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Character remaining in game after Disconnect.
Lately, whenever the game disconnects. My Character will remain in the game. This does not allow me to log back in. My characters stays in the game for 15 minutes each time. I have asked other people if they have the same issue when they get disconnected from the game, and they do.
This is a known issue! Sorry for the annoyances it may cause. As of right now there is no workaround to this other than being patient for the game to register you as disconnected so that you could log back in.
As for how long this has been occuring for, it's been like this since I returned to the game on May 5th so it's been an issue for a few weeks at least now.
We're certainly not supposed to be AfK most of the time, because we launch the game to play it, but there are, as well, times when we need to go on standby or do something else irl and don't want to close the game for the period. It's also crucial to using a Personal Shop or a Kiosk. So, the question is, is it normal to have such disconnect occasions every now and then? May it have something to do with other applications running simultaneously with the game? The Meow doesn't find joy in rearranging his kiosk each time. And yesterday it happened during the transcription of the event books.