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Did you smash your gameboy with a hammer after losing to Whitney 3 times even though you saved infront of her too? Even though you had the option to brute force it and level grind (rank skills) or play smarter and search out the Abra for Machop trade in the department store to basically win free with type advantage?
If you are truely incapable of ranking skills and putting on some armor so it does 1 damage or getting adventurer seals to buy guardian soul stones from the seal merchant, why not just follow the suggestions that have surely been made since page one about using a mount to dodge Tagar's attacks or using Anchor Rush for invincibility frames theres nothing "unfair" about it when you can completely mitigate the damage or just evade it with basic movement and or skills.
As for Talvish it's just timing Shield of Trust, there is counter play it cannot be "unfair".
I did see mention of Balor's grab, that is infact an "unfair" mechanic as there is no counter play to it in the generation quest, but game design wise it's intended to teach you that you're generally going to need to use techniques like dampen shock and blunting field to survive hits this new high level content finishing g22 allows you to participate in if you're going in alone, in the actual Revived Illusion mission the grab can be canceled if party members attack Balor enough, this is true for Girgashey's grab as well in the actual apostle raids.
But really, to make the pokemon comparison again because everyone will understand it, this thread just comes off as "hey guys I found a glitch to skip from gym 3 to gym 7 without putting in the work to level my party or build a team with good type coverage. WAAAAAAAAAAA GYM 7 IS UNFAIR BECAUSE I CANT WIN IT NEEDS NERFED AND MADE EASY SO I CAN WIN AND GET THE BADGE AND DOPAMINE. WHY WONT YOU NERF GYM 7 NINTENDO I'M NEVER PLAYING YOUR GAME AGAIN."
The generation quest balance is fine, Devcat hasn't victimized you because they provide more difficult content for you to complete after the previous easier content. Relax.
Although this game is not dark souls like, so winning only leaves a sour after taste because of the weird gimmicks with the AI being "broken"?
I already got used to this, I just hope we don't get power creeps anymore so that I don't have to do even more RNG just to get an edge in battle.
I'm not saying the game needs to be easy. I'm just saying it should be balanced. This game has been a part of my life for almost 10 years now. I've sunk a lot of time and money into this game, and I want to enjoy it. But yeah... This game has a lot of flaws, but I only bring them up to get them fixed because I care about this game and want to see it be good so I can continue to enjoy it.
My experience is similarly frustrating, but I've managed to fight my way through to Tagar at this time. I play a 6k Elf (Really bad focus on skills, primarily Vates with Archery and Chain skills), and it's been a nightmare. Though if there is a will, there is a way. Even without insane reforges or items.
Every fight has been beaten up to this point with no abuse on Hide. I have used mounted archery, but my bow isn't nearly strong enough to do actual damage at this time, so I mainly just water cannon things down.
Hasidim - I utilized Chain and Alchemy in this fight. I just mounted up and stayed as far away from him as possible during the survival phase. During the second part, I used Chain to rack up those 8 crits as quickly as possible, and as soon as that was done, I swapped it out for my Brionac. Utilizing Life Drain and Spear of God, I was able to just stay away from him by mounting up between spear cooldowns and I utilized Life Drain to keep myself alive in combination with Mana Shield.
Tagar - This one is tricky; I've been working on a strategy, dying and going back at it due to armor doing essentially nothing and the boss having an insane amount of HP. So far, I've used Archery and Brionac to stay away from her and try to throw in as much damage as possible with a mount (Yay mounted archery). When she "digs", as soon as she isn't targetable, she marks where you were standing. Move as fast away from there as possible. She'll do it up to 3 times and on the 3rd time, she'll float around and "assess" her targets. Leaving a good window for some damage to be thrown in. What's killing me right now is the poison effect she has that slows you, which she chains into the dig thing that does like 800 damage a hit. I was unaware of this effect so I haven't planned for it yet, but a combination of Water Cannon and Spear of God has done wonders. Oh, and due to her high Prot, I'd also recommend using Shadow Spirit to cut that number down so you can actually do more than a couple hundred damage.
That is the most asinine comparison I have ever heard.
Of course the 7th Gym would be hard if you skipped to it from the 3rd. The level difference is obvious. Also, there are other factors in Mabi that aren't present in games like Pokemon, such as reaction time (Pokemon don't attack until both participants choose their moves), and the fact that one blip of lag can completely botch your flow. Lag, by the way, that is 100% server-sided.
And, by the way, a meteor attack that summons multiple meteors, meteors that can also keep you knocked down long enough for the second one to hit, is unfair, especially when it only takes two meteors to kill a player.
Doppelganger - Auto regen actually stalls when it gets hit by anything - in order to have an easier time with this fight try to have and do the following:
-Mana Shield (or really high defense)
- a pet (your free thoroughbred works)
- Rank 1 Divine link (Preferable)
-1 AoE skill that does high damage that you can use (Snap- casted fire ball, Final hit etc)
Rank 1 healing - (preferable)
before heading into the fight do the the following:
- Set pet to collab attack mode
once you're in the fight in the first 5 seconds where the boss is spawning or loading summon your pet and Divine link with it - once the fight begins and the clones spawn use right click the doppelganger and have the pet constantly harass/attack him (this will cause him to stop the regen) - meanwhile attack and dispose of all the clones as fast as you can.
- once the clones are gone - you can focus your attention and aggression on the doppelganger by itself - and if your pet starts to look like it's dying just heal it with your healing skill
when more clones spawn - just return to disposing of them as fast as you can - rinse and repeat until he's dead.
Talvish: - Bring HP potions - and just pay attention to when judgement blades go down as soon as they do - use Shield of trust to dodge the instant kill
spam your new divinity power up until 50 (if you can) and Nova Bomb him
honestly if you are 5,000 total and rank the correct skills (Mana shield - 1 AOE, Divine link etc) you should not be having trouble with this generation
if you picked pure combat without survivability- then pick up those skills.
