Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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[KR] (Update) My Little Pet


  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Sherri wrote: »
    I don't have any room for any of those new HS items, even with a Lvl 15 HS..

    Same, but I know once this hits I'm going to just have to decide what I really don't need and stow it elsewhere.

    Like I got some of those mining rocks and shellfish gathering spots on my homestead, I could replace with these new pet resting objects.

    You can only have one of each type of pet rest object. So no Level 4 Stable and a Level 1 Stable. But you can have a Level 4 Stable and a Level 4 Cat Tower and Level 2 Large Pasture, etc etc. As long as they're different types.
    So at least there's a limit of how much space you'd need to fully accommodate all the objects.
  • YoridenYoriden
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,910
    Posts: 82
    Found some footage of the pet update here.

  • YoridenYoriden
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,910
    Posts: 82
    edited November 30, 2019
    (KR) Test Server public testing of modification of Pet Content is in the works.
    Update Notice
    -(New!) a dedicated Pet Slot has been added.
    Meant to remark on this earlier, but between what I'm gleaming from that page via Google Translate and seeing in the video I posted above, it looks like there will be a new system where you can turn monsters into tiny pets?

    Interestingly, they seem to be called Pihne Pets and use Pihne Gems that look a lot like the one used to locate Caswyn in G20. That's probably how we will be expected to be able to meet pet-type requirements for the missions without having to acquire a full-fledged pet of every type.

    ...I'm hype for this. Anyone else hype for this? XD I will take tiny babies to battle. Provided they can hit anything and aren't just Mini Pets except tinier. They're probably just Mini Pets but tinier.

    Edit: Doesn't look like you can name them- I'm guessing they can't fight. XD Sad.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited November 30, 2019
    My guess is that these Phine Pets could have potential to replace the Mini Pets system.
    (Which are easily broken upon server transfer, as KR likely didn't want to fix for NA.)

  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Greta wrote: »
    Way better than Squires...

    I have been feline that same way about this too.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    edited December 1, 2019
    So a few new skills menionted on the Pihne Pet page.
    (Names probably not final, you know how Google Translate can be)

    Pihne's Catching
    Passive skill. Lets monsters drop Pihne Gems.

    Pihne's Blooming
    Turns Pihne Gems into Pihne Pet Whistles.
    It's required to use the homestead objects called Blooming Cages.
    You can install up to 4 Blooming Cages on your homestead at once, at least at level 6+ Homestead.
    After a certain amount of time has passed, the Gem in the Cage will turn into a Pihne Pet Whistle.

    Pihne's Craft
    Allows you to make items that add additional effects to a Pihne Pet

    Pihne's Shining Bead (Yeah, I dunno)
    Lets you attach Pihne Bead Items onto Pihne Pets to let them use Pihne Bead Skills
    Skills: (some descriptions are confusing so I'm not completely sure)
    Floral Shield: Temporary Damage shield
    Healing Bubble: Heals HP/MP to party members that touch the bubble around the pet
    Pihnne Punch: "Dealing skills that cause damage to the enemy by punching down the air around the pet."
    Wind Rush: "A gust of wind around the pet that extends in all directions and dealing damage to the enemy dealing skills."
    Pulling Field: "Mezz skills that attract damage around the pet."
    Pushing Field: "Mezz skill that deals damage by knocking out enemies around the pet."

    Pihne Sync
    This one's confusing.
    Seems to be combining pets into other pets to grant additional effects?
    Maybe you can only combine Pihne pets into real pets? Someone else is gonna have to make sense of this one.

