Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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The Mabi of Your Dreams? (Idea thread/forum)

Mabinogi Rep: 1,030
Posts: 20
edited September 3, 2021 in General Chat
Ok so we all know this game has so much potential to it and is very different from other games in a way that can't be replicated in other games. Yes there's of course a lot that this game needs to revamp and fix but lets just bounce off our dream ideas here. Why? Why not? I think we all have fun ideas we would like to see come to the game in the future, even if it's only a dream idea. I personally would love to see everyone else's dream ideas too. I'll start with a idea me and my friend bounced off each other.
- Many of us mid game-end gamers don't have much to do except grind out reforges/gear/weapons/erg and maps now are pretty easy mob wise if you're pretty maxed out. I know there's rumors of there being a new continent added but hear me out... What if they added a continent that is all underwater? Like you start off on a beach and just walk into the water and for the first time swimming is brought in? Controls are the same or like flying and you can swim into the deep waters into like a whole new world.
Or this unleashes and becomes available with a new gen and at the end of the gen you acquire, similar to a trans, like fins that activate in the water. And the fins can be customizable color, shape, whatever your heart could think of. Maybe the ability to become mermaids/merpeople? But like other trans forms/talent/techs you get new skills for fighting that you can use only in water.
As for the trans/tech/talent fins would be used in this new underwater continent where there's like, deep sea treasure hunting where you can possibly find Erg/New Weapon/Gear/Etc materials. Of course also include new mobs to fight, sea creatures of all sorts, sharks, fish, and even include new Field Bosses! (I'm sure nexon could come up with some crazy cool field bosses.)
The map itself would be similar to Iria or belvast where it is it's own continent, but can only be unlocked after completion of said generation(s) completion. This whole continent would also be pretty strong mob wise so it's not newbie friendly. (Would make CP-based skills and talents easier to train for mid-end gamers.) This would make players more motivated of course to complete the gen or whatever amount of gens are made to be required to unlock the continent. There would be underwater new NPCs/towns/villages/ all around that have shops that have old and new items for underwater life. Also with completion the gen for fins, the player can use them in other water areas on like Uladh/Iria/Belvast/the rest of Erinn. That alone can open up so many new possibilities for events and new content for players.
New events/pets too? Imagine being able to do like Seahorse racing? Maybe Sea turtle mounts? Underwater battles. Could add in new gear and weapons for underwater life!
And the whole fin trans/tech/talent would or could basically turn your avatar/character into a mermaid or grow flippers/gills/fins etc. You could still use whatever talents that are already in the game in fighting underwater but the fins/mermaid trans (whatever it would be considered) make movement faster, traveling faster and also unlocks a new form of fighting, like a whole new talent that you can mix with other existing talents/weaps etc. Could even eventually add armor for your new fins and that improve swimming/fighting.
There's honestly so much that could be added to this whole idea of course and I could probably go on about it until every detail was worked out honestly. I just always loved underwater maps in other games as well as swimming and think this would be such a cool thing for Mabinogi to have. Of course it's a dream so it would be extremely unlikely but... We can dream right? What are your dreams for Mabinogi that you've always wanted to see come to reality? VR? Complete map/mob revamps? Mabi 2.0? Game play change? New Talent? New Event? New Races? Marriage of Giants and Elves?
Let us know your dreams below, would love to read them! Feel free to share ANY ideas you have as I'd LOVE to see tons of different ideas and dreams you all might have!! All ideas are valid here!


  • ZaylinZaylin
    Mabinogi Rep: 870
    Posts: 3
    edited September 4, 2021
    I would love to see more content like that. It may not be the prettiest or smoothest playing game, but Mabinogi has SOOOOO much potential. We really need a revamped Mabinogi 2, with better graphics and a new game engine.

    The content really makes the game. One of my most memorable, favorite Mabi days was when Iria came out. There was SO MUCH to explore and we got to enjoy new races and dungeons. If only we had more days like that, I miss the thrill of getting to explore new dungeons or searching for the cities.

