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Pet Adventurer Guide


  • CMKyriosCMKyrios
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,640
    Posts: 220
    Hey guys, I wanted to provide you all with an update regarding the frequency of special expeditions and the acquisition of Pet Essential Oils.

    Firstly, as I wrote earlier in this thread, the bug that allows you to reset the mission list is not intended. The team will aim to fix this ASAP due to its obvious short term impacts.

    Secondly, we received word back from our team that it is intended that special expeditions come up as rarely as they do. As a result, yes it is anticipated that the price of Pet Essential Oil is very high given it's importance in Stage 3/4 Pet Houses (2 for Large Pasture). However it's also anticipated that over time, the demand for this material will plummet. To give some context, your prices are not far off from what KR's started off at as well (around 4-5 million per 1). Today, their costs for the material have fallen under 100,000 per 1, and we'd expect that as time goes on and people finish their pet houses and accrue extra oil and competitively undercut one another with their excess, that our servers would likely follow suit.

    The team understands that this may make the system a little less enticing and too costly for some people. I could only encourage you to utilize the lower level pet houses for now and continue to passively earn rewards as you have been as the prices to upgrade beyond Stage 2 lower over time.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    CMKyrios wrote: »
    Hey guys, I wanted to provide you all with an update regarding the frequency of special expeditions and the acquisition of Pet Essential Oils.

    Firstly, as I wrote earlier in this thread, the bug that allows you to reset the mission list is not intended. The team will aim to fix this ASAP due to its obvious short term impacts.

    Secondly, we received word back from our team that it is intended that special expeditions come up as rarely as they do. As a result, yes it is anticipated that the price of Pet Essential Oil is very high given it's importance in Stage 3/4 Pet Houses (2 for Large Pasture). However it's also anticipated that over time, the demand for this material will plummet. To give some context, your prices are not far off from what KR's started off at as well (around 4-5 million per 1). Today, their costs for the material have fallen under 100,000 per 1, and we'd expect that as time goes on and people finish their pet houses and accrue extra oil and competitively undercut one another with their excess, that our servers would likely follow suit.

    The team understands that this may make the system a little less enticing and too costly for some people. I could only encourage you to utilize the lower level pet houses for now and continue to passively earn rewards as you have been as the prices to upgrade beyond Stage 2 lower over time.

    I wish Large pets could utilize lower level pet houses, but if you can't get your hands on the oil you can't even build the stage 1 large pasture.
    I get that this likely won't be a problem once the supply overtakes the demand over time like is being predicted, but it sure is a sore point right now to have to wait for a large pet to reset their fatigue on Saturday because it's Monday and they're already at 3 Fatigue from being on an expedition team three days in a row and you got one special mission since the update that failed to get the bonus at 96% success rate and oils are still millions apiece.

    Though really, my main complaint is with one material for a certain pet house.
    That pet house is the Cat Tower and that material is the Soft Fur Fabric, or more specifically the item needed to make them, Soft Fur Pelt.

    You don't think y'all could maybe change the drop to be a 100% drop rate for it?
    2,160 pelts is already a lot, and the non-100% drop rate and (at least for normal players) coupled with the Camping Penalty and the eventual full-stoppage of field-mob drops after a certain point, and the poor source of EXP for their HP pool and the sparse spacing pretty much requiring the use of a fast mount or some sort of movement attack skill just... It's not fun! It's very not fun!
    And whatever the drop rate is, even using the 1.5x drop rate boost from the currently running Sunflower event's Blissful Aura buff doesn't boost it up to 100%, so it's probably at least less than 50% on its own.

    An increased spawn rate, density, or drop rate would be welcome, with all three together being perfect.
    Or heck, making it so they drop in batches of greater than 1 at a time would be nice as well!
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320

    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Though really, my main complaint is with one material for a certain pet house.
    That pet house is the Cat Tower and that material is the Soft Fur Fabric, or more specifically the item needed to make them, Soft Fur Pelt.

