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Well, that wasn't too difficult (10k corgi)
Was that also enough to get your doggo up to r1 Fynni Mastery and r1 Gao?
Yes and no. Gao is r1 and Fynn Mastery is r6, almost r5. I'm estimating around 20 to 30 more level 200 pets and it'll be r1. Should take me another couple of days, I got 16 cages in total.
How much damage is your Gao dealing at r1?
*stats are without frenzy
How can you have 16 cages when the limit is 4, alts?
Yeah I didn't give it any food, and yes, alts. I plan to get at least 32 cages total, been putting it off for now. My 3 other alts are also r1 blossoming btw, just for funzies.
Don't break the game... Then again you're using Ferghus as your forum avatar.
How is this even remotely sad? You don't have to be a no-life player to do this, given that most of the time spent on this was probably the wait times for the Fynni Pet Whistles, which don't even require your attention.
Even if you weren't using alts like OP is, you'd only need 50 Fynni Pets at level 200 to achieve this (which aren't hard to get. Werewolves from Fiodh are rA and can be level 200 with r1 blossoming), and blossoming them all would take about 9 days at the bare minimum.
And training Fynni Blossoming wasn't hard for most either given that we just has a x2 training week going on as part of the Master Plan event...
The real challenge is the 500+ magic powders. It took me an hour straight of hitting a lamp post to get enough gems to make around 30 even with the trade in quests. Maybe I'm just unlucky.
It can sound kind of wasteful, but you can "enchant burn" anything, even a single piece of gold, and you'll "fail" and receive 1 Magic Powder in return.
It's basically using a campfire to turn Any Item + 1 Holy Water + 1 Mana Herb into 1 Magic Powder.
Also about hitting stuff for gems, have you checked out the shop area sign over in Port Cobh?
It's over by the area where you can set up personal shops, and has a higher-than-normal drop rate compared to almost every other normal whackable object.
That's what I did, I used my main to gather some PTJ material and used my 8 other alts to get a bunch of holy waters.
i've been spamming Alby for magic powder, not sure if thats a good way to get it or not but it works for me
I also found out that you can also fuse up to 10 fynni pets onto your main pet in a single sync so you'll need significantly less than 500+ magic powders.
It's a shame fynni pets are so weak. I finally have my long held dream of owning a flying sword pet realized only to have it come in a bite sized form with piss poor stats and be relegated to fusion material status. That's beyond lame. On the plus side I won't have to worry about swapping between mounts when I can make one that lasts all day so outweighs it.
Don't mean to rain on the Fynni Pet Parade, but even if you Sync 10 Fynni Pets at once, it's still 1 Perfume per Fynni Pet.
It's just a small time saver, but doesn't have an effect on perfume usage. 10 Fynni Pets in one Sync is still 10 Perfume.