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Face Accessory: Bat Phantom Thief Mask
Outfit: Cat Cape Outfit
Gloves: Light Gloves
Shoes: Desert Soldier Combat Boots
Weapon: Crowbar
Head: Scathach Earrings and Wig
Outfit: Witch Scathach Costume
Hands: Transparent Gloves
Feet: Scathach Shoes
Accessory 1: Fomor Devil Tail
Accessory 2: Red Star-dusted Wings
Hat: Snapback
Off-Hand: Messenger Bag
Clothing: Energetic Scuba Wear
Shoes: Subaru's Shoes
Gloves: Tennis Wristbands
This is a cosplay I threw together a few months ago, suppose to be Charlie from Hazbin Hotel. Minus the glasses and halo, I'm just wearing them cause whynot.
Head: Asuna Wig
Outfit: Asuna SAO Outfit
Hands: Transparent Gloves
Feet: Asuna SAO Shoes
Accessory 1: Lambent Light (sword)
Accessory 2: Cichol's Wings
2nd Title: Ray of Sunshine
Cost me 17M for the wig, outfit, shoes, and sword.
Head: Wiggling Ribbon Kitty Headband
Outfit: Brilluen Tail Dress (F)
Hands: Lord of the Seas Gloves
Feet: Winter Princess Boots
Accessory 1: Fluffy Kitty Tail
Accessory 2: Female Sword Spirit Wings
Accessory 3: Jeweled Forehead Decoration (Face Accessory Slot Exclusive)
2nd Title: Winter Angel
IGN: Midz
Head: Bonita Twin Ribbon
Body: Cressida Wear
Shoes: Women's Flat
Accessory: Yellow Angel Wings
@BerrySwirl Very cool, like the mustache
@RicoJones little late but welcome!
@roastedpig I love it
@Tabari gorgeous witches, I really love those wings with the stars
@MrKong Very cool outfit!
@MiDZ I know its super late reply but don't see your picture
@Wanderlust welcome back again! Very cool outfit and shiny skates
You might have noticed, most of my outfits I choose the main color as light pink but the few I don’t are mostly ones with coats or jackets. Duffel Coat (F) was where it started actually, I didn’t like how pink looked on the coat so I decided to try light brown instead and it stuck, I really liked how it turned out and I continued to do it with the Chic Outfit (F) and the Winter Knitwear (F). I love how it turned out with the Special Trenchcoat (F). Feel kind of like a Private Investigator or something haha. I was unsure how to dye the stockings so I left them as is (I don’t like dyeing them pink or brown unless I have to RIP but if they’re separate completely, I usually leave them if they’re already black or white). I took these pictures awhile back during Doki Doki, planning on spreading out the posts over couple days or least once a week. I guess its been more than a few weeks RIP. I’ll still post an outfit when I can as I’m continuing to pick up new outfits and accessories. I’m less active on Mabi (most time I’m on, its to do events real quick and then go afk or log off) but trying to keep up with the newest fashion that comes out. I think this is the first time using the Eluned Flowy Altam Wig (F). My friend had gotten it for me and I really like it. Got to take some more pictures with Jae in the matching male outfit ♥
Outfit: Special Trench Coat (F)
Headpiece: Eluned Flowy Altam Wig (F)
Shoes: Lily’s Romantic Winter Boots (F)
Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
Accessories: N/A
@Wanderlust 's last outfit looks odd from that perspective due to his bag, tails and outfit's bottom merging together. They should probably consider altering the color of one of those by 10 RGB points.
@LittleCeci , isn't Jae one of the seven sakura flowers? >w<
This time, The Meow was idly scrolling through his 5 pages of Dressing Room in search of a diversion from the cat image that he's been maintaining for at least a year now. He also has bought some costumes from NPCs and likes that they look as good as the NX ones. No reason to avoid wearing them by other people has been defined so far. Here's the new assembly that's supposed to be a noble elf. The Meow doesn't have any special outfits with poses or themed weapons, so he made it up using common things. Since it looks more like a typical photo session with several alike pictures, The Meow will put some of them into spoiler gaps.
The items used here are, from top to bottom: Natural Loose Wave Wig (M), Selina Traditional Coat, Leather Hand Gloves, Cores' Oriental Long Boots. Additional items: Blasted Oak Wand, Thalysse (dyed), Suspiciously Blinged Out Scepter (dyed). All items, except for Thalysse and the scepter, are original (not dyed). Thalysse is the spirit bow.
As a bonus, The Meow has prepared some screenshots of his knight. The one that was featured in a fan art and wasn't finished due to a couple of details. Remember? He will attach them to another post.
Poking time! >w<
The items used here are:
Head: Ice Rose, Dustin Silver Knight Helm
Body: Adventurer's Graceful Plate (F)
Hands: Spika's Silver Gauntlet
Feet: Marleid Greaves (F)
Robe: Pale Gray Battle Pegasus Wings
Weapon: Royal Pumpkin Rapier, Knight Lance
All the metal parts, including the weapons, have been dyed pure white. Those so-called silver items weren't actually silver. At all.
