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That quote never was and never will be that big of a deal. Y'all just like drama.
Perhaps we ought to make a thread about what kinds of genres everyone prefers... done in the «fashion» (unintended pun) of poll-options...
e.g.: Dramanogi, Fashionogi, Adventurenogi, Pet-Collectionogi, Questsinogi, Europanogi, Homesteadinogi, Tetrisinogi, Explorinogi, etc....?
Someone went nogi crazy.
Alt detected.
I know I'm forgetful, but I have been here longer than some, I believe you as well.
She was alright, i didn't see any reason disliking her. She never did anything wrong to me and there's no proof that she did something bad to others too. She even held GM events and had her Wedding services. Too bad these things doesn't exist anymore.
Cause people suck the fun out of things by constantly blaming others. Aka people hating on Sabina cause they got nothing better to do.
Right we have the Summer Master Plan event going on. That and with the memory book update you'll be able to catch up fast.
Nice job getting back on topic that you derailed. Pat on the back!
I look forward to your next burst of activity next year.
I look forward to everything!