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Why are you trying to return to Mabinog ? O_O

Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
Posts: 761
in General Chat
I get that on-line games have their «life-cycles»* and people may go through various periods of up and down times in their lives; people come, people go, people return, people leave, people lurk, people participate, people refuse to participate, populations rise and fall, etc.
*Life-Cycles : Although this is of course true for anything that involves anything called : Life, all of existence itself consists of various «cycles» (whether it be the weather-cycles, orbitational-rotation-cycles, business-cycles, bi-cycles, tri-cycles, lunar-cycles, solar-cycles, billing cycles, major-war-every-20-years-because-of-a-fraudulent-interntional-bankster-system-cycle-that-would-otherwise-result-in-a-complete-and-total-world-wide-financial-collapse-if-there-is-a-failure-to-kill-off-a-high-percentage-of-the-world-population, etc._, anything «cyclic» generally has a predictable course-of-events (for «history» is a repeating process after all), and «games» are things that most people will either eventually «out-grow» or just «retire» from once they can no longer complete with the younger generations of sports-athletes (depending on the type of «game» in question of course, for professional-sports and on-line MMORPGs are certainly two very different categories). Almost like a «rise and fall of civilisations» scenario (not that everything written in those so-called «history» books are always honest nor accurate).

Thought I had more to ADD but I guess not. Also, guys, make sure to use good passwords, sort of like...
  1. Well...? (Refer to Thread-Title)12 votes
    1. Got bored with other games...
       8% (1 vote)
    2. Finally got unbanned
       8% (1 vote)
    3. I would be embarrassed to answer the question for SM-recruitment : «Got any friends ?»
       0% (0 votes)
    4. Finally got out of jail (and damn those corrupt cops who falsely accuse me of crimes I never commit)
       8% (1 vote)
    5. Finally got out of school and want to do something that doesn't involve «indoctrinating» myself...
       8% (1 vote)
    6. I got «the shot» and am now too sick/disabled to work so may as well play something...
       0% (0 votes)
    7. Lost my job and am too depressed to do anything else other than try to live an on-line fantasy life~
       0% (0 votes)
    8. ...just out of random curiosity
       8% (1 vote)
    9. I never actually left... I just... server-hopped (changed servers)
       0% (0 votes)
    10. ...because I like to AFK (and if I don't «like» to AFK then it is because I *must* go AFK).
       0% (0 votes)
    11. New (virtual) clothing came out that I want to wear (virtually)
       0% (0 votes)
    12. Trolololololol j/k as *if* I'd *actually* return
       0% (0 votes)
    13. Only really here for «Events» otherwise I can't actually be bothered...
       0% (0 votes)
    14. Attempting to see if any of my old friends from before may still be around...?
       0% (0 votes)
    15. I am actually some-how being dragged in here against my will...! O_O
       0% (0 votes)
    16. ...only here to finish up an unfinished Generation
       0% (0 votes)
    17. Actually, I only came here to post on or at least just read the forums, not actually play...
       17% (2 votes)
    18. Too invested at this point to just quit for-ever...
       17% (2 votes)
    19. Only to delete this account (and any/every other account I may have ever created)
       0% (0 votes)
    20. Was reminded of the *existence* of this game due to an e-mail reminder
       0% (0 votes)
    21. Was reminded of the *existence* of this game due to coming across a recent advertisement
       0% (0 votes)
       8% (1 vote)
    23. I has my reasons by they are of the «Other» category...
       17% (2 votes)


  • JulieJulie
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,130
    Posts: 342
    I have a bad gpu right now and not many choices of games to play other tan old ones, i got bored and got hit nostalgia so i came back here.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Actually, I only came here to post on or at least just read the forums, not actually play...

    That's like everyone else besides me. :trollface:
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Here because I still love the game. Unironically and ironically.
    you can guess which option I chose :P
  • KelpSodaKelpSoda
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,145
    Posts: 287
    mental health, apparently socializing is good for me lol
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    (Regarding GPU) Is that all ? A lot of people seem to have gone the «Mobile-Games» route lately.
    I don't see how your «choices» are limited given how there must be like billions of games in existence by now.
    Far too many «mobile-games» to count, and, if you use a VPN and/or GPS-Location-Changer for your device, you can even get «Advertisements» for games that are only available/advertised to other countries, too. I suppose the only issue there is as to whether or not you can actually read their language in order to be able to even play those other foreign-language games...
    Julie wrote: »
    I have a bad gpu right now and not many choices of games to play other tan old ones, i got bored and got hit nostalgia so i came back here.
    Spoiler-Content : Examples of what you might find advertised to you using a Tokyo/Japan GPS/VPN-Location...
  • JulieJulie
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,130
    Posts: 342
    Habimaru wrote: »
    (Regarding GPU) Is that all ? A lot of people seem to have gone the «Mobile-Games» route lately.
    I don't see how your «choices» are limited given how there must be like billions of games in existence by now.
    Far too many «mobile-games» to count, and, if you use a VPN and/or GPS-Location-Changer for your device, you can even get «Advertisements» for games that are only available/advertised to other countries, too. I suppose the only issue there is as to whether or not you can actually read their language in order to be able to even play those other foreign-language games...
    Julie wrote: »
    I have a bad gpu right now and not many choices of games to play other tan old ones, i got bored and got hit nostalgia so i came back here.
    Spoiler-Content : Examples of what you might find advertised to you using a Tokyo/Japan GPS/VPN-Location...
    Mobile games for me are rather just appetizers for me, i get bored of them too quickly. I want a meal and mabi is still that for me.
  • Momma_SophieMomma_Sophie
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,575
    Posts: 290
    edited May 11, 2021
    I never left (unless you count my absence before 2016). Always loved the game and I never want to see it go away.
  • HaediHaedi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,030
    Posts: 13
    Because I wanted to talk to Blaanid more and hang out with her. My motivation is basically Blaanid now.
  • SqueeSquee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,565
    Posts: 201
    Honestly, I don't even play anymore. I tried to come back to the game back in G23 after being gone since G19 (The story was really boring for G19 and I didn't like the Alban Knights or the crusador skills at all), and for some reason, no matter how much stronger I get, it feels like I'm capped at about 1k to 1.5k in most of my stats even though some people are running around with like 2500 or more on some stats (which I don't know how people are getting such huge stats since I maxed out more skills than anyone else almost maxing out every skillset except ninja and those are all rank 5 or above). I couldn't figure it out in order so I could beat G24 and G25, but I can't figure it out, so I gave up on the game again.

    Now I just come to the forums to see what's up with the community.