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What's the first skill you got to rank 1?
Mine was so long ago that I can't remember for sure. I think it was Production Mastery but it might've been Critical Hit.
How 'bout y'all? Oh, and did it happen organically or did you specifically train it? In my case they were organic.
Here's an album of pictures from 2009 and 2020. Too bad imgur messed up the upload so they're not in chronological order anymore.
I'm really curious how you manage to r1 Windmill first without getting r1 Combat Mastery one. Literally by doing any combat i get r1 on this lmao.
That was also my first Dan 3 skill (and only dan skill period until many many years later when the dan test revamp came about).
I remember back then, Windmill and refine were definitely pushed as the "get these ranked up asap" skills, but I know I didn't get Windmill to r1 until at least Shadow Missions were released, since I remember finishing that up in Their Method.
Y'all have it EASY. Understand and respect that. lol.
During that time, I actually avoided ranking up anything else. I did Rank F to Rank 5 in Ciar and Rabbie Basic, then 5 to 1 at Tir Na Nog zombie graveyard
Icebolt was what I used in order to stop enemies on their tracks while I tried to reposition. Rank F was enough for that.
I avoided Advance dungeons because of the multi-aggro lol! I primarily stuck with Basic and Intermediate versions
It took a very long time, probably a year. I made a Windmiller's guide back then and apparently, I made it back in July 2009 lol! So that meant from sometime in 2008, it took me all that period to 2009 to master it