    Pihne Pet Mastery
    Increases Pihne Pet's Max/Min Damage, Magic Attack, Def/Prot/Mdef/Mprot, HP/MP/SP.
    They also gain a special effect to their normal attacks. These effects are named after those elemental spirit things (You know, the support puppets and homestead figures)
    Uisce- Attacks enemies around the target with water
    Solas- Attacks enemies around the target with lightning
    Teine- Fire attacks the targeted enemy (not sure if it's actual damage or a bleed)
    Gaoth- Poisons the enemy, and deals damage to enemies near the poisoned enemies
    Talamh- Earth attack on the targeted enemy inflicting great damage

    That last one makes it sound like Pihne pets can attack enemies.
    But I think there's, like, two versions of Pihne Pets.
    Those made from Gems using the Blooming Cages, and those made from Syncing the Bloomed ones into real pets.

    Also the picture Darkpixie99 you can see the icons for Pihne Pull and Pihne Punch there in the middle column of the pet hotkeys.

    The skill icon that has a % on it, is a specialty skill.
    It's built up by 10% for every minute the pet is summoned, and 1% every time the pet attacks or is attacked.
    Think there's 3.
    Runaway Time: Increases Damage and Attack Speed of the pet for a period of time
    Freezing Field: Freezes enemies around your pet while lowering their defenses. (translation also says it's a "Mezz skill" just like Push/Pull, but I can't make sense of what Mezz is supposed to be)
    Wings of Swiftness: Increases Pet's and Owner's movement speed for a period of time.

    Finally, I can't tell if this is a plain old balance or just something that applies to Pihne Pets but the existing Pet Perks got a small buff.
    Blue Shield: The shield's efficiency is increased and the Mdef/Mprot buff is increased.
    Healing Rays: Target limit is increased to 7 in all ranks (used to be only r1) and radius of effect is increased.
    Bonding Ties: Experience is increased
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    Found another video from LightMocca:
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    "Pet Essentials" was the only word I got out of this one.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Hey, as is probably obvious, we're getting this update Soon™!

    Have ya seen the pet houses?
    Well check the micro-site and check out some of the materials to make them.
    From what I understand, pet houses work like the player house, installation-wise.
    You need to start from the bottom, and then upgrade them to their next form.
    The micro-site (click here!) lists some of the materials to make them. While some of them are new items coming with the update, you can get a head-start by gathering already existing items in preparation.

    There's many new materials you can't get ahead of time like Pet Essential Oil, Mythril Nails, etc, but there're still some you can get right now.
    Like Stage 3 and 4 Cat Towers need Sparkling Glass Marbles, which you can find via metallurgy at Scuabtuinne.
    And Stage 3 and 4 Stables take Building Stones, which you can easily find by killing golems found in Basic/Int Other Alchemists, or at the end of Ciar dungeon runs.

    But really, it seems like you'll need a metric TON of Wood Boards and Finest Firewood, so probably a good idea to get a start on getting those!

    As far as already existing materials are concerned:
    Cloud Cushion needs:
    • Tough Thread- x3/x5/x15/x20
      Total: 43
    • Finest Fabric- x3/x5/x15/x20
      Total: 43
    • Homestead Stone- x10/x15/x20/x30
      Total: 75
    Cat Tower needs:
    • Wood Board- x3/x5/x15/x30
      Total: 53
    • Finest Firewood- x3/x5/x15/x30
      Total: 53
    • Sparkling Glass Marble- x0/x0/x10/x20
      Total: 30
    • Homestead Stone- x15/x30/x50/x100
      Total: 195
    Medium Pet Pasture needs:
    • Wood Board- x3/x5/x15/x20
      Total: 43
    • Finest Firewood- x3/x5/x15/x20
      Total: 43
    • Bottled Water- x0/x0/x3/x3
      Total: 6
    • Homestead Stone- x10/x15/x20/x30
      Total: 75
    Stable needs:
    • Wood Board- x3/x5/x15/x30
      Total: 53
    • Finest Firewood- x3/x5/x15/x30
      Total: 53
    • Building Stone- x0/x0/x10/x20
      Total: 30
    • Homestead Stone- x15/x30/x50/x100
      Total: 195
    Large Pet Pasture needs:
    • Wood Board- x15/x20
      Total: 35
    • Finest Firewood- x15/x20
      Total: 35
    • Homestead Stone- x20/x30
      Total: 50

