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Hi can someone please help me
I followed the one on Wiki, the image below
Yet Nexon support said I don't have everything but I can't seem to find the missing one
Does anyone have updated version of complete Mana tunnels in Iria?
Firstly, the one I was missing when I sought this title, is the one on the Qilla Beach, accessed from Qilla Base Camp.
Secondly, perhaps the title requires you to visit Collapsed tunnels as well? There's one in Lappa and one at the base of the waterfall in courcle.
Lastly, a small trick you can use: Open the Traveller's Guide, and you can see a list of most mana tunnels and moongates (as well as teleport to them by clicking the wing icon). The reason I couldn't find the Qilla Beach Mana Tunnel was because it isn't in the Traveller's Guide (or at least it wasn't at the time), but most of them are in there.
- Instead of just visiting the mana tunnels listed in the wiki, I typed in each important name in the Traveler Guide. (Ex. North Karu, I typed Karu only).
- By typing only one word or just Karu in this example, it showed me all tunnels related to that name.
- I visited each Karu mana tunnel by clicking on the name in the Traveler Guide.
- Upon arriving at the mana gate, I touched the gate to open the map. This activates it and adds it to your map.
- I repeated all the steps above for ALL the locations listed in the wiki.
- There are more than 30 mana tunnels now if I estimate correctly, as a lot of the names I'll list below will have multiple related mana tunnels.
I'll make it simple here and list the important names. You can just copy them (highlight the name, press CTRL+C) and paste them (CTRL+V) into the Traveler Guide search bar in the game.
1. Qilla
2. Maiz
3. Nubes
4. Kaypi
5. Muyu
6. Karu
7. Nares
8. Rupes
9. Longa
10. Errans
11. Filia
12. Cenae
13. Pantay
14. Cor
15. Terra
16. Sella
17. Silva
18. Vales
19. Lunae
20. Barba
21. Calida
22. Zardine
23. Raspa
24. Pera
25. Renes
I hope this helps you and anyone who might be having trouble with this, have fun!