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Official Outfits/Items/Etc Suggestion Thread


  • WanderIustWanderIust
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,590
    Posts: 133
    Dropping by to say thanks for bringing back Height-Boosting Insoles (M) in the new gacha (Steam Engineer Toolbox).
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Posts: 2
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Posts: 2
  • GrarGrar
    Mabinogi Rep: 600
    Posts: 4
    I dunno how often this thread is still checked, but I would LOVE to see the abyss dragon armour come back!
    I've been saving gold for months in preparation haha
  • JJJJ
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,400
    Posts: 500
    Grar wrote: »
    I dunno how often this thread is still checked, but I would LOVE to see the abyss dragon armour come back!
    I've been saving gold for months in preparation haha

    I've been saving too, but for Saint Guardian's armour. Maybe they can bring back both soon?
  • YuyukoyoujiYuyukoyouji
    Mabinogi Rep: 620
    Posts: 2
    I don't know if this would apply here as this is a suggestion for possibly a future thing, however, with Doki Doki possibly around the corner I'd like to suggest possible new Actions!
    What I'd really love to see is more Actions for couples!

    For example, the Rem & Ram partners have Integration. It allows the user to lay their head on their partners lap. I thought this was absolutely adorable, and while I know it involved the Cross Over Partner, if it was possible as it's own separate thing, that would be such a wonderful addition. Also to add on, depending on who initiated the request, would be the one on their knees, the requested would be the one laying on the lap.

    Another thing is possibly a Holding Hands Action. Just allowing the users to "Mount" as Mabinogi considers it, and they can just afk while holding hands! I'm not sure how hard something like this might be to make but there's 2 different ways I could see it. If the Female initiated the request, she would lock her arm with her partner, pretty much holding onto the arm in a cutesy way! If the Male initiated the request, more than likely just normal hand holding but super close.

    I've had these thoughts for awhile, but I'm glad I was able to share them!

    With Doki Doki in mind, is there a possibility for the Natural Dye Event, if there was somehow a chance Custom Hair Dye Ampoules could be added? I think this would be a fun way for people to experiment with different colour schemes on their character. However because I know that Hair Dye Gachapon exists, it could only be made either once or a limited amount of time. Considering they would be character bound, no one would really have a reason to make more than one unless they are like me and change their appearance way too much.
  • KambiiKambii
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,445
    Posts: 41
    Cheerleader Headband! It's been forever since this item has been rereleased :(
  • hazelnutdhazelnutd
    Post: 1
    Please release the Dungeon Fighter Online collaboration costume.
    It refers to clothes released on the Korean server.
    I want clothes like a robe.
  • KomaruKomaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 985
    Posts: 21
    Doll Bag Gacha, as well as super enchanted items/coupons like Creepy and Haunted, would nice to be seen again.
    Mabinogi Rep: 510
    Posts: 2
    Simple Halloween Cape / Halloween Trinket Cape, it's such a classic western-fantasy accessory, and immediately stands out from all the wing options... And would complete my armored knight look.
  • AltaiAltai
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,030
    Posts: 20
    (Idk if this fits but this is like.. ideas for new gachas? idk)
    I've learned a lot of people want more street wear, I know I do, I love good armor and kick booty outfits as much as the next guy but i'm sick of seeing the same thing recycled, Like battle school uniform M, Elite vanguard M, Fledging Assassin M, Mercenary Combat Gear M.. There's literally so many of the same thing and don't even get me started on the female fits.. I'm a guy so they really limit our clothing silhouettes and just recycle the same thing over and over it's painful as a male fashionogi.
    But here's some of my ideas I would die to see come to Mabinogi,
    Casual Cozy fit idea: Take the same Silhouette as pants from the Tech Chic Long (M) and turn them into like.. sweat pants? And don't crop them for the ladies, they want some pants dangit! On top make it like, a NORMAL long sleeve shirt and have the sleeves rolled up mid sleeve, keep them nearly identical for both M and F because idk about you guys but the girls are tired of getting Tiny skirts that flash everyone the minute you rest or die. For the feet how about some basic slides? Just casual stuff. The Everyday hoodie did so well because it wasn't overly fluffed and made to be extra fancy, and it's nearly the same for both M & F which is why it did so well.
    Casual Witchy Vibe idea: Can we get a normal circle hat that isn't positioned funny? The mafia hat had so much potential but they had to just slant it.. like bruh no one wants to wear that. Normal Circle hat pls, don't overdo it. For the shirt, maybe like a turtle neck with a thin strip texture but you can't color, it's just a texture not literal stripes. Over the sweater can we take the Dignified Mafia Coat and just put it on top. Then for pants take the same pants from either Everyday hoodie or Detective outfit M. Same idea for both M and F, unisex styles are in mabi! Shoes can do some nice dressy shoe that isn't blocky, give the ladies some NON HIGH HEEL shoes for once? Maybe some combat boots that aren't blocky and don't have a heel? Or how about some nice looking heels for the boys? (sorry for some guys who may not like heels but some of us do and we legit don't get enough shoes that have heels unlike the ladies who CONSTANTLY get heels.) For the hands just make it normal hands, give the ladies some plain hands with some not super long nails, same with the boys.
    I know these all sound super like.. starbucks/tumblr/basic b/super everyday casual, but i'm so over all these super try hard outfits. Everyone I know wants more casual street wear because it's relatable. In a game where you can be everything some of us wanna be the best version of ourselves.. or a cooler fantasy version. These are just some of my ideas I'd dream to see in Mabinogi since i've been playing for 10+ years. Street wear/street fashion/casual clothing! I can't be the only one who is begging nexon to make more stuff like this!! ( I wish i could design gacha's/outfits/weapons/armour for nexon.. T. T I have a million ideas.. )
  • DemoncatDemoncat
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,940
    Posts: 164
    edited February 7, 2021
    I just want them to actually make and release really good outfits instead of boring looking ones the last gachas that had new outfits looked pretty mediocre x.x

