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Dan Tests: Remove Passing Grades That Don't Matter

Mabinogi Rep: 810
Posts: 28
in Feedback and Suggestions
So I've been going through all the dan tests, and it's kind of crap that I'd rather fail than get under a 9000 on the dan tests from Dan 1 to Dan 2. It completely locks you out of taking the test for the rest of the day, while you can take the test over for failing or quitting part-way. This literally punishes you for doing well, but not well enough, and is INCREDIBLY bad considering a lot of tests give you points at the end when you don't have time to drop out, so you don't know if you have enough to pass. I just passed the water cannon dan 2 test, but because I didn't get an S rank, I am completely locked out of taking the test against till tomorrow and it did LITERALLY NOTHING for me. There is no reason it should be like that, it literally is just a nuisance to annoy the user and waste our time. I was planning on rebirthing after I finish the dan tests up to 2 for this and flame burst, but I won't have time to rebirth and use my limited time rebirth potion now because I did well, but not well enough. I am punished for not failing to get S rank, hard enough.


  • HigaHiga
    Mabinogi Rep: 810
    Posts: 28
    Yet again i've failed to get the S rank needed, 300 points off because I got spammed by aggro I couldn't do anything about in the last 30 seconds. If this wasn't a thing, I'd be able to retake the test today, but I've wasted a total of TWO days, just on getting one S rank. Change this? Like I genuinely am starting to dislike this game I've played since 08 cuz of how stupid this aspect of the game is.
  • SkyahriSkyahri
    Mabinogi Rep: 980
    Posts: 27
    edited March 25, 2020
    They actually do matter because they also determine the amount of advancement badges you receive.
  • HigaHiga
    Mabinogi Rep: 810
    Posts: 28
    edited March 26, 2020
    Skyahri wrote: »
    They actually do matter because they also determine the amount of advancement badges you receive.

    Then give us advancement badges but only take the ability away to do another test if you do well enough.

    And it's water cannon, so you don't have an idea if you're close to it or not until you get that damage point boost at the end. I've wasted 3 days and haven't got a single S rank for dan 2 rain cannon, this is literally getting in the way of me moving on and having fun with this game. I'm literally an 08 player and I'm going to quit if this happens a few more days without an S rank. This is cancer. Heck, advancement badges are useless anyway.
  • ValentinessValentiness
    Mabinogi Rep: 700
    Posts: 6
    Watching videos of people performing dan3 is really helpful for getting strategies.

    Strive to get similar score as the person in the video before the bonus points at the end. If you are very far off points-wise and time is running out, just exit and repeat.

  • HigaHiga
    Mabinogi Rep: 810
    Posts: 28
    That doesn't really excuse the fact that you can retake the test if you fail or leave early (which should stay), but you are punished for getting just shy of the score that actually is useful.
  • HigaHiga
    Mabinogi Rep: 810
    Posts: 28
    edited March 28, 2020
    This is cancer, if I don't beat this after a few more tries, I'm literally quitting this trash game, and I've been here since 08.

    I'm being punished for not failing, this is cancer. A few days ago I was literally over 30 seconds left and I lost it by 200 points, and I was just multi aggrod where I couldn't do anything for the rest of the time against a wall while I couldn't even pull off a wm to clear them away. Over 30 seconds of just being ragdolled with no way to avoid it bar rain casting.
  • SqueeSquee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,565
    Posts: 201
    Higa wrote: »
    This is cancer, if I don't beat this after a few more tries, I'm literally quitting this trash game, and I've been here since 08.

    I'm being punished for not failing, this is cancer. A few days ago I was literally over 30 seconds left and I lost it by 200 points, and I was just multi aggrod where I couldn't do anything for the rest of the time against a wall while I couldn't even pull off a wm to clear them away. Over 30 seconds of just being ragdolled with no way to avoid it bar rain casting.

    Let me say you some time. You're better off quitting the game now. If you are expecting fairness, this game is not for you anymore. Fairness went out the window in this game a LONG time ago.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Boohoo. I failed danning few skills, had a rage during it and guess what i decided? You won't believe what i did, but... I just stopped doing them. Bam, problem solved.
  • HigaHiga
    Mabinogi Rep: 810
    Posts: 28
    Greta wrote: »
    Boohoo. I failed danning few skills, had a rage during it and guess what i decided? You won't believe what i did, but... I just stopped doing them. Bam, problem solved.

    If it was "too hard", that'd be one thing, but it's literally "if you succeed, but not enough, you can't try again, but if you fail, you can try again"
  • SkyahriSkyahri
    Mabinogi Rep: 980
    Posts: 27
    edited March 29, 2020
    Higa wrote: »
    Skyahri wrote: »
    They actually do matter because they also determine the amount of advancement badges you receive.

    Then give us advancement badges but only take the ability away to do another test if you do well enough.

