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Substation power suppression [A Guide]

Mabinogi Rep: 3,300
Posts: 274
edited May 13, 2020 in Town Square
Хаhahaха nothing to see here !


Usually, the detectable magnetic field from a substation extends between 3 and 8 metres away. Some are stronger than others, and in rare, exceptional cases, EMF may extend to about 15 metres. Outside of the detectable magnetic field, there can be no health effect from the substation.

What went wrong?

A man waving burst into a classroom today and around the room, three , their teacher and a policeman before himself.

Thirteen other and another teacher were, five of them critically, and 57 who witnessed were with.

(The police identified the as 34-year-old Karel Charva, a native of Prague, The Associated Press reported.)

''We have no idea what his motive was,'' a police spokesman said. ''The only witnesses are and they are either or in such an extreme state of shock that they cannot answer our questions.''

The man forced his way into the classroom on the second floor of the state school 10 miles west of Frankfurt in midmorning.

dated 03.06.1983


  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited May 11, 2020
    What in the world brought about a thread like this... just going to keep my response short : not everybody needs to be in a «relationship»
    Even in the «spirit-world» the percentage of the population who participate in «romantic-relationships» is still only like 2-3%.

    If your emotions are dependent upon what someone else is doing or not doing (or to be more border-line near-inappropriate-descriptive : whom someone else is doing or not doing) then you're already just setting yourself up for «problems» from the very beginning.

    Also, know this, and that is the fact that there are more single people in the world than married people, more than half of the entire world is without some sort of so-called exclusive-partner (or any «partners» at all), than there are people with «partners» and it's been this way ever since around... well, hmm, probably around the time of or right before or right after the baby-boomer generation. Alas, the greater responsibility does fall upon the man, but, unfortunately, the world as it has been for a while is not exactly conducive for boys to develop into «real men» by the time they become so-called adults.

    Men also need to be able to keep their emotions under control. If your «emotions» are dictated by what others do/say then you are simply not a man but are still in the stages of emotional-adolescence even if you are physically of adult-age. Anyway, before I end up writing a book after all, I am just going to end with saying that not everybody is/was meant to be in a «relationship» either (and for those of you who believe in astrology/horoscopes, and compatibility ratings, believe it or not, the results of any compatibility calculator are actually going to change and fluctuate from year-to-year, thus, ultimately, relationships require WORK/compromise/forgiveness/honesty/etc., to maintain and for both «partners» to essentially be on the same page...otherwise it is [probably] best to simply «friend-zone» each other from the beginning if you suspect yourself falling short of any of the elements of «relationship-material» status).
  • КалашниковКалашников
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,300
    Posts: 274
    edited June 7, 2020
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited May 12, 2020
    No one can stand each other that's why. People are raising entitled brats nothing but jezebels to rip your heart out when you're no longer convenient to them. raging at the slightest thing doesn't go their way and somehow you're considered weak if you stay unbothered
    Much be that as it may seem... what you are «taught» about «happiness» from this «material-realm earth-world» about «happiness» is FALSE... consider the following...
    The following is addressed to the «psychiatry» industry but is completely relevant to the world-situation which I quote from as follows....:

    «The reality of spirit and the influence of this realm on human behaviour needs be known and can be understood by us but this is not possible from within the context of physical reality only. We must incorporate the spirit realm if our understanding is to be complete.

    To dissect the brain of a dead person to generate hypothesis leading to significant conclusions about the mental or emotional state of that dead person while they were alive does I think bear witness to the way in which humanity has identified spirit as being governed by the laws pertaining to matter only.

    This reduction of man to material or physical reality at the exclusion of his spirit has led to much confusion concerning our understanding of the mind. Today we are experiencing the consequence of that loss.

    We live in an age of material enlightenment. Knowledge of multi-faceted areas affecting us as humans is at a peak. We have the technology, information and resources to feed every being on the planet, yet thousands are starving.

    We have almost inexhaustible information giving us understanding of human emotions and behaviour to ensure a peaceful and happy existence, yet more individuals than ever are dissatisfied, with greater numbers reporting a loss of meaning in their lives.

    Our information technology and understanding of communication and negotiation skills would lead us to conclude that peace was inevitable, yet wars rage amongst nations. We live in a time of the greatest material opulence, many having an abundance of material possessions, yet thousands are homeless, why? - I think our spirit rebels at the lack of incorporation of "it" into the totality of the self.

    We are not only physical material beings. If we were, the increase of material wealth and comfort, particularly in the Western World, would result in a majority of the population being happy and content. This is obviously not the case.

