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Bring back Inventory Expansion Coupons!
Please. qq
Really would love if they were permanent, even if they bumped up the price. With weirdly-shaped bags like the recent sunflower bag, my main inventory is an absolute mess; that one bag pretty much ruins a lot of inventory arrangement possibilities on its lonesome - could really do with an extra column in my inventory. lol
As in, not something that NA can milk dry?
That's generous. Which is against Nexon's MO.
On the other hand, selling something only once and never selling it again is usually limited to items generated through stuff like anime crossovers and stuff like that. Things they require legal permission from someone else to achieve. Since its not one of those things, Its very possible to see it again in the future, if not something better.
Please, I am begging T^T
I believe you are referring to