    As for events they should bring back events like note book or clay pottering one and the fishing events that dropped those boxes that drop gems and what not
  • AnimemabiAnimemabi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 125
    1 find a way to fix the economy

    2 Process old clothing and items for instance add eluned alchemist glasses to face accessory instead of helm and update them each item to todays standard.

    3 Transformation revamp
    Add a few more transformations.
    Add new buffs, skills, stages for existing transformation
    Allow humans to go beast under a special quest maybe and conditions.

    4 Add a pray skill to magic an option to pray to certain mabinogi gods for a buff (each god has a different one and when you get over a certain favor percentage you get more buffs etc.

    we have gods but they serve no purpose

    5 Quests add more shadow missions in tara and tail and new dungeons in various areas.

    6 Add Special versions of old outfits and have them re released in a reasonable way like relasing Gacha and running (ld school event) were the event gives them out to so we do not have 100m+ clothing

  • AnimemabiAnimemabi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 125
    Still no conversion of Eluned Alchemist glasses to face slot i would love to be able to wear these glasses with horns help a brother out nexon <3.
  • AnimemabiAnimemabi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 125
    Convert death herald eyepatch to face slot
  • redmiragesredmirages
    Mabinogi Rep: 980
    Posts: 15
    edited February 16, 2021
    a guild storage system would be really nice a space for guilds to just drop items for other guild members to have at. and maybe to repurpose things like mystic pearls which u fish give 0 gold and used to be for life drain crystals and now are just trash in your inventory. itd be really nice to give fish and things like mystic pearls a new purpose. I would willingly pay 10k nx for guild storage.
  • AnimemabiAnimemabi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 125
    im gonna summerize most of what i have been suggesting.


