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Altam Special Dialog G25 (SPOILERS)
I saw the extra dialogue last time, and I was surprised that was still the case this time around as well.
I love this kind of stuff!
I really want to see where this goes in like a romantic sense.
For the newer players out there, if you appreciate the storyline and the connections through out it...
-hugs cookies- mmph!
Rotting cookies ftw!
Seriously, this time around you should of been able to exchange them or something. And of course make that item tradable between characters on the account so other players who messed up and ate them have an opportunity on other characters to get it.
I kept his cookies from G21 but I wonder if the dialogue changes a bit if he gave you cookies this gen.
Bonus: Llywelyn seems to get jealous because if you chose him for the banquet he brings up escorting again when you talk to him X)
The extra dialogue this gen is suprising, I didn't think there would be extra lines related to Banquet after the event. I wonder what lines Piran and Marleid have hidden, if any.
No more new talents unless it's for necromancy devcat. It's not even a proper new talent. You guys just keep sticking new bleep in life skills.