    For a grand total of:
    x184 Wood Board
    x184 Finest Firewood
    x590 Homestead Stones
    x43 Tough Thread
    x43 Finest Fabric
    x30 Sparkling Glass Marble
    x30 Building Stone
    x6 Bottled Water

    This is not counting their new materials and the blueprint items, which presumably come from somewhere like the expeditions themselves or something.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Good thing i had hoarded some or these things unknowingly, but i still gonna need to somehow get more woodboards...
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Greta wrote: »
    Good thing i had hoarded some or these things unknowingly, but i still gonna need to somehow get more woodboards...

    Don't suppose you have some leftover gift boxes from past events that can pop them out?
    Actually crafting them from scratch is such a pain... Why does a Wood Board need anything but wood, let alone Iron Bars, Nails, and Tough String??

    Well, maybe you can try and see how Ascon's PTJ feels like treating you.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Good thing i had hoarded some or these things unknowingly, but i still gonna need to somehow get more woodboards...

    Don't suppose you have some leftover gift boxes from past events that can pop them out?
    Actually crafting them from scratch is such a pain... Why does a Wood Board need anything but wood, let alone Iron Bars, Nails, and Tough String??

    Well, maybe you can try and see how Ascon's PTJ feels like treating you.

    Yeah, i was about to farm them in Ascon's PTJ. Gonna rebirth to Life talent and try to reach advanced tier job. Might get like 3 Woodboard's per job i assume if i get that advanced job.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Sherri wrote: »
    I don't have any room for any of those new HS items, even with a Lvl 15 HS..

    Time for level 20 expansion.
  • GypsySpiritGypsySpirit
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,340
    Posts: 270
    Hopefully they'll roll out an event to get the materials more easily with part two because that it a lot. O.O
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Hopefully they'll roll out an event to get the materials more easily with part two because that it a lot. O.O

    Yeah, it's definitely work to get them all up to their maximum tiers.
    But this is just for existing materials.
    There's still the new stuff like the Cushion Stuffing and Pet Essential Oils, and of course the blueprint items that I'm not actually sure where to get.
    But, at least there's the upcoming Community Livestream that'll probably shed some light on that.

    I'm hoping they aren't that hard to get, since even a Tier-1 pet house needs some of them, and those are the only way to remove pet fatigue without waiting for the weekly fatigue reset.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    After checking out my hoarded stuff i realized i'm pretty much only needing Woodboards and Building Stones. I can only worry about not getting lazy now and collect them, also hoping my Homestead will have enough space for this update.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Greta wrote: »
    After checking out my hoarded stuff i realized i'm pretty much only needing Woodboards and Building Stones. I can only worry about not getting lazy now and collect them, also hoping my Homestead will have enough space for this update.

    I still don't have much to say on getting Wood Boards, but Other Alchemists Basic (and only Basic, to my knowledge) Golems are a great source of Building Stones if you don't want to run Stones of Sliab Cuilin/Ciar for 1 Building Stone a run.
    Plus the Golems in Basic Other Alch have a small chance to drop Wood Boards.
    I wouldn't say it's a GOOD drop rate of Boards, but I did manage to get 3 to drop in the time it took me to get the 30 Building Stones I wanted from them.

    While the Sunflower event's still going, go and sit in the Sunflower fields for 10 minutes for the 1.5x drop rate buff if you choose to hunt the stones from Basic OA Golems.
    It's already not a very long ordeal, at least if you just spam the entrance room's 3 spawns and exit/reenter, but it'd make it even quicker.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    While the Sunflower event's still going, go and sit in the Sunflower fields for 10 minutes for the 1.5x drop rate buff if you choose to hunt the stones from Basic OA Golems.
    It's already not a very long ordeal, at least if you just spam the entrance room's 3 spawns and exit/reenter, but it'd make it even quicker.