    And it's water cannon, so you don't have an idea if you're close to it or not until you get that damage point boost at the end. I've wasted 3 days and haven't got a single S rank for dan 2 rain cannon, this is literally getting in the way of me moving on and having fun with this game. I'm literally an 08 player and I'm going to quit if this happens a few more days without an S rank. This is cancer. Heck, advancement badges are useless anyway.

    Why would they let you farm unlimited advancement badges? That doesn't make any sense either. If you pay enough attention after multiple tries you can definitely get a general idea of how many points you will get at the end. If you aren't 100% sure if you will pass or not just leave and try again if the wait annoys you so much.
  • HigaHiga
    Mabinogi Rep: 810
    Posts: 28
    edited March 30, 2020
    Skyahri wrote: »
    Higa wrote: »
    Skyahri wrote: »
    They actually do matter because they also determine the amount of advancement badges you receive.

    Then give us advancement badges but only take the ability away to do another test if you do well enough.

    And it's water cannon, so you don't have an idea if you're close to it or not until you get that damage point boost at the end. I've wasted 3 days and haven't got a single S rank for dan 2 rain cannon, this is literally getting in the way of me moving on and having fun with this game. I'm literally an 08 player and I'm going to quit if this happens a few more days without an S rank. This is cancer. Heck, advancement badges are useless anyway.

    Why would they let you farm unlimited advancement badges? That doesn't make any sense either. If you pay enough attention after multiple tries you can definitely get a general idea of how many points you will get at the end. If you aren't 100% sure if you will pass or not just leave and try again if the wait annoys you so much.

    They are kind of useless, also it costs 10k/20k/whatever per attempt anyway. Also they can limit how many badges you can get a day, but they shouldn't stop you from succeeding. You're literally excusing bullshit design flaws.
  • Shiro42Shiro42
    Mabinogi Rep: 760
    Posts: 53
    Getting SS in pretty much all the dan 3 tests is heavily dependent on RNG, so I understand the frustration. I think rather than removing any grade other than SS in that case, make it instead that each grade actually progresses you toward the next Dan ranking. What I mean is, instead of making it "you need 2 SS ranks to get dan 3." make it instead, "you need some combination of 20 A ranks, 8 S ranks or 2 SS ranks to get dan 3." (the numbers here are just examples of course) in other words, more similar to previous rankings: you have multiple possible requirements that each give something toward the next rank, but you don't need ALL of them to get the next rank. That way every pass is genuine progress, even if it isn't the quickest progress possible. 2 SS ranks will still be preferable for speed's sake, but 20 A ranks would still get the job done.
  • ZhuoZhuo
    Mabinogi Rep: 420
    Posts: 4
    Yeah, I think that instead of removing them, making the lesser passing grades actually worth something to your advancement is better. As it is somewhat frustrating to lose any chance for progress, just because I lost track of time to exit before it finished.

    Or just thinking of better tests overall, that aren't so rng dependent. whatever that would be.

    But in the end it's worth it to say, don't give up. Even though it's crappy you'd probably get it eventually. Whether through learning better methods, or rng smiling upon you!
  • NerezzaNerezza
    Mabinogi Rep: 685
    Posts: 22
    edited June 4, 2020
    I'm going to drop in here because I'm annoyed as fricking hack at the advancement system, as is the norm for probably every NA Mabi player and there are enough of these threads already.

    Shiro42 has a good idea and that's basically how it should have been done in the first place if the people responsible for the system in the first place didn't have their heads shoved someplace they shouldn't have been, but because I doubt they'll re-visit such a complex system simply because non-KR places depend entirely on RNG (did the multi-aggro mobs load defense/counterattack, or are they just rushing me and locking me in a corner this time?) I have a much simpler suggestion:

    Let us (as in, the NA Mabi version) just compensate for the fact that everyone outside KR has to deal with latency just about every advancement test which increases the difficulty of almost every advancement test from godawful to ungodly: Shave 500-1,000 points off the requirements for A/S/SS ranking.

    That would be so easy to do, it could be done by next month's patch, if not in just a day, and we'd no longer have to complain incessantly about the fact that we have to restart dan 3 advancement tests LITERALLY 50 times a day to get SS rank because we're always just under 500 points from getting it in the last 10 seconds because NA latency has fruited us at least twice in the test.
  • KalulahKalulah
    Mabinogi Rep: 705
    Posts: 9
    I don't care how many times it needs to be said: something needs to be done about NA Dan tests. I very much agree with Shiro42's suggestion, but even just lowering the score requirements would help a bit. I gave up on the Dan tests a while ago because of how literally impossible it was for me to complete the magic and archery ones, due to latency. Which is sad, since those were basically the only skills I was interested in Danning, aside from Defense and maybe Healing. Except Healing (and Party Healing) is so useless compared to basically any other form of recovering HP nowadays, that even if they made it the easiest test out of all of them, it still doesn't seem worth taking the tests for.