    Although through ignorance we have chosen to ignore the spirit's reality that reality has not simply ceased to exist! Quite the converse, slowly but inexorably, the negative spirit realm has intensified the assertion of its reality into our minds. It is the lack of this understanding which accounts for the current escalation of negative mental and emotional confusion.»
    -Quoted from
    Okay, I'll be serious for a moment: more in general (not just men), if you claim you're unaffected or can't be hurt by what others say and do, you're a liar & wasting everyone's time. ever notice those people who always say "i don't care" always stir up things and need to know what's been said about them or still hang around instead of actually gtfo. everyone is a child.

    The only true man who can claim to be unaffected is someone who was raised isolated on an island & doesn't know other humans exist (even so, i bet he would still be emotionally affected by an intrinsic spirituality)

    I like to project onto others online because you can't bring these things up irl. although sometimes all that bottled up comes out in explosive anger, but anger isn't an emotion. :^)
    I take it you've never experienced what it's like to be truly «famous» before for any extended period of length/time to the point where you had to self-reflect upon your own «reactions» due to the «comes with the territory» criticisms/negativity that also often comes along with said fame (regardless of what you became «famous» for). The «time» taken to «destroy your perceived "enemies"» isn't going to be conducive to make your «day» (and ultimately your «life») a productive one. I don't know what kind of «good example» I can use here but it's like having a popular social-media video where you're reading its comments every day (even though the number of comments posted may be in the thousands) and responding to every «negative» comment just because it «offends» you; pretty soon, because those types of people whom you may be responding to are typically often «abusive» in their mentalities, they will «respond» with even more
    «fuel» to burn that «metaphorical-fire (emotional)» within you, almost like it's calculated and designed and intended to offend you with maximum effect, and the whole entire day (yours) ends up responding/interacting with all sorts of what be described as «mud-slinging» at each other.

    Actually, I have had such a thing happen to me before on someone else's «popular» video, responding to my comment that was fairly well-received by most people, but some people in the world are «extremely argumentative» and this guy was trying to back and forth with me and he had nothing but «criticism» and an extremely arrogant attitude towards me to the point where he was trying to «make fun» of me personally rather than present any kind of valid logical-reasoning as to why I should re-consider whether what I considered to be «truth» should be revised/re-considered or not. Eventually, I was forced to essentially respond that, because I am aware of how others may be influenced in the way that I respond (to him), and for the sake of other people who might be reading the dialogue/exchange between me and him, although I do not remember the exact wording that I use, I basically responded along the lines that I could see that he was not «ready» to have a «civil-discourse» with me but that I would not berate him or project the kind of negativity that he was expressing, and as I choose to «lay down my verbal-mace» that there would be no need for us to engage in any further dialogue since it would be quite time-wasting, but, for the sake of his «soul» I did leave him with the link to The Testament of Truth so that he at least had an «opportunity» to «save himself» from «on-going eternal-misery» IF he chose to absorb its «wisdom» and become «wise» instead of his on-going «war-mongering» style mentality.
    You say not to let others dictate your emotions, but give astrology credibility. Now, I'm not debating (because I know you're only suggesting to those who believe in it) but rather politely disagreeing. I think things like that ruin what could be a normal friendship/relationship. People who think they're wizards pre-judge or blame almost everything someone does on "signs". Do you know how frustrating it is to be called a charmer or sociopathic just because of when you happened to be born? i hate when people think they know me
    The point of making reference to astrology was simply to point out that external sources of «expertise» are not «reliable» in the end. I don't care if it's a «doctor» or even some «peer-reviewed university so-called "scientist"» ...although George Carlin was saying that «this country (referring to America))» (and pretty much everyone in it, cops, teachers, parents, etc.) is «full of ****» that «full of ****» description actually applies to really most of the entire world... especially that of which is often called main-stream media (yes, all of them, throughout the entire world).

    I didn't say to believe that your more or less compatible from one year to another. I was trying to convey that any «answers» you get from others or even external-sources about your «relationship» (such as astrology/horoscopes) are not «permanent» answers. I have actually studied the field of para-psychology fairly in-depth, and I can tell you that things like «predictions» and «premonitions» are not «set in stone» future-realities. YOU, especially when you learn what it means to be a man with leadership-capabilities, have the ability to literally «direct the future» as you please (albeit still subject to the Law of Karmic-Return). One time I even had a whole entire group of guys tell me one day that, whilst they were all sad, upset, depressed, etc., wallowing in their own pity because of apparent «women problems» they were all talking about me and how they were all wishing that they could be more [like] me (for some reason). Yeah... I was like... what the heck...
    I already made a foolproof section on maintaining. Conclusion: all women are the same.
    Only to an extent (regarding similarities amongst females). Whether it is «fool-proof» or not may be a matter of opinion.
    I will tell you this much... when men get older, they actually value the time that they can get/have to themselves, and often prefer it over «getting into a relationship» ...I suspect that a lot of «parents» do not actually provide the [type of] «love» for their sons/daughters where it actually counts (for nurturing into health men/women in the future), but, instead, have been hood-winked, duped, and suckered into a «materialist-paradigm» where-in they think that having the most-expensive gadgets, biggest cars, largest houses, etc., some-how equates to the same thing as «fulfillment» in life... sure, they are «nice» to have, but even «six-figure-income husbands» I learned about were still desperate to «stop their lover's divorce or rejection» and just in case anybody reading this thread may have missed what I had quoted from above... open the Spoiler this time as I re-quote it here...
    The following is addressed to the «psychiatry» industry but is completely relevant to the world-situation which I quote from as follows....:

