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New to Mabinogi and need suggestions..

Post: 1
in Help
I am very new to Mabinogi. My husband has played for a long time, and he is helping me but I am curious to get suggestions on what quests I should work on first? I did the Lorna and Pan ones and I have started the Advent of the Goddess ones. Should I continue to work on the Advent ones or work on something else first? Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.


  • FluoretteFluorette
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,840
    Posts: 815
    I would personally work on getting as many of the Memoir quests (which you can initially unlock by talking to Blaanid in Dunbarton) completed and use the AP from that to rank skills and become proficient in at least a Talent or two. However, The Advent of the Goddess quests are part of G1, the first storyline, so what you're currently doing is not out of bounds by any means.

    Fair warning: Think the game still hands you Divine Knights quests (which will appear in a tab like Advent of the Goddess) early on. You could tackle the content if you wanted, but it's going to be more challenging compared to the early Generations. I'd put it off until a bit later when your character is more developed.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,420
    Posts: 5,796
    Latnahc93 wrote: »
    I am very new to Mabinogi. My husband has played for a long time, and he is helping me but I am curious to get suggestions on what quests I should work on first? I did the Lorna and Pan ones and I have started the Advent of the Goddess ones. Should I continue to work on the Advent ones or work on something else first? Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

    Mabinogi is so open-ended that there are many "correct" answers. Go where your heart compels you. Whatever choice you make though, remember to visit Duncan often for his skill reset service. The training of many skills depend on your combat power. The higher yours is the more challenging the skill is to train. When Duncan lowers you skill levels your combat power is reduced to near beginner levels, making the training of said skill MUCH easier. This is also a way to "borrow" AP from yourself when you are short of them. When Duncan lowers your skills, all the AP invested in them comes back to you. Re-spending that AP puts their level right back up, without the need to retrain them. Bare in mind though, that any partial progress in a skill is lost if it is lowered, so it's better to get ALL your skills to rank 1 first, even if you then immediately lower them, before you start mastering and danning them.

    Other than that, go to town and Erinn is your oyster.
  • MegasoulMegasoul
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,735
    Posts: 148
    Good progression for new players would be to do the Lorna Tutorial followed by G1 and G2. Then do at least G10 (if not G9 to understand what is going on in G10). At this point I would recommend to do the Memoir Tutorial because the G2 and G10 transformation skills require level ups for skill ranks, and Memoir greatly subsidizes your early level growth.

    Technically an easy, but not always the most rewarding, way to go about playing the Generations is simply to do them in order. (G1-3, G7-8 (4-6 have no proper questline anymore), G9-G12, G13-G16, G17-18 (known as Saga), G19-G21, G22-G25). You'll be able to sorta keep track of the story and who every character is that way.

    I wouldn't actually recommend a new player playing through G7-G8 though, since its a tad hard to start and almost entirely unrewarding to do (the game itself lets you skip G7 at any point permanently for no penalty because it's all story and no reward). The story does get referenced though, so its worth doing at some point.
  • ookieookie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,925
    Posts: 164
    edited January 13, 2021
    what i do at a time like this....

    i hope you're doing the Master Plan Event...the event will give you temporary use of a higher level weapon of your choice along with a strong pet to assist you...with the daily rebirths into FREE Ace characters you might want to take advantage of rebirthing into each one of the Ace Hero characters to easily snag some nice skills...those same skills will take a lot more time to get later on in the regular manner...then go back to your regular quest can develop those newly obtained skills later at your own convenience, but the important part is that you have them while they're easily obtainable for FREE...AP is good right now also under this event as it's DOUBLED...but beware...although skill leveling is awesome...experience leveling could take you up against critters you may not be ready to fight yet to obtain the same level training you could've gotten easier at a lower level...the game makes it too easy to level up at a hyper for early skills...Windmill being the best choice to level first as it requires groups of mobs...higher level mobs don't really hang out in groups so better to focus on Windmill while still lower level...Icebolt is your friend with a lower MP...if you charge Icebolt, and USE it, you get that MP back...the other two bolt magic will not do that

    as for specific quest lines...the storyline will lead you along those all by's up to YOU to decide what you want to train, or to train everything at the same time...Mabi is awesome like that...remember though, those base melee/magic skills will be your fallback in almost every battle for years to come so focus on them as a priority...a fully leveled Firebolt that is fully charged can deal more damage than most swords...observe, and develop tactics...every mob has it's own special quirks for you to use to your advantage