    Some ideas I’d love to see some day:

    - New talents (especially something with scythe or rogue type talent)
    - New races (Dragon race please)
    - New continents or towns (I could go on about this for ages. I love the idea of an underwater map or even one in the sky. We need more places that are interactable. Imagine being able to fly up and sit in the Yggdrasil tree!!)
    - New dungeons with traps or puzzles, especially if it was rng so we can’t just mindlessly spam the same dungeons over and over
    - We definitely do need more mobs and field bosses, preferably ones with a better reward pool (plus updated rewards for current raids and squires)
    - Free repair
    - Source of gold for the Mid-end gamers that doesn’t rely on auction house, since the market is always broken.
    - The game needs to be more F2P friendly, where goals feel achievable without spending real money on gacha. Add more gear, weapons and an in game way to get reforges that can be achieved through work and effort instead of just gold and money
    - Less idle events
    - A guild revamp. Make guilds actually beneficial to join and participate, like every guild gets their own guild store, quest boards, or even private raids. Also bring back the titles and let us customize the stats!!

    My biggest dream is a VR/Full Dive (like Sword Art Online) Mabi remake with amazing graphics. My favorite spot to hang would be in Zardine on the hill by the dragon, where I can sit and watch the volcano and stars.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    edited September 3, 2021
    As much as I would like to see new continents in the future I would like to see the continents we have improve first. Iria is even bigger than Uladh yet almost nobody goes there anymore unless it is for one of the two or three Iria events we get a year. So I would like to see Iria improvements happen first.

    Iria Improvements I would like to see:
    - More Iria Events
    - Elf and Giant marriage
    - Iria Commerce (to improve our boring commerce system and encourage more players to explore Iria at the same time)
    - Extend the Rafting route and fix the bugs to make rafting more fun
    - Add way more Adventure Seal Quests everywhere, Improve the Adventure Seal Shop, and add a Adventure Seal Merchant to Iria
    - Some kind of Shadow Alter and Shadow Missions added to the Muyu Desert to reveal the history of what was there before it was became a desert as the city looks like it could have been as big as Tara or bigger

    Uladh could use some improvements as well as it doesn't feel like we are using the full Uladh map. I think it would be cool if a ninja village was added on Uladh to add more to the story about Hagi and Anju. Take a look at the thread I made last year about Uladh's map:

    The Transformation Mastery Skill is something I want to see improve as well as this old thread basically covers my thoughts on what they could add to it:

    Of course I want to see new continents, races, and talents but I feel like we already have a lot of content that should be fixed or improved first.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    A proper Necromancer talent where we can use scythes.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited September 5, 2021
    -less gacha garbage and more directly purchasable pets/fashion and such.
    -less new content, fix/revamp old content to be more appealing because most of them are forgotten. Popping out every new content is extremely overwhelming to me and it just makes me want to quit this game fully.
    -stop giving too much garbage in events, too much free repairs... Which leads to...
    -fix god damn inflation. It's really bad. Thanks to all these gachas, RMTers and free repair events. NO DAMN FREE REPAIRS, SMH.