    «The reality of spirit and the influence of this realm on human behaviour needs be known and can be understood by us but this is not possible from within the context of physical reality only. We must incorporate the spirit realm if our understanding is to be complete.

    To dissect the brain of a dead person to generate hypothesis leading to significant conclusions about the mental or emotional state of that dead person while they were alive does I think bear witness to the way in which humanity has identified spirit as being governed by the laws pertaining to matter only.

    This reduction of man to material or physical reality at the exclusion of his spirit has led to much confusion concerning our understanding of the mind. Today we are experiencing the consequence of that loss.

    We live in an age of material enlightenment. Knowledge of multi-faceted areas affecting us as humans is at a peak. We have the technology, information and resources to feed every being on the planet, yet thousands are starving.

    We have almost inexhaustible information giving us understanding of human emotions and behaviour to ensure a peaceful and happy existence, yet more individuals than ever are dissatisfied, with greater numbers reporting a loss of meaning in their lives.

    Our information technology and understanding of communication and negotiation skills would lead us to conclude that peace was inevitable, yet wars rage amongst nations. We live in a time of the greatest material opulence, many having an abundance of material possessions, yet thousands are homeless, why? - I think our spirit rebels at the lack of incorporation of "it" into the totality of the self.

    We are not only physical material beings. If we were, the increase of material wealth and comfort, particularly in the Western World, would result in a majority of the population being happy and content. This is obviously not the case.

    Although through ignorance we have chosen to ignore the spirit's reality that reality has not simply ceased to exist! Quite the converse, slowly but inexorably, the negative spirit realm has intensified the assertion of its reality into our minds. It is the lack of this understanding which accounts for the current escalation of negative mental and emotional confusion.»
    -Quoted from
    Anyway, similarly to how parents who grow up with a mind-set of materialism are failing to fulfill what their sons/daughters need the most, FALSELY believing that «buying expensive presents/toys» for their sons/daughters = love, I have also noticed a trend in this world that males are also falsely taught or influenced into believing that the more $$$ they spend on a girl/woman the more it means that the girl/woman will «love» him and/or «fall in love» within him over his «massive expression» of «showering» her with affection; that is not how «reality» works, and if that is how she was raised and taught by her «materialist» parents, and she believes in the same way as her parents do, then you may as well just lump her into the category of gold-digger (avoid at ALL costs). I pretty much have a basic rule that I have for women who want me to spend money on them... they will help me make that $$$ that they want to be spent (on them)... especially if it's for anything that I deem «expensive» (and I'm a really frugal cheap-skate). I would describe one of many the reasons why I can «remain by myself» for extremely long periods of time and not fall into «feelings of loneliness» but as I was starting to describe it I realised that it would require too many metaphors and most people of this world would actually be «skeptical» that such things could even exist so I'll just stop here for now (especially since I need to get ready for soon up-coming travel-appointment this morning).
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    edited May 12, 2020
    I already made a foolproof section on maintaining. Conclusion: all women are the same.
    ....that's almost the opposite side yet similar view of all those feminazies and feminist arguments I hate listening to...From "they think money will buy our bodies and our love" to all men are scum, just from the other side.
    I genuinely doubt you actually meant that seriously, particularly since you're going through a breakup with a garbage partner - which you have my genuine sympathies on, and I hope life will get better for you without their crap - but ouch, mate...don't let people make that comparison.

    Men also need to be able to keep their emotions under control. If your «emotions» are dictated by what others do/say then you are simply not a man but are still in the stages of emotional-adolescence even if you are physically of adult-age.

    Okay, I'll be serious for a moment: more in general (not just men), if you claim you're unaffected or can't be hurt by what others say and do, you're a liar & wasting everyone's time. ever notice those people who always say "i don't care" always stir up things and need to know what's been said about them or still hang around instead of actually gtfo. everyone is a child.