    Skill- Skill Chain. allow a way to chain skills together

    Lance skills etc revamp the size, and make it its own tallent
    Lances are now half as big (maybe)

    Lance furry (dose 5-9 hits)
    Lance throw (2x weapons stats goes up upon level) throw lance as a lach ditch effort!
    lance bash (goes faster and dose bleed damage uppon level up still slwoer than a sword.)
    God of lances 100% crit (2x crit damage goes up upon level) duration skill
    Lance mastery now makes lances weigh less and buff) the distance u have to be away from a monster to hit it)
    Smaller lances (affected by app scrolls can be equip with a guard cylinder as a human

    Skill Dual and Ambidextrous! add a skill when ranked Allow giants,humans and elvs with high amounts of strength To dual wield Axes maces and hammers.

    add a few more transformations.
    add new buffs, skills, stages for existing transformation
    Allow humans to go beast under a special quest maybe and conditions.

    More Hotkey bars (fkeys included)and rows for existing for us multitaskers
    convert items that beloved on the face like death herald eyepatc and eluned alchemist glasses.
    re release and update old content items dungeons shadow missions in waves call it the past is back add it to an event that lets us re do the generations.

    gem bag for events takes up 1/1 space has 11/11 storage

    Show more love to multi skill users and dedicated one skillers by adding a Solo mastery and a multi skill mastery each has its own effect like Multi skill unlocks the 3rd equipped slot thing and more hotkey rows. solo master adds a series of buffs when alone in quest dungeon etc also adds more hotkeys.


    Add a pray skill to magic an option to pray to certain mabinogi gods for a buff (each god has a different one and when you get over a certain favor percentage you get more buffs etc.

    we have gods but they serve no purpose
  • AnimemabiAnimemabi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 125
    Animemabi wrote: »
    im gonna summerize most of what i have been suggesting.


    Skill- Skill Chain. allow a way to chain skills together

    Lance skills etc revamp the size, and make it its own tallent
    Lances are now half as big (maybe)

    Lance furry (dose 5-9 hits)
    Lance throw (2x weapons stats goes up upon level) throw lance as a lach ditch effort!
    lance bash (goes faster and dose bleed damage uppon level up still slwoer than a sword.)
    God of lances 100% crit (2x crit damage goes up upon level) duration skill
    Lance mastery now makes lances weigh less and buff) the distance u have to be away from a monster to hit it)
    Smaller lances (affected by app scrolls can be equip with a guard cylinder as a human

    Skill Dual and Ambidextrous! add a skill when ranked Allow giants,humans and elvs with high amounts of strength To dual wield Axes maces and hammers.

    add a few more transformations.
    add new buffs, skills, stages for existing transformation
    Allow humans to go beast under a special quest maybe and conditions.

    More Hotkey bars (fkeys included)and rows for existing for us multitaskers
    convert items that beloved on the face like death herald eyepatc and eluned alchemist glasses.
    re release and update old content items dungeons shadow missions in waves call it the past is back add it to an event that lets us re do the generations.

    gem bag for events takes up 1/1 space has 11/11 storage

    Show more love to multi skill users and dedicated one skillers by adding a Solo mastery and a multi skill mastery each has its own effect like Multi skill unlocks the 3rd equipped slot thing and more hotkey rows. solo master adds a series of buffs when alone in quest dungeon etc also adds more hotkeys.


    Add a pray skill to magic an option to pray to certain mabinogi gods for a buff (each god has a different one and when you get over a certain favor percentage you get more buffs etc.

    we have gods but they serve no purpose


    When human is allied with giant race get a passive buff for giant like +10% heavy stander and +10%def also use the giant stampede skill at -15% damage at rank 1
    When human allied with elvs +10% movement speed +10% protection +dex 10% (new elf exclusive skill humans can use at 15% less damage at rank 1
    Revert the Dark knight taming skill to how it used to b or buff it so it can tame any monster at rank one keep the scrolls the same price.

    Add necromancy skill tree
    passive soul taking -when an enemy dies they get re summoned as your servant limit 4 at one time
    soul drain drains half of enemy's mana hp stam etc at rank 1
    empower the dead summoned or soul taken enimeis get a 30% buff player looses half of their mana and hp when
    dragged down- black vortex sucks in enemies doing damage to them.
    revenge hands break through the ground holding enemies in place doing 5% damage the longer they are summoned.

