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Hi guys, I'm from nao! and I made a pvp video :O
Hope you guys can leave a comment, and tell me what I can do better, thanks for watching
[2020/12/27] Update: Part 2 is out
[2021/01/10] Update: Part 3 is out
[2021/1/19] Update: Another video? :thinking:
Wow I was impressed with how well made this was! I would love to see more from this, I really liked how you showed off combo's and even showed the icons. I could never get into PVP because I really don't know how to counter certain attacks but this definitely helped me, especially when you showed how to counter shooting rush. There was only one small detail I noticed and that's the "With" and Without" text at 0:51 had no black border around it so it was kinda hard to read. But honestly that's so small that I feel like its not too much of an issue. I hope you keep doing more of these.
I'm not familiar with the art, so my best suggestion is to make the text bigger, give it more space at the bottom.
I feel like you were talking a bit too fast in the second one, also the ninja intro was nice but dragged on a bit too much to get to the pvp tutorial part. Overall is a great video I liked how you explained the moveset for PVPs.
I'll take note to that.
Just make CC available. Some people have trouble following in class.
I like how you are actually helpful and easy to understand with elite knowledge. Good on you because a lot of the "giga pros" I know are bleeping buttholes and are confusing as hell. A lot of them just tell you; "you need to get this and this and this and why don't you have any gold??? LOL." Then they ignore you. You actually EXPLAIN the mechanics in this game!
So from me and a lot of other players; THANK YOU.