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Mysterious fairy tale house
I'm more into the male outfits than the female ones, but hopefully the fanatics will buy more than I enough I can get what I want cheap XP
With a name like that I was expecting this to be another one of those themed events with self-contained storylines, kind of like the Belisha event or the Moonlight Dreams event. I like those kinds of things. Especially if they bring with them something neat, like the Ghost Brothers event brought the William Partner.
So Beauty and the Beast and Snow White are definitely prominent in this one. That is one ostentatious homestead house kit.
That legit hurt my eyes to look at, not gonna lie
It's missing a moat with alligators and crocodiles.
I can see the guys wanting the castle and coloring it dark.
I'm hoping they would add alice in wonder land too
actually I just want another bunny ears one that is pointy and isn't folded (Creepy Rabbit Ear Headband looks good tho)
but that castle tho if I add that to my homestead along with the ferris wheel from the connus beach event next week my homestaed will undeniably become a theme park. my visitors already tell me its like a theme park now. please visit if ur in alexina IGN:teranozxz
They had Alice in Wonderland a long time ago, kind of.
Back when they still sold outfit Premium Character Cards. (and then later as a random outfit box from a monster summoning urn gacha)
It was just Alice's outfit for women and the Mad Hatter's outfit for men.
The card version even came with that "in Wonderland" title.
That's about it, though.
No rabbit, and no homestead stuff. That was old times though.
Then there was that Queen of Hearts set and Tea Party set, but still nothing as complete as an entire themed gacha.
Don't care if they are, passing on this anyway. There is another steampunk game gacha coming out that I am saving for.
Might not be my personal style, but I think those aspects of it are awesome.
I wish we were able to design the layout of our houses.