    You don't think y'all could maybe change the drop to be a 100% drop rate for it?
    2,160 pelts is already a lot, and the non-100% drop rate and (at least for normal players) coupled with the Camping Penalty and the eventual full-stoppage of field-mob drops after a certain point, and the poor source of EXP for their HP pool and the sparse spacing pretty much requiring the use of a fast mount or some sort of movement attack skill just... It's not fun! It's very not fun!
    And whatever the drop rate is, even using the 1.5x drop rate boost from the currently running Sunflower event's Blissful Aura buff doesn't boost it up to 100%, so it's probably at least less than 50% on its own.

    An increased spawn rate, density, or drop rate would be welcome, with all three together being perfect.
    Or heck, making it so they drop in batches of greater than 1 at a time would be nice as well!

    the drop rates for fur pelts are not horrible, it is just difficult to find a time when they are not being farmed by everyone else. I usually farm for fur pelts anytime between 1:00am and 7:00am pdt. takes the less the a hour to farm 20 pelts and even farmed 60 fur pelts once in under 3 hours. mythril ore feels much more annoying to farm for. if anyone has a low weaving rank wait until Monday to craft your soft fur fabrics cause it increases your success rate and rank 1 harvest song also helps.
  • SorathSorath
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,085
    Posts: 38
    Negumiko wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »

    the drop rates for fur pelts are not horrible, it is just difficult to find a time when they are not being farmed by everyone else. I usually farm for fur pelts anytime between 1:00am and 7:00am pdt. takes the less the a hour to farm 20 pelts and even farmed 60 fur pelts once in under 3 hours. mythril ore feels much more annoying to farm for. if anyone has a low weaving rank wait until Monday to craft your soft fur fabrics cause it increases your success rate and rank 1 harvest song also helps.

    20 pelts per hour is not exactly a generous rate, considering you need 160 pelts just for stage 1 of the cat tower. That's 8 hours of pelt farming just for the first level of one pet house. Even at the rate I was getting them, which was about 15 in 20 minutes before I gave up, that's 3 hours just to get one material for a level 1 pet house. Mythril is easy because you can just use synthesis duping to create mythril ingots, so you can bang out hundreds of ingots in a matter of minutes.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Negumiko wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Though really, my main complaint is with one material for a certain pet house.
    That pet house is the Cat Tower and that material is the Soft Fur Fabric, or more specifically the item needed to make them, Soft Fur Pelt.

    You don't think y'all could maybe change the drop to be a 100% drop rate for it?
    2,160 pelts is already a lot, and the non-100% drop rate and (at least for normal players) coupled with the Camping Penalty and the eventual full-stoppage of field-mob drops after a certain point, and the poor source of EXP for their HP pool and the sparse spacing pretty much requiring the use of a fast mount or some sort of movement attack skill just... It's not fun! It's very not fun!
    And whatever the drop rate is, even using the 1.5x drop rate boost from the currently running Sunflower event's Blissful Aura buff doesn't boost it up to 100%, so it's probably at least less than 50% on its own.

    An increased spawn rate, density, or drop rate would be welcome, with all three together being perfect.
    Or heck, making it so they drop in batches of greater than 1 at a time would be nice as well!

    the drop rates for fur pelts are not horrible, it is just difficult to find a time when they are not being farmed by everyone else. I usually farm for fur pelts anytime between 1:00am and 7:00am pdt. takes the less the a hour to farm 20 pelts and even farmed 60 fur pelts once in under 3 hours. mythril ore feels much more annoying to farm for. if anyone has a low weaving rank wait until Monday to craft your soft fur fabrics cause it increases your success rate and rank 1 harvest song also helps.

    I can't even grind for THAT long, since I don't have Premium/VIP service I eventually get the penalty where I stop getting drops altogether for about an hour which forces me to pause.
    And the Sunflower buff doesn't even have time to expire before it reaches that point, either!

