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Blacklisting Someone Should Hide Party Adverts
I really hate popping onto Channel 1 to see the same modded party advert spammed five times in a row in a single chat cycle and being unable to hide it. It doesn't even disappear - these people just run it 24/7 without interruption. Much to my dismay blacklisting the person advertising for whatever reason doesn't hide it - when someone is blacklisted, I shouldn't see a singular thing from them, be it the chair they were sitting on, a post in the AH, a note, or an advert. >>
I don't have an issue with people modding their game, but I do have an issue with mods that break features in the game for someone's benefit, like uninterrupted chain advert spam.
Mhmm. Another user explained how to reproduce it in another thread, but maybe it's best not to link that.
Damn, someone is snippy today!
Not everyone is educated about mods because...not everyone mods. You are talking about a small percentage of players who actually still bothers to (despite a number of modded features that have actually been added to the game in recent years). Plus the information available is kinda obscure and hard to understand for some people. There is not really a good open network for people to ask about it. People are often a bit secretive and understandably so because there is that whole ToS thing.
I mean you're kind of doing it again? Saying things before doing your research. You can block the messages by pressing enter and switch over to the normal chat tab so you ignore party advertisements.
Honestly it doesn't really bother me. If it was a real serious problem it would of been addressed by now. So this issue is real low on their totem pole since it doesn't really interfere with the game that much - if at all.
It doesn't, unfortunately, but thanks for the suggestion.
That's about as helpful a suggestion as saying 'if you have a single issue with a game, just uninstall the game'. My interest is blocking a particular individual spamming, not absolutely every party advert scrolling by. If the existence of party adverts themselves were my problem yeah, I'd switch to normal chat. It's not. It's people spamming.
I don't know what goes on in your mind but blacklisting a person isn't running away from a problem, it's trying not to see spam or talk of a person who acts annoying, discriminating, or vulgar. They should have that feature on the forums as well.
Thats not the point, the point is stupid people making their garbage party ad repeat a million times. Thats the problem. End of story.
The other person's comment is the very nature of online bullying.
Yeah it's just a f'ed up person that decided to make a new account just to troll people for attention.
I'm offering a solution. You're just complaining about something you have no control over. People will do whatever they want to do. If it bothers you, then do something about it on your end. end of story.
For the most part I agree, but Nexon could make the party channel default as blocked. I set it so all the time but when I change channels, once or twice, I have to do it again.