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Fastest way to level up your pets at the moment?
Some expeditions require pets to be over level 120, but pets get such a small amount of your xp that this can be pretty challenging. Has anyone found a effective way to level them up?
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting Baltaine missions are a thing...xD
well It's there but not as convenient as I'd like it to be.
How it's not?
About the bolded part, do you not have the Divine Link skill?
Because that causes your pet to gain 100% of your character's Combat Experience from killing enemies.
And it even has a subskill called Enlightened Vision that can increase your combat EXP while linked by up to +45%.
It doesn't let pets gain any quest exp (though the Bonding Ties pet perk can give a pet a portion of that), the combat EXP-boosting effect makes it great for Baltane Elite missions.
Though yeah, with the limitations of Baltane Elite missions needing a pass, and having a minimum and maximum level for getting EXP can make it inconvenient to level up more than one pet per rebirth.
But it really is the simplest/fastest to level up one pet if you can deal with that.
If you have a powerful Ice Spear, you can nuke Shyllien Nature Reserve Outskirts 2 (with a Tendering Potion S if your CP is too high).
This does suffer from Camping Penalty if you don't subscribe to the VIP service.
Probably the fastest and easiest method is the least accessible, and that's to just use a Glimmering Golden Supplement to instantly raise a pet to level 200.
Cause once you reach level 150, bye bye exp.
That's still good enough, you rebirth once you can and repeat. Other than that you can try dungeon, but i'm sure it's very time consuming and exp isn't that good depending which one you run.
x2 exp potion
x1.5 Cleric Party
x1.5 Divine Link
x1.5 friend with returning titleJust kill the orb rooms and repeat. Conversely if you're strong enough you can use the first phase of Kraken ADV for exp with the same multipliers. It's not as quick or efficient as baltanes but you can do it when you pass 150.
100%? well.
you just said what I needed. thank u