    Also, I do not recommend to manually mine mythril to make all the mythril ingots you need for the nails, that sounds like an absolute slog.
    Unless you're doing it to get some tandem refining training, definitely use the Synthesis recipe of Holy Water, Arat Crystal, and Mythril Ingot to grow 1 ingot into 10 ingots.
    You need 216 nails total for all levels of Cat Tower and Stable, which comes out to 4,320 mythril ingots, not counting any fails! Comes out to about 450 Holy Water and Arat Crystals, but frankly Holy Water is faster to farm and Arat Crystals come commonly from the end chest of Shadow Missions. Which sounds loads better than grinding for 21,600 Mythril Ore/Fragments.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Yeah, but you forgot Synthesis training. It's horrible to train it, still stuck at rB and i have no idea the best method to train it.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Greta wrote: »
    Yeah, but you forgot Synthesis training. It's horrible to train it, still stuck at rB and i have no idea the best method to train it.

    Synthesis doesn't start getting ridiculous to normally train until r5.
    And nothing at rB is something you'd get super stuck on.
    Just use recipe synthesis to make herbs and potions. For herbs at rB I'd recommend Mandrakes since they take 1 Bloody Herb, 1 Base Herb, and 1 HP50 Potion to make (essentially 2 Bloody and 2 Base Herbs), and for potions I'd recommend HPSP 50s, since they take 1 HP50, 1 Stamina 50, and 3 Holy Water apiece. Sure it'll use up some Holy Water, but HPSP 50s are needed for Erg breakthroughs, so you could put them up on the Auction House after you made a stack.
    You could end up getting stuck on needing failures if for some reason you were training it without any skill EXP bonuses, like being over level 100 or using a pair of EXP 2 reforged gloves, but have one or both of those and you'd be fine.
    Until r5, it's basically synthesizing according to recipes or combining popo skirts and gathering knives in groups of 3.

    And you can start growing mythril at r6.
    You'd probably want to hoard your arat crystals and holy waters until saturday for the success rate bonus, of course.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    This is really expensive... I really dislike doing Part-Time Jobs... :D I'm surprised i managed to do Ascon's up to Advanced level, thankfully because all i needed there was Handicraft Kit.
  • FOXAssassinFOXAssassin
    Mabinogi Rep: 850
    Posts: 44
    Without going into a rant. I'd like to add my thoughts into this.

    I'm not a fan of the intentional tedium. The bug allowing for extra missions caps out (you could only have 12 active at one time) and if you had a mission that you couldn't take, you couldn't reset your lists. And your pets could only go on so many before resting
    It was self regulating. And the rewards had a chance to fail, ontop of several layers of RNG to begin with.

    Along with the design of slowing player progress by making them compete directly for resources between players instead of the typical "grind vs buy" tactic that has been used before. Grinding isn't an option for a vast majority of the playerbase,and the oil having -no- direct way to grind.

    There was a clan solely monopolizing the fur pelts earlier. Every single channel had someone mass farming the rabbits, with very few they didn't take from anyone in the area. Then some of the members of said clan laugh about how much money they were making from the auction house.

    A competetive market doesn't really exist. People aren't willing to lower the price of their items that much, usually by a single coin. And then -only- sell them at a fixed price. Look at how much hate the Treasure dungeon event had because of people complaining about "lost profits" at items gouged out from their artifical rarity. Take a look at old items from the dragon raids. Most of which are more expensive than current materials.

    I said I didn't want to go on a rant so I'll cut short, but the "short term" is going to harm the long term. Waiting month(s) for people to get tired/done with pet houses to try to buy the materials is just upsetting. Most people already come back for events every month, why do we need an artifical timer on something that clearly works as-is?
  • KalulahKalulah
    Mabinogi Rep: 705
    Posts: 9
    Grinding isn't an option for a vast majority of the playerbase,and the oil having -no- direct way to grind.
    Take a look at old items from the dragon raids. Most of which are more expensive than current materials.

    To add onto these two points: Let's not forget that the Oil is mandatory for the Stage 1 Large Pet Pasture, like Iyasenu mentioned. I (among other people) are screwed out of being able to rest large pets because of this, until the Oil drops in price. Assuming it ever even does. This is especially frustrating whenever you have very few higher level pets, and some of those happen to be large pets, which means you wind up having to hold off on sending them anywhere in the hopes of a special expedition showing up. Or just bite the bullet and send your large pets out, only to kick yourself later when a special expedition pops up and you literally cannot take it because you can't remove the fatigue off your pets.