Last month was pretty busy so I apologize for not posting for so long. I'm still excited for all the new fashion items I've obtained the last few months and can't wait to take pictures. I still try to get on for events but majority of the time, I’m just afk (I guess thank goodness for events that just need you online) but I’m still looking for new fashion and dyes occasionally. I was little more active during the crossover event (just enough to get the titles & coins) and brought a few outfits. Here’s the Caracal Outfit ♥ When I get around to posting pictures of my Serval, you’ll see why I dyed it the way I did. Oh wow I didn’t even realize the stockings were two toned till I looked at the back & front pictures haha. Anyway, thought these sets were too cute (I have both the wigs, gloves and shoes as well). Thank you Milk for the Freestyle Rocker Wig ;; ♥♥♥ I have a few more outfits to post, I just need to take pictures of them. I have one ready, I’m gonna queue it to post in a few days and its probably the one I wore the longest since I became inactive. I haven’t dyed it because I really like the color it already is.
Outfit: Caracal Outfit (F)
Headpiece: Freestyle Rocker Wig & Hairpiece (F)
Shoes: Lined Ribbon Shoes
Gloves: Meet-Cute Bracelet
Accessories: Tintable Blooming Wings, Wind-Up Tail
Nyet. The Meow was talking Jae. Yae is another sakura flower. There are seven sakura flowers, each with its special powers~♪
Japari feline outfits are great. You matched yours well with the shoes and bracelets. The Meow can't see the tail in your pictures though.
yes this is great for you and will definetly help you
Hat: Frilly Ribbon Headband
Outfit: Noble Hanbok Outfit (F)
Weapon: Flora Lantern
Gloves: Meet-Cute Bracelet
Shoes: Noble Hanbok Shoes (F)
Wings: Female Sword Spirit Wings, Wings of Tuan
2nd Title: Grave of the Butterflies
Head: Night Witch Hat
Outfit: Night Witch Dress
Hands: Lord of the Seas Gloves
Feet: Night Witch Boots
Accessory 1: Fomor Devil Tail
Accessory 2: Red Star-dusted Wings
Accessory 3: Jeweled Forehead Decoration (Face Accessory Slot Exclusive)
Hey everyone, its been a while since I've posted anything and I wanted to give my dear friend Cari and her epic fashion post a little love
@Musicat for some reason I thought I replied to your post but seems like I didn't, that's okay its the same tail I used since I got it (Wind-Up Tail), probably not as fitting as the Ribbon Kitty Tail would be.
@Toreishi Very gorgeous, love the browns and pinks and agree, can't wait to use the new lanterns with outfits.
@Tabari Love the outfit for Halloween
;o; Jae got this outfit for me when it came out because I really liked how similar it looked to the Cheerful Bride’s Minidress which was impossible to find at the time. I wasn’t sure how to dye the Solaris so I just dyed the back part and the metal parts. I really liked the Leo Guardian Wings (I thought the zodiac signs effect was really cool) and a friend gave me their wings. I thought the Death Herald Veil & Eyepatch (F) so gorgeous and mysterious, I picked one up. The hair came out little lighter than expected but I love how it came out. I only dyed one part of it as well to match it with the Solaris. Jae got me the Solaris High Heels as well ;o; which I love how they looked and dyed just the metal parts. I wish the metal parts on the wings could be dyed but still love how this outfit looked and I wore it for awhile during the Anniversary Event (quite a bit of time ago OTL). Also loving all the new hand-held props they been releasing. Paid a bit more than I’d like for the Snowflower Fan but definitely worth it.
Outfit: Solaris Dress (F)
Headpiece: Death Herald Veil & Eyepatch (F)
Shoes: Solaris High Heels (F)
Gloves: N/A
Accessories: Leo Guardian Wings, Holiday Halo (Dyeable), Snowflower Fan
Outfit: Special Classic Eastern Outfit
Head: Winter Queen Argenta Wig
Shoes: Elegant Lotus Shoes
Gloves: Crow Feather Gloves
So, a bit about this outfit. I am a big fan of long silhouettes. You'll probably see that in some of my other looks that I will post here. In most of my ensembles, I avoid wings because I feel like they disrupt the silhouette. For this particular piece, I was really attracted to mixing the lilac elements with a cool brown. I felt like the brassy metal details on the shoes and bodice gave the outfit some warmth while still keeping everything grounded and complementary. Since the pose for this outfit was really what attracted me to it in the first place, I wanted to make sure that I emphasized the beauty of the fingers as they handled the fan. The crow feather gloves were perfect for making the pose look even more elegant and refined. Finally, I wanted the hair to be something that was pretty and feminine, but not too dominant. There is already a lot of ornamentation in the shoes and outfits, so I decided to go with the Winter Queen Argenta Wig. I really felt like that wig struck a good balance of chic braids and simple, innocent curls that was just soft enough to fit with the rest of the ensemble. I hope you guys like it!