    I totally forgot about that buff in Sunflower field. Thanks! I think i might try it out.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    edited June 16, 2020
    Okay I know the update is basically here, since it's coming up this maint or something, but here's some of the new materials and how to get them... I think.
    It's kind of hard to parse that Youtube video since it's in Korean but let's just start with a list of the new materials needed.

    Cloud Cushion
    • Cotton Cushion Stuffing - 5/15/25/50
    • Pet Essential Oil - 0/0/3/4
    Cat Tower
    • Soft Fur Fabric - 8/15/35/50
    • Mythril Nail - 8/15/35/50
    • Pet Essential Oil - 0/0/3/4
    Medium Pet Pasure
    • Artificial Turf - 5/15/25/50
    • Pet Essential Oil - 0/0/3/4
      Straw Dummy - 8/15/35/50
    • Mythril Nail - 8/15/35/50
    • Pet Essential Oil - 0/0/3/4
    Large Pet Pasture
    • Artificial Turf - 25/50
    • Pet Essential Oil - 3/4

    For a total of:
    Cotton Cushion Stuffing - 95
    Soft Fur Fabric - 108
    Mythril Nail - 216
    Artificial Turf - 170
    Straw Dummy - 108
    Pet Essential Oil - 35

    Now let's see where we'll get these materials.
    • Cotton Cushion Stuffing is made via Handicraft and will require Fine Wool, which is randomly obtained from Shearing a Sheep and Thin Thread made from cobwebs. An upgraded gathering knife and high rank of Sheep Shearing will serve you well for gathering the Fine Wool. You'll need 20 Fine Wool and 5 Thin Threads apiece. 475 Thin Threads and 1900 Fine Wool.
    • Soft Fur Fabric is made via Weaving at a Loom. It needs 20 Soft Fur which is obtained by defeating Wing-eared Rabbits at Avalon. That's 2,160 total fur needed, so that's a LOT of rabbits... Try to make use of the Grandmaster Tailoring special effect for random refunds of materials to help cut down on the extinction of Avalon rabbits.
    • Mythril Nails are made via Refining. Break out the Arat Crystals and Holy Water so you can use Synthesis to grow more Mythril Ingots because each nail takes 20 ingots apiece. Since you'll need 216 nails, this is a whopping 4,320 Mythril Ingots! Yikes!
    • Artificial Turf is made via Handicraft and will require Fresh Grass randomly obtained when Hoeing flower patches and Bundle of Flowers from the same place. Each Artificial Turf needs 20 Fresh Grass and 5 Bundle of Flowers. Flower Patches can be found in many places, like Emain Macha, Ceo Island, and Zardine. 3,400 Fresh Grass and 850 Bundles of Flowers altogether.
    • Straw Dummy is made via Handicraft and will require "Garbage Wheat" which is randomly obtained when Harvesting from Wheat and Finest Leather Strap. Each Straw Dummy need 20 Garbage Wheat and 1 Finest Leather Strap. 2,160 Garbage Wheat and 108 Finest Leather Straps in total.
    • Pet Essential Oil finally, seems to be an occasional reward from the Pet Expeditions themselves. At least I think that's what was being shown in the video.

    I'm still not sure on the Blueprints, but I think they might be bought via Ducats at the Commerce Imp's shop.
    Not really sure on the total price, but it might require as many as 10,000,000 Ducats for all of the Blueprints.
    If anyone actually knows for sure, that'd be cool.
  • noobodyzxznoobodyzxz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 419
    does this mean I can have my pets earn gold for me ?
    just like what I do with my squires
    while I do other stuff (like afk-ing, random training, spending the gold they earned for me and modifying my hs over and over again )
    yeah Im a very awful person and I feel bad being myself

    I'm really excited for this update
    hope most of the new stuff are free or can be built with mats in hs