    The rarity of the oil / special expeditions wouldn't even bother me if the Stage 1 Large Pasture didn't require it. Hell, I'd even take a stat-less "lite" version of the first stage if it meant I could rest my large pets without having to obtain oil. I'd even accept it if I had to grind even more Artificial Turf just for this decision, to eventually upgrade the pasture from Stage 0 > Stage 1 > Stage 2. Would it be annoying to grind? Sure, but I'd accept it over what we have. Alternatively: a new pet house altogether that was universal--it'd rest any pet regardless of type. Again, would not mind if it was stat-less and could only house one pet at a time. Just as long as it could house large pets, and did not need oil to make.


    As far as the actual prices for the Oil on the market? Comparing KR to NA is not always accurate. We have a different community and different economy with different factors leading up to that. You should not expect the prices of the Oil to drop to "reasonable levels" on our servers just because they did over in KR. You shouldn't even expect the same price trends between NA's servers. Taking dragon raid materials as an example for that last point: Even between Mari and Nao (and unfortunately, I cannot comment on other servers), prices varied wildly. Black Dragon Heart? I saw it consistently listed for around 20mil or so on Mari, post-Auction House update. 20mil. For an item that has been in the game for many years. An item from a raid which people still farm, if the pop-up text is anything to go by. Since the server merge, that price has only skyrocketed. Now, any time I look, it's been almost always anywhere from 100-200mil. All because three different servers, with three inherently different markets, got merged into one. It's been, what? A year since that merge? And the price is still up there.

    My point of that rant is just to show an example: You cannot always rely on something being consistent between the various servers. Some things can be vastly different, and as far as the market goes? Things might be way higher on one server, or plummet way lower on another. Or even the rate, or timing of when each price shift happens will vary between servers. There's no guarantee the Oil will ever be realistically low enough on our servers for the people who cannot afford to drop several million gold for a single pet house stage.

    Don't get me wrong. I understand it's not supposed to be easy. I understand this whole thing was designed to be grindy. I do not expect that to ever change. I just wish there was an alternative for large pets that didn't require the oil. And I don't like for something to be handled with "the price will drop eventually" in mind, whenever that's not always the case. I can only hope that either something changes for the better in-game, or that predictions of it dropping to ~100k like KR are accurate (and doesn't take an obscene amount of time to do so).

    Apologies for the text wall; I struggle with condensing my thoughts.
  • PhialsquizPhialsquiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Posts: 4
    scarletufo wrote: »
    (I don't know how to reply to comments.) Um, what I meant was that I noticed some people not realizing that you could get the Board for free from the basic quest with Nicca without needing to get boards and nails. Heulfryn will also give you a blueprint for free, but because of the missing Handicraft recipes, you can't compete the quest.
    Edit: Just what is the crafting rank need anyway?

    That's they put the stupid quest under Basic quest tab, People like me didn't see that in Event Quest tab. So I wasted 10 Board to make the Pet Board then realizing this quest existed. Had to take it down and destory it. Since it's untrable.
  • PhialsquizPhialsquiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Posts: 4
    I'm grade that Sunflower event give out Sturdy brand of tools again, we can take advantage of that to gather more materials.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Crims wrote: »
    Had better results than this, but here is what you can do while netflixing and chilling!

    That's a special spot right there. :)
    6 activation zones on that one little flower spot I'm standing on.

    There's also a nice spot near Calida Lake's Mana tunnel where Phantasmal Sight can hit a bunch of separate flower gathering nodes.
    Wheat-gathering seems kind of limited, since it only grows in Tir Chonaill, but it also grows in Another World Tir Chonaill. Of course a homestead can grow wheat as well, and you can cluster that if you like, but since it doesn't regrow over time and only at the midnight refresh it's not amazing.
    And for Fine Wool, well if you have a Wolf pet, you can herd sheep in places like Emain so they all get stuck on another side of a fence so they clump closer together and move around a lot less.

    I've made a firewood making FACTORY in my homestead.
    Looks like this basically.
    Incredibly efficient for collecting firewood. I opened it up to my guild only. It's awesome.
  • CMKyriosCMKyrios
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,640
    Posts: 220
    Vaulted. Guide has been placed in the Advanced Guide Section of the website.