I failed that event so im stuck around cumu-level 3500-ish and thats enough to get nightmare mode out of everything trying to kill me in the main questline nowadays.
I also pulled the following from the wiki: for gen 19, difficulty of the SM's is based on level: Beginner for 1~99 total | Intermediate for 100~299 total | Advanced for 300~999 total | Hard for 1000+ total. For both gens 20 and 21: All missions in this storyline are fixed to Basic difficulty.
TLDR: The difficulty of gens 20 and 21 are not based on your level or skills. Chapter 6 is easily highest difficulty/learning curve, regardless of level.
It's not the difficulty that's the problem. It's the unfair design choices they made in G21 to give every boss at least one unfair advantage that is far more of an annoyance than it should be. It's a way to add artificial difficulty to the game, and it shows that Nexon has pretty much given up on clever game design because the new generations continue to use this "artificial" difficulty to make the game harder rather than making clever content, and it shows. Back in the times of the dungeons and shadow missions when they were at their peak, they added harder missions like the Lord missions and made it something that was hard, but fair. Ever since G19, it seems like Nexon has thrown clever game design out the window and into a grinder.
G20 isn't hard at all. Most of those missions are "Survive until the game tells you to do something else". And you can usually just let the others tank while you go hide till the game says "Kill this boss now". G21 is where the difficulty ramps up, not due to the difficulty, but due to the unfair advantages many have. Some like the Doppelganger can be beat with the right strategy, but Tagar and Talvish are the two fights I wish Nexon had fired the people who came up with that crap. G19 isn't too bad, but it's more annoying than hard. Girgishay is a bit more of a pain than he should be.
I am trying to agree with you somewhat by saying that all of the g21 missions, despite being forced to the lowest possible setting, are some kind of hell. G19 had that learning curve for me, but it is BS that their attacks seem to have infinite range, ignore obstacles, etc. G21 especially said "Hope you have this, if not too bad" and didn't even tell you what it was you needed. I literally had to buy dual guns for one of the missions because nothing, not even Final Hit, was fast enough to clear it.
I'm insanely glad that g22 was nowhere near as bad, but I can see some annoying moments that I might've just gotten lucky through. The boss fight was tough and had a little of the BS, but significantly less. I'm currently in g23 and my current objective is to clear an old version of Longa Dungeon. Before that, I had to clear an old version of Par Dungeon. Chapter 6 was bad, but at least Chapter 7 is, so far, a lot better (no spoilers please).
Just wait till you get to G24 where the BS ramps up significantly. Without spoiling anything, even the first shadow missions are completely designed to only be completed by those who are OP as hell.
I will say though that G23 wasn't as bad when it came to difficulty. I won't spoil anything so far, but some of the fights were actually kind of fun (It was hard, but doable with the right strategies). Most of them you might have to try a few times, but I managed to pull it off. Some were a little unfair, but not nearly to the extent of some other storylines (Like G21.)
What I did for G24, for the grouchy elf.. I just spammed IS so he couldn't touch me.
I think the most struggle is the Edgelord in Bangor with his fire pillars of suffering (whoever thought that was a good idea should be demoted to janitor) I died so many times and it took like 6 tries to actually get past that..
Also vaguely named them to avoid spoilers and also not bothered to type out (aka completely butcher) their namesI tried keeping my distance, and I managed to get far enough from them so that their AI all stopped (a.k.a, too far for their AI to activate).
Just sat that ten minutes doodling.
My point is I got huge vibes that I would need to spend more money in order to get a Mission Complete for these bosses which wasn't always the case back during earlier generations. You could get away with 10 max Nao stones and come out of the mission feeling good about your new found abilities/skill sets/ or transformations, but seeing as the transformations aren't even worth it why is this beneficial for us or the longevity of the game?
I understand that mabi has taken a plunge in players and it's obvious through the server merge, but this is not how you make up for it. Creating a story line with unforgivably long winded dialogue where I am so over it I don't even read the content any longer because I feel like it just doesn't add to the content. Also, I know at some point I will need to be in battle for over an hour fighting a boss SOLO so why waste more time on this rediculous dialogue? I also might add that a party of 8 would struggle with these bosses, but at least do more damage.
I've said it before and I will say it again, an MMO is meant to be played with others and there should be an ability to form a party to defeat these bosses..ESPECIALLY SAID bosses. I understood it being a necessary solo mission back during early generations, but now it doesn't make much sense to the players and I don't see how it makes much sense for the longevity of the game.
Immersion is great in mabi which is why a lot of us play still and I want to continue playing, but give us some gens that can make up for this flop. It isn't just impossible, long winded, and tedious but I don't see how new players would want to stay once they reach these missions.
While veterans of the game may be understanding, I don't see anyone picking this game up working through the somewhat tedious bosses and then making it go G21 to get a slap in the face. That's literally what it is. A slap in the face. I"m tenured and I feel this way!
I agree with the original post, poor game design, and a lack of perspective. I posted not just for an addition of input, but I have a faint hope that the writers will see this and rectify the situation. Very-very....very--faint hope.
Let's not forget the last-second vaguely worded "advice" some of those fights give you before you instantly fail those fights due to one snowflake mechanic in them, forcing you to go through too much dialogue to re-enter those fights so you can try doing that mehcanic correctly again, usually after waiting 5 minutes because for some reason generations 20-24 need you to use elf hide (haha, sucks for you giants and humans) for 5 minutes for no reason in almost every fight.
The only reason I gives this generation a score of 4/10 instead of something lower is because it didn't have RP SMs, so it's got that going for it at least.