    For now, i don't have any more ideas, i barely play this game by now.
  • UnpayedUnpayed
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,495
    Posts: 97
    edited September 5, 2021
    1. Mabinogi NA/EU Drop rate balance.
    - Lets face it, our population will never get to the levels how the Overseas that do it.
    2. Mabinogi NA/EU Playtest. (Or less "hide from public")
    - MAYBE the oversea playtesters miss something. MAYBE we can find it and report it. NO, I don't mean GMs going to playtest them, thats too slow. Ex. We fought that Tech Illusion of Balor. 3 of the 4 runners got the end chest. That 1 didn't. We don't know what happened.
    3. Iria Revamp
    - A revamp of the Iria continent. Probably inaccessible areas be accessible. Solea's area might be used, we can fly out of Quia port, no more "ledge valleys"...
    4. Fly anywhere
    - No restrictions. Maybe except for the cliffs and steep slopes. Probably in the other zones that hasn't seen the fly zones yet. Ceo island might be an issue, though.
    5. Repair Revamp.
    - For the lesser players, repair costs might be an overkill to them. Especially if we get an item from a friend, but we can't pay the maintenance cost.
    6. Upgrade Anvil Revamp.
    - Those who risk it has the money and content to make another. Those who don't are stuck. Then there are those who uses the lucky/protection stones to prevent losses.
    7. Better Pet AI
    - Aside from using complicated custom scripts, why not revamp the AI? They're obviously fragile outside of Divine Link, and there is no way to train them outside of Baltane Missions.
    8. Less Gacha locked Equipment.
    - Nuff said.
    9. Character Current Level Booster
    - It's like the Elite Hero cards, but for existing characters. They boost your level to 1000's, 5000's, 10000's or even 15000's. They also increase your skill levels to a certain rank, boosts some skills to r1/Dan levels, and boost some skill/Talent levels to Dan/Rank1 of your choice, and possibly skip generations! Obviously you will need a character above the boosting level in order to use. Think of WoW's Level booster service and FFXIV's Content skip service- but add them in mabi!
    10. Tara Auction actually selling items we want.
    - Self Explanatory.
    11. Dungeon* Drop Anti-frustration feature (*This includes Theater and SM*)
    - This idea was taken from Genshin Impact. We can select an item for a day for a dungeon run to get a increased chance in receiving it. If we do get the item, the system cannot be used for that item for the day. If we do not get it, the item drop rate increases on the next run. The drop rate increases on each "Failed" drops until a certain number, where it is a 100% drop. When we do get it, the drop rate resets to normal- and we cannot use to get the item again until the reset time. Obviously, this mechanic only works on characters above a certain level to avoid botting. (5000+?)
    12. Elves getting the race buff.
    - Okay, you made the Giants useful now. Can we get something to make Elves better?
    13. Transformation mastery improvements
    - Make it that we can at least use some monster skills! The only thing they are useful is eye candy right now. Oh, and probably increased rates and improved training methods.
    14. Iria Raid revamp.
    - Enough smash X for points. Also, a penalty to those who denies other players their contributions. It's toxic when someone use that Fighter rush tackle(?) skill dragons to death. Also, announcement of
    15. Neid added to Raids
    - I don't forget about Neid. Neid needs some love.
    16. A commerce revamp.
    - Prices, bandit spawns, Bandit lag in low end computers, more Ducats... "Ironically, despite being the commerce capital of the Mabinogi World, Dunbarton has the WORST commerce prices" (at least in Alexina).
    17. Outlaw hunting fix
    - A fix that fixes the despawning of bandits when you are outlaw hunting.
    18. Iria Exploration fix.
    - A fix that puts an individual timer, not a SINGLE timer on all Iria exploration objects. Rano is not affected by this issue, but everywhere that isn't Solea/AntHell is.
    19. Guild Revamp.
    - Guild storage, Guild shop, Guild Titles. Guild Storage has your item to flagged to be borrowed. They don't lose dura (The borrower's version does), they are kept in the guild storage, there are two seperate guild storage, one for equipment, and one for misc items/mats, and best of all, everyone has a bank tab to put it in your guild storage, so lets say if you leave your guild, the guild storage of yours goes with you. When you join another guild, that storage is added to your new guild. Obviously needs trade unlock to borrow -only items. Limitations can be used by 1 or 3 members. Guild shop - Just like the market, but goes to the guild bank(?). Guild title. Everyone gets one at a certain rank.
    20. PvP Talents/Skills/modifiers
    - Lets face it, Mabinogi isn't for PvP. There isn't anything thats "PvP resilience" or the skills be "PvP fair". Also, when there's an unwanted EvG flag that you forgot to turn off, a 5 second grace period before you are vulnerable again.
    21. Iria Dungeon revamp
    - Enough of those ***** healing rooms or wait rooms. Just spawn them like any normal dungeon so I can get them done >:O
    22. GMs actually kicking/banning bots.
    - Why are there still spambots here?
    23. Mule limitations.
    - Having one or two is okay, but have lets say 3 + mules?!? That's insane.
    24. Pets in Raids
    - Let us summon pets and partners in those raids. We can take "You can't fly with them" as a compromise. Was supposed to be "You can't mount" but realized that we need the movement in case we can't find the target.
    25. Soluna Blade.
    - I want to somehow see it be an uncommon sight, not a once in a lifetime sight.
    26. Falias Fragments
    - Besides a random drop in Outlaw hunting, can I get a better way to get the fragments? I hate getting a mule/bot account.
  • Raywave7Raywave7
    Mabinogi Rep: 420
    Posts: 2
    edited September 9, 2021
    This is a great idea!

