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What %%% (Percentage) of the Time Do YOU Go AFK ?
Or if not that, then to hang out with whoever is currently online at the time
another game has my AFK time instead
"Mabinogi: Your Fantasy AFK Simulator"
one of them will be idle, so I am almost always AFK (except when I joust on both computers at the same time). That's a somewhat nebulous description so let's just say that it's more than 0%.
Can i ask you why you are so... captivated by this Jousting?
Although, I do pretend afk to people watch in-game. Aesthetics are my interest, so I like checking out afker's overall designs of their characters face & clothes. Even if you're completely newbie or pro, chances are, I'm moving camera around to get a good look at you.
Other times I'm just semi-afk watching youtube or anime lol
Omg I also do the second part XD
Good thing i decided to extend my HS and pretty it up so i could afk there safely lol.
Safe from stalkers
What's the point of being antisocial in MMO
afkers should be on display, they work hard for their look. now invite me to your hs
Or you go on your account and hang out around shadow missions. You know, like you usually do.
Oh no, stalkers are defined as looking at other characters and seeing how other people create their characters!?!?!?Oh no! There must be stalkers everywhere!!! Pfft
Lol, it's okay, we're all just being silly.
I think this place has enough sarcasm to last through next winter.
Ah okay okay.
I almost never afk in my homestead even though I love to decorate it. not sure why but I rarely spend time there at all. most of the time I afk in public locations like a street cat that is pretty to look at but doesn't often get to close to people. it can be a lot of fun listening to players chat when they think you are afk. when I do want to afk alone I use my warp imp to go to Tir Na Nog and hide out where Ferghus's shop would be cause almost nobody ever goes there even when they do need to go to Tir Na Nog for something.
That's not jousting, that's the twilight zone!