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Spooky Screenshot Comic

Mabinogi Rep: 21,665
Posts: 1,593
edited December 2, 2024 in Contests and Events
It's time for a spooky comic! Create a spooky Mabinogi comic using in-game screenshots!

Contest deadline: October 26, 2020 at 12:00 PM PDT

Contest details:
- Design a short comic using in-game screenshot to tell a scary story
- Use dialogue bubbles in the images to really make it seem like a comic
- To take nicer screenshots, you can use CTRL+N to hide names, CTRL+P to hide parties, and the \ button to hide the UI
- Players must include player name and server with their submission.
- Only the player that submits the comic will be eligible for the prize.

Judging: Submissions will be scored based on the following criteria:
• 50% Screenshot editing creativity
• 50% Storytelling

• Total of three (3) grand prize winners:
o 45 ???* Cash Shop Boxes/each

• Total of ten (10) runner-up winners:
o 15 ???* Cash Shop Boxes/each

*Box will be revealed at a later date.

Please submit your comics along with your in-game name and server in this thread!

Full rules found here:

Good luck everyone!


  • AdenoAdeno
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,595
    Posts: 139
    Hello I have a question about this fun contest! Are we also allowed to use filters or modifications to our screenshots to give it our own personalized looks? Let's say for example we took a screenshot in the game, and then this picture we put it in photoshop or similar photo editing software, maybe to make it darker or brighter, or to highlight certain objects (aside from adding word balloons).

    Also, how short is "short"? Are we allowed to have maybe a one page comic with multiple panels, or maybe up to a five page comic consisting of anywhere between 1 to 9 panels each to tell a story?

    Thanks in advance :D
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    someone already asked one of the questions I was gonna ask (how many panels should it be?) but I have another question. it says to make a scary story... does that mean we can't make a funny comic? or do we need to actually be telling a story in the comic?
  • KatherzKatherz
    Mabinogi Rep: 21,665
    Posts: 1,593
    Adeno wrote: »
    Hello I have a question about this fun contest! Are we also allowed to use filters or modifications to our screenshots to give it our own personalized looks? Let's say for example we took a screenshot in the game, and then this picture we put it in photoshop or similar photo editing software, maybe to make it darker or brighter, or to highlight certain objects (aside from adding word balloons).

    Also, how short is "short"? Are we allowed to have maybe a one page comic with multiple panels, or maybe up to a five page comic consisting of anywhere between 1 to 9 panels each to tell a story?

    Thanks in advance :D

    Yup, you are allowed to use filters! Preferably, I would like it to be a one page comic with multiple panels but if a lot of people are requesting more pages to tell a story, I can modify the rules.
  • KatherzKatherz
    Mabinogi Rep: 21,665
    Posts: 1,593
    Arjune wrote: »
    someone already asked one of the questions I was gonna ask (how many panels should it be?) but I have another question. it says to make a scary story... does that mean we can't make a funny comic? or do we need to actually be telling a story in the comic?

    The theme is for Halloween so as long as there is something scary in the comic (failing an enchant?!) I'll allow it.
  • Slayer770Slayer770
    Mabinogi Rep: 790
    Posts: 9
    edited October 10, 2020
    What started out as a simple idea and cursed image became something nightmare-worthy in my eyes. This comic really differs depending on how you look at it, either hilarious or scary. I think it was downright terrifying for multiple reasons. It's kinda manga style, but I numbered the panels anyway.


    I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did attempting it!

    - slayer770 of Alexina
  • ValenmirValenmir
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,685
    Posts: 416
    This is more comical than horror, I can't do horror to save my life, but it was fun.
    - IGN: Valmir. Server:Nao
  • IronMarielIronMariel
    Mabinogi Rep: 710
    Posts: 21
    edited October 16, 2020
    I got a little too carried away... also I really hope this doesn't stretch forums ;__;
    IGN: Sayu
    Server: Nao

    edit: OH GEEZ IT DID I'M SO SORRY if anyone knows a way to shrink it like the others did that'd be great ><;
    FionaMoonlightValenmirRadiant DawnSlayer770KatherzKensamaofmariCrimsọnFluoretteZahriahWolfsinger
  • AdenoAdeno
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,595
    Posts: 139
    Blessings, miracles, wishes and prayers. These are all made by people with a heart full of hope to receive something beautiful in life. However, nothing is free. Please join me tonight for a tale I encountered from the Dark Side of Erinn.

