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Allow VIP Inventory to hold bags.
Just add it like extra weapons slots.
So you mean like a new page like VIP Inv2, VIP Inv3, and so on?
Something like that.
So would it be like purchasing the expansions are permanent but you have to keep paying to keep them active?
I feel like this write-up I did several weeks ago is probably the most sensible way to approach VIP bags and how they'd work when VIP expires...
I think they do work that way now, except that any gold stored there is not included in the gold tally field on your inventory page.
You mean with the expiring bags in the general shops? Since we still can't exactly put bags into VIP inventory - which is kinda what I meant: that bags stored in the VIP tab would work like that ideally.
But if that functionality exists in expiring bags like that, then it makes it all the more realistic that bags stored in the VIP tab would work like that!
Oh, I misunderstood; I thought you were talking about general stuff. At the moment, given the way gold pouches work, my guess is that a bag in VIP would act as an object. So, stuff could be stored in it but to access it after VIP expires would require moving the entire bag to normal inventory and then opening it.
Yeah, they'd need to change things up to work in a way that makes it reasonable to allow them to be stored in VIP. Given that kiosks have the 'clean kiosk' function to them, it probably wouldn't take a lot to add the same function to inventory bags - let you hit the 'clean bag' option for a bag still stored an expired VIP... Or at least allow you quickly empty a bag if you plan to replace or ditch it. It'd be convenient either way!
I actually agree with Greta, this is overkill.
Now if they offer ONE BAG TO RULE THEM ALL and take over my entire screen with ONE bag. That would be something.
a bag that takes up a 9x10 space with a 1x1 capacity
What about a 250x500 bag (with scroll bars)!
Do it with crafting life skills.
Boarding level 0
Affording level 1000. :C