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[EVENT] [UPDATED] Cotton Candy Sheep Event
Do you have what it takes to care for the cute little sheep and defeat the Giant Sheep Wolves? Brave Milletians can test their mettle against these fearsome wolves each weekend. Success grants you a pet Cotton Candy Sheep of your choice. Check out the details below.
Update June 3rd: We've extended this event an additional week! It now ends on Thursday June 11th, Before Maintenance.
Cotton Candy Sheep Event
Event Dates: Thursday, May 14th, After Maintenance - Thursday, June 11th, Before Maintenance
Event Details
- During the event, you will receive the quest, "[Guide] Big Dreams for Little Animals".
- Talk to the Tiny-Animal-Loving Milletian in Dunbarton.
- Register a main character with the Tiny-Animal-Loving Milletian.
- You can only register one character per account.
- Talk to the Tiny-Animal-Loving Milletian again to receive the Cotton Candy Sheep (Aspiring to TRUE STRENGTH!).
- When you stay logged in with your main character, you will receive 1 Super Sheepy Snacks every hour.
- Once completed, you will receive the following rewards:
Weekly Quest
Ewe Want to Bulk Up!
- The weekly quest resets every Thursday at 7:00 AM PDT.
- You must summon your Cotton Candy Sheep (Aspiring to TRUE STRENGTH!) before feeding it Super Sheepy Snacks.
- Feed the Super Sheepy Snacks to the Cotton Candy Sheep 15 times.
- You can acquire Super Sheepy Snacks two ways:
- When you stay logged in with your main character, you will receive 1 Super Sheepy Snacks every hour.
- The Giant Sheep Wolves spawn every hour to the northwest of Dunbarton. Defeating the Giant Sheep Wolves will drop Super Sheepy Snacks.
- You can feed the Cotton Candy Sheep up to six times each day.
- After feeding the Cotton Candy Sheep, you will receive one Baa-Baa Box.
- The event items reset daily at 7:00 AM PDT. Any Super Sheepy Snacks in your possession will be removed with the daily reset.
- Clear the Giant Sheep Wolf RP Mission on the weekend.
- Once completed, you will earn the following rewards:
- 10,000 EXP
- Baa-Baa Box x10
- Sheep Mask Selection Box
- You can choose one of the following from the Sheep Mask Selection Box:
Completion Quest
The Mighty Cotton Candy Sheep
- Talk to the Tiny-Animal-Loving Milletian in Dunbarton.
- Help the Cotton Candy Sheep grow over 500 cm by feeding it Super Sheepy Snacks.
- The Cotton Candy Sheep grows 4 - 5 cm each time it is fed.
- Once completed, you will earn the following rewards:
- 10,000 EXP
- Baa-Baa Box x30
- Cotton Candy Sheep Whistle Selection Box
- You can choose one of the following from the Cotton Candy Sheep Whistle Selection Box:
Baa-Baa Box Contents:
- *New* Bubble Blower
- *New* Spring Bouquet
- Diamond (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Regular Gem Powder
- Diamond (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Topaz (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Star Sapphire (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Emerald (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Aquamarine (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Garnet (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Jasper (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Ruby (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Spinel (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Age Potion - Age 9 (Expires: 7 days)
- Age Potion - Age 10 (Expires: 7 days)
- Age Potion - Age 11 (Expires: 7 days)
- Age Potion - Age 12 (Expires: 7 days)
- Age Potion - Age 13 (Expires: 7 days)
- Age Potion - Age 14 (Expires: 7 days)
- Age Potion - Age 15 (Expires: 7 days)
- Age Potion - Age 16 (Expires: 7 days)
- Age Potion - Age 17 (Expires: 7 days)
- Age Potion - Age 18 (Expires: 7 days)
- Remote Bank Coupon
- Remote Healer Coupon
- Remote Blacksmith Coupon
- Remote Magic Weapon Coupon
- Emergency Ice Bomb
- B+ Bomb
- HP 100 Potion RE x5
- HP 300 Potion RE x5
- HP 500 Potion RE x5
- MP 50 Potion RE x5
- MP 100 Potion RE x5
- MP 300 Potion RE x5
- MP 500 Potion RE x5
- Stamina 100 Potion RE x5
- Stamina 300 Potion RE x5
- Stamina 500 Potion RE x5
- Wound Remedy 100 Potion RE x5
- Wound Remedy 300 Potion RE x5
- Wound Remedy 500 Potion RE x5
- Speed Walk Potion 30% (5 min)
- Speed Walk Potion 30% (10 min)
- Speed Walk Potion 40% (5 min)
- Speed Walk Potion 40% (10 min)
- Name/Chat Color Change Potion (Event) (Expires: 7 days)
- Special High Speed Gathering Potion (Event) (Expires: 7 days)
- Special Tendering Potion (Event) (Expires: 7 days)
- Special Tendering Potion S (Event) (Expires: 7 days)
- Party Phoenix Feather (Event) (Expires: 7 days)
A few gems.
A lot of speed potions.
Terrible hp/mp/stamina Potions.
And a mass of chat color change potions and age potions.....that expire....
I think the reward tables speak for themselves. And before you say "Oh well not everyone gets lucky every event." my response is "I never get lucky on any event." The last two years my 'luck' on event/gacha boxes has been terrible.
It's not about 'luck' really. I don't think. It's a myth that has been used in online gaming for years. There are account criteria that don't get mentioned, or people being friends of staff that find 'luck' and get rewarded. It seems, maybe this is not true, but it seems that the people who get good rewards or gacha rewards get wealthy in game, and those who don't meet the criteria, well don't. I would extend this to dungeon and raid loot rewards as well. Hard to want to keep participating when someone is standing on one side of the scales. But that's all I'll say about this.
I'm not gonna be able to get the pet unless I buy it. -_-
Careful, theres a troll "joking around" and flagging people for discussion of glitches.
Is that how that worked? Notes for a next time then, just managed to finish my sheep today.
Hope it'll help those still working on it though
I'm not flagging people. I made one joke screenshot to you.
Stop being dramatic and spreading misinformation.
Moderation Edit: Original comment revised.
I had to force myself to wake up for this x_x
10 AM is the worst, I can't even imagine how PST people wake up before 7 AM lol
Hey, they updated the maint notice, and this is happening.
They extended the Sheep event until the 11th.
Yeah! I just saw, its nice that they're doing this!
I know! It's funny how things work out!
Ouch....that's literally painful. Glad you didn't have to endure that after all XD