    IGN: Adeno
    Server: Nao

    KatherzValenmirFionaMoonlightKensamaofmariRadiant DawnFluoretteIronMarielZahriahWolfsinger
  • FionaMoonlightFionaMoonlight
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,000
    Posts: 43
    edited October 20, 2020
    IGN: Pionya
    Server: Alexina

    I'm not good with spooky stuff but I tried =w=
    If it looks blurry, just click the image and it will redirect you to the imgur link
    There are some panels with small dialogues so might as well try reading in imgur xD

    read from left to right :3
    I got this idea from a saying in our area. xD
    KatherzKensamaofmariFluoretteRadiant DawnIronMariel
  • KimNynxKimNynx
    Mabinogi Rep: 675
    Posts: 5
    Server: Alexina
    IGN: Kimroku


    KatherzKensamaofmariAleiraSwordfireRadiant DawnIronMarielFionaMoonlight
  • loveannakimloveannakim
    Mabinogi Rep: 940
    Posts: 10
    Hope you like it!
    ps: Sorry about my english (not a native)

    IGN: Kimicatchan
    Server Alexian
  • OlindoriOlindori
    Mabinogi Rep: 985
    Posts: 10
    I hope I didn't make the strip too long :x;;
    There's a suuuuper minor spoiler for G23 p1 in the beginning, but it doesn't really spoil anything.

    IGN: Leroki
    Server: Alexina

    Radiant DawnIronMarielKatherzFionaMoonlightZahriah
  • Slayer770Slayer770
    Mabinogi Rep: 790
    Posts: 9
    edited October 25, 2020
    Love everyone's comic submissions! I just wish the length of the comic was standardized or define what a "page" was...
  • noobodyzxznoobodyzxz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 419
    Slayer770 wrote: »
    Love everyone's comic submissions! I just wish the length of the comic was standardized or define what a "page" was...

    yeah but u see some of these comics are actually in Manhwa/webtoon format the Korean version or equivalent of Japanese manga which is iconic with its vertical feature.
  • AndromedazAndromedaz
    Mabinogi Rep: 390
    Posts: 9
    IGN: Andromedaz
    Server: Alexina

  • hanaminiiihanaminiii
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,085
    Posts: 33
    edited October 25, 2020
    IGN: Canarysong
    Server: Nao

    Hope y'all enjoy my struggle (cry)

    edit: quoted so it's a little smaller/easier to read

    KatherzAndromedazFionaMoonlightZahriahRadiant Dawn
  • ElluanElluan
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,255
    Posts: 19

    IGN: Elluan
    Server: Alexina
    ZahriahKatherzFionaMoonlightRadiant DawnWolfsinger
  • AlexialAlexial
    Mabinogi Rep: 285
    Posts: 4
    edited October 26, 2020
    IGN: Ailenna
    Server: Nao
    (It's kind of small even when resized. Here's a link to it in case.
    ZahriahKatherzFionaMoonlightRadiant Dawn
  • ZahriahZahriah
    Mabinogi Rep: 985
    Posts: 18
    edited October 26, 2020
    Weee hoping this posts well and doesn't stretch too long qq! ;u ;
    Minor area spoilers but I hope it won't matter a wholeee bunch!


    IGN: Zahriah
    Server: Alexina


    (Linked just in case! :
    Thanks for reading!
    KatherzFionaMoonlightRadiant Dawn
  • JustOneJustOne
    Mabinogi Rep: 140
    Post: 1
    IGN: Keshy
    Server: Alexina

    KatherzZahriahFionaMoonlightRadiant Dawn
This discussion has been closed.