    Revamp Duel wield Add the following
    Shield Wall -increases parties Def Protection magic defense Magic protection auto def mele range (basically all the Def buffs)?
    Vikings Will -choose a skill that skill will be increased by 300 for a certain amount of time while all defenses are halved?
    Shield Bash Stuns the closest 2+ enemies and Debuffs them
    Shieldless charge Reforge will allow for shield skills without shield
  • AnimemabiAnimemabi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 125
    Animemabi wrote: »
    Animemabi wrote: »
    im gonna summerize most of what i have been suggesting.


    Skill- Skill Chain. allow a way to chain skills together

    Lance skills etc revamp the size, and make it its own tallent
    Lances are now half as big (maybe)

    Lance furry (dose 5-9 hits)
    Lance throw (2x weapons stats goes up upon level) throw lance as a lach ditch effort!
    lance bash (goes faster and dose bleed damage uppon level up still slwoer than a sword.)
    God of lances 100% crit (2x crit damage goes up upon level) duration skill
    Lance mastery now makes lances weigh less and buff) the distance u have to be away from a monster to hit it)
    Smaller lances (affected by app scrolls can be equip with a guard cylinder as a human

    Skill Dual and Ambidextrous! add a skill when ranked Allow giants,humans and elvs with high amounts of strength To dual wield Axes maces and hammers.

    add a few more transformations.
    add new buffs, skills, stages for existing transformation
    Allow humans to go beast under a special quest maybe and conditions.

    More Hotkey bars (fkeys included)and rows for existing for us multitaskers
    convert items that beloved on the face like death herald eyepatc and eluned alchemist glasses.
    re release and update old content items dungeons shadow missions in waves call it the past is back add it to an event that lets us re do the generations.

    gem bag for events takes up 1/1 space has 11/11 storage

    Show more love to multi skill users and dedicated one skillers by adding a Solo mastery and a multi skill mastery each has its own effect like Multi skill unlocks the 3rd equipped slot thing and more hotkey rows. solo master adds a series of buffs when alone in quest dungeon etc also adds more hotkeys.


    Add a pray skill to magic an option to pray to certain mabinogi gods for a buff (each god has a different one and when you get over a certain favor percentage you get more buffs etc.

    we have gods but they serve no purpose


    When human is allied with giant race get a passive buff for giant like +10% heavy stander and +10%def also use the giant stampede skill at -15% damage at rank 1
    When human allied with elvs +10% movement speed +10% protection +dex 10% (new elf exclusive skill humans can use at 15% less damage at rank 1
    Revert the Dark knight taming skill to how it used to b or buff it so it can tame any monster at rank one keep the scrolls the same price.

    Add necromancy skill tree
    passive soul taking -when an enemy dies they get re summoned as your servant limit 4 at one time
    soul drain drains half of enemy's mana hp stam etc at rank 1
    empower the dead summoned or soul taken enimeis get a 30% buff player looses half of their mana and hp when
    dragged down- black vortex sucks in enemies doing damage to them.
    revenge hands break through the ground holding enemies in place doing 5% damage the longer they are summoned.

    Revamp Duel wield Add the following
    Shield Wall -increases parties Def Protection magic defense Magic protection auto def mele range (basically all the Def buffs)?
    Vikings Will -choose a skill that skill will be increased by 300 for a certain amount of time while all defenses are halved?
    Shield Bash Stuns the closest 2+ enemies and Debuffs them
    Shieldless charge Reforge will allow for shield skills without shield

    Race Change service? (allow current gear to be altered to giant if not already?
  • AnimemabiAnimemabi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 125
    Please add merlin knuckles to the egoable list they are my favorite knuckles and having say the really good fighter and staff enhancements. i am totally for unlocking all weapons to be egoable change the limit to have 4-5 ego's at once i mean if players are willing to put in the work why not unlock it.