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-have some towns get besieged by bandits making commerce goods more valuable in those towns
-have a commerce party system that makes bandit encounters harder/balanced for parties, with higher commerce sale prices if you succeed on long routes
-add player-crafted commerce goods that make crafting skills relevant to commerce, like maybe one 'kind' of good per each crafting skill, and the ingredients for them partially obtainable only as a sort of commerce bonus at certain towns - like you sell a load of goods, and you have a chance of getting a crafting material; when you make the player commerce item with the crafting skill, you can 'use' it to add it to your current cargo (maybe with bandit difficulty increase?)
some of my suggestions. :P
Can still be troublesome if you are breaking your sales into blocks of 5000 profit to maximise the number of times you train commerce mastery. Even when commercing solo I've tripped myself up with that. Sold my first block for a profit over 5000. Then the price changed and my first sale caused the price to fall so far that my remaining stock would sell at a loss, so I then carted it to a different town.
There should be a group sale certificate of some sort which locks in the price when the registered party leader sells.