    The only true man who can claim to be unaffected is someone who was raised isolated on an island & doesn't know other humans exist (even so, i bet he would still be emotionally affected by an intrinsic spirituality)

    I like to project onto others online because you can't bring these things up irl. although sometimes all that bottled up comes out in explosive anger, but anger isn't an emotion. :^)

    Everyone's a child to some degree, yeah some of us hang around to see what other's comment instead of fully leaving the argument. I've been guilty of that myself, but I've never actually continued a downward-spiraling conversation or debate, short of seeking that sense of 'closure' or satisfying that curiosity of what their last insult might have been. Habi also never said that it didn't mean you weren't "affected" or hurt by other's actions or comments. It was about how you handle it, that matters, man or woman.
    Its the small difference, for example, between cussing out someone for being annoying, or ignoring them. Or, in an even simpler manner, not engaging at all with someone who wants to rile you up. No one was impressed with the prior political "debates", for instance, where both contestants were acting like children and insulting each other instead of actually debating the points. However, those who are calm and collected in the face of mud-slingers, insults and trolls are typically viewed more favorably than those screaming against them. Something I see a lot of in real debates.

    I understand wanting to let the anger out. I feel it a lot myself, honestly, there are days when I am literally that meme of Scar shaking his head at the hyenas in a more 'fire and brimstone' manner. Its the difference, however, between being constructive about it and not. You want to get and feel better, from those people and things that hurt you. More often than not, that means just breathing out and trying to let the anger go with it.

    I am sorry you had such a miserable experience. I hope things get better soon and you can find a real woman/partner instead of another user. Hang in there mate.
  • КалашниковКалашников
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,300
    Posts: 274
    edited June 5, 2020
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    Wait! Kalashnikov posts a topic out of left field and Habimaru is weirded out! Wake up Helsa, wake up! WAKE UP!!!!!
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Dam these guys are just made for each other.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Greta wrote: »
    Dam these guys are just made for each other.

    Can you feel, the love tonight?
  • КалашниковКалашников
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,300
    Posts: 274
    edited June 5, 2020
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Still think the funniest idea I've ever heard involving Zeus was some guy coming home from war to discover his wife had Zeus, goes on a quest to get revenge on said so-called-god, and over the process of the idea is joined by many similar men, jilted lovers, demi-god children, and an old seamstress who was "most likely Hera in disguise".

    Imagine waking up one morning and seeing THAT crowd at your doorstep-
  • КалашниковКалашников
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,300
    Posts: 274
    edited June 5, 2020
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    I am God's gift to women everywhere ! No other mortal man shall come before me !
    I'm not a human but I am a lesbian, is that alright?

    Went through transition last week then?

  • КалашниковКалашников
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,300
    Posts: 274
    edited June 5, 2020
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    Still think the funniest idea I've ever heard involving Zeus was some guy coming home from war to discover his wife had Zeus, goes on a quest to get revenge on said so-called-god, and over the process of the idea is joined by many similar men, jilted lovers, demi-god children, and an old seamstress who was "most likely Hera in disguise".

    Imagine waking up one morning and seeing THAT crowd at your doorstep-

    [He] gets around, metaphorically at least.

    You're probably one of my daughters, [Wolfsinger].


    Alright then-

  • КалашниковКалашников
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,300
    Posts: 274
    edited June 5, 2020
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    No good, Wolf? Okay, I don't have children and good bet you're older than me.

    Tip #3 or whichever I'm on: practice safe birth. Do not touch anyone else's hand or their sickness will pass through

    Lol I'd just rather not be related to a 'Zeus' of any sort, nothing personal~
    And goodness only knows. I've met 30 year olds who still behave like they're in middle school, and kids younger who act older so *shrugs* joys of people, but I ain't admitting to anything :P

    You also typically don't want to take the hand of a woman in labor anyway, as she will very likely crush it.
  • КалашниковКалашников
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,300
    Posts: 274
    edited June 5, 2020
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Guys, where did girlfriend thread go? I'm pretty sure it's gone.
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Well, just be thankful I am against devouring others, I suppose.

    It doesn't matter too much. You can will any descriptor online, unless proven otherwise.

    I beg to differ, I've held so many conflicting titles its a work of living art XDD
    Joys of being the Invoker of Chaos. Life is good, but a little hectic.
    Dealing with those who devour is quite frankly the least of my concerns.
    Greta wrote: »
    Guys, where did girlfriend thread go? I'm pretty sure it's gone.

    It was shooed under a rug, swept out the door, and then hidden in your sock drawer in a last ditch effort.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Guys, where did girlfriend thread go? I'm pretty sure it's gone.

    It was shooed under a rug, swept out the door, and then hidden in your sock drawer in a last ditch effort.

    Why did this sound kinda passive aggressive?