I never understood why we can't have these events return when other paid and free to play games have reintroduced collaboration events in the past.
2: Why does some Pets never return? I remember so many pets from my early days of playing and seeing so many pets that are nowhere to be seen today, I understand that many of them were not exactly shiny and fantastical in design and function, but then why not add them permanently to the cash shop or offer some of them in game as rewards from permanent quest?
power-creepingpower-hoppingpower-warpingpower-dimensional-shifting...well let's just say that they fall far from the standards of both functionality and bag-space that are now usually available from the more recent pets that have been released over the last few years... were I to introduce something(s) in order to generate-sales I might consider a slow progression of a chance to obtain materials that have a possibility to eventually be able to obtain Rainbow-Coloured Pet-Dyes. I wouldn't mind re-colouring some of my pets into Rainbow-Coloured versions or perhaps even Glowing Rainbow-Coloured for a more Super-Rare Colour-Version and I am near-certain that it would probably appeal to a good percentage of the Fashionogi-whales & not be «game-breaking» if left mostly if not entirely cosmetic.releasing it back into the market may require a new contract from the owners of the copyright
Still i don't get how they can have pets like the Yellow Jindo or the Orange Pixie permanently in the shop while excluding many others, it's not like much of what is in the pets section in the shop are noteworthy or unique to begin with, why not offer past none collaboration pets for everyone to purchase? they would make far more money and it would make far more sense for Nexon to squeeze every penny out of every pet as long as they fit the bell.
I know this comparison may not exactly be fair, but Monster Hunter World and Final Fantasy 14 both have had collaboration events that have come and gone multiple times, although it's only a very few times a year,
it's still far more enjoyable that way instead of having to be there the day Nexon chose regardless of where you are and what your doing, you literally have to drop all your plans and schedules for weeks to login and grind more or less every single day.
I think you may have just answered your own question
They would have to pay the fee again to re-release any collaboration item.
The only exception is if you lose an item due to something like a server crash: that isn't adding a new instance of the item into the game, it's merely replacing something that was lost.
Now, Mabinogi's Kemono Friends Crossover is interesting because the original Kemono Friends game was made by Nexon, which later grew and got animated.I am uncertain if they still hold any rights to Kemono Friends, but if they still do, could it be possible they bring it back in the future if there were demands for it?
I'd be down for it honestly. I haven't see the anime but the event was kinda cute.
What i essentially meant was that Monster Hunter World and Final Fantasy 14 have collaboration events that come and go multiple times a year, although maybe not a fair comparison, why can't Mabinogi do the same.
So i don't think i answered my own question? at least i don't see it.
If that's the case then why have we not seen the Maplestory collaboration event return yet?
That's also Nexons IP as far as i am aware.
Mm. I'll try to be clearer.
"...regardless of where you are and what you're doing, you literally have to drop all your plans and schedules for weeks to login and grind more or less every single day."
This is the main goal of exclusive deals in general; to get your time, attention, and money during that exclusive period and for those exclusive items. Having the promise of a return at some point has the potential to make people think "eh, I'm a little busy/don't have the time/don't have the cash right now. I'll wait for the next time it comes around." They want impulse playing and impulse buying to keep the game active and making money.
I think those would happen if they think it's worth boosting the marketing of that game, and Maplestory is rather stable and doesn't need that extra boost right now. Also, they need to look at the data on whether there is a sufficient market from Mabi not yet playing Maple who would play Maple after the crossover promotion. We've had the Maplestory event come back before when they found it necessary to do so.