    Here's some of my dream ideas:
    - Dual-Wielding Elves
    - Make all 2H weapons able to be wielded by elves
    - clothes physics, and physics in general
    ties aren't supposed to stick to a character and neither should capes and other things
    - better graphics for cutscenes (like appropriate changes in expression)
    - ability to swim or at least walk in water anywhere.
    - New continents!
    - More talents!
    - Touch ups on close combat (like more exclusive skills for it)
    - More elf love
    - Final Hit for Elves!
    - Better looks for Falcon, Beast, Dark Knight and Paladin
    - Ability to choose how Rest looks upon reaching a certain rank
    - Jumping, for those pesky fences and other things
    - Ability to idle pose while sitting
    ever wanted to pose while sitting?
    - Eating and drinking animations, easily interruptible if needed
    - Refining doesn’t have a consistent animation, due to lag issues. We should fix that.
    - No timer on the Style or Echostone tabs, mainly the Style tab. I figure the company gets money other ways than limiting the Style tab.
    - Smooth animations for personal flight and spread wings action. No more cardboard people.
    - Decrease stamina loss when using the Healing skill on yourself.
    - Rebirthing and getting to choose your age, and an option for not having to reset your age at all.
    - Finally paying off your house. The amount of gold required to pay off the lease would vary depending on size and the house level, but if we can pay off houses in real life, why not in Mabinogi?
    - A way to store every necessary weapon on our person. So, like, more than two slots for hand weapons. I wanna be able to switch weapons on command rather than just having two weapons and reaching in a bag for another needed weapon. Like, say.. there's one or two weapon slots off to the side for combat, one for magic, one for knuckles, one for chain, one for music, and so on and so forth. And we can just switch using a hot key. :3
    (I see this is basically the extra equip slot. But, that's not free. So, please make that free for all eventually.)
    - Ability to wear outfits that are usually for a different gender. We're in the 2020s, get with the times!
    - Ability to wear ears, hats, etc with glasses. Self-explanatory. :3

    I have more but that's all I can remember right now. :3
  • TwelieTwelie
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,850
    Posts: 272
    edited September 8, 2021
    Zaylin wrote: »
    - We definitely do need more mobs and field bosses, preferably ones with a better reward pool (plus updated rewards for current raids and squires)
    - A guild revamp. Make guilds actually beneficial to join and participate...
    Unpayed wrote: »
    5. Repair Revamp. (fixed by fixing dungeon/raid rewards, blaanid gear will be much cheaper to repair)
    10. Tara Auction actually selling items we want.
    - Self Explanatory.
    14. Iria Raid revamp.
    16. A commerce revamp.
    19. Guild Revamp.
    Greta wrote: »
    -less new content, fix/revamp old content to be more appealing because most of them are forgotten. Popping out every new content is extremely overwhelming to me and it just makes me want to quit this game fully.

    It is worth mentioning here before posting you all should take a look at the KR update roadmap, as some of the things mentioned are already confirmed and in the works. I have posted this in the overseas content section. There is already confirmed commerce, guild, and raid/dungeon revamps, and some of the other things here were commented on.

    As for me, I would very much like to see them just consolidate divinity/demigod/ racial transformation into ONE transformation skillset that gets the appropriate skills as you clear their related generations. I would also very much like to see updates of very old outfits. We are getting the ability to put other clothing animations onto the clothing we have equipped, so I think asking for rest stances isn't too much of a stretch.

  • stormhammerstormhammer
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,465
    Posts: 52
    Long long time ago, I pitched an idea for a Sumerian continent.
    I don't think there should necessarily be more land though. We should probably work on adding more stuff in the space we have.

    1- Iria is 99% empty. I can see potential in adding elf/giant offshoot cities. Humans have Tara, Tail, Emain, and Dunby, but giants and elves only have one single city each? Id very much like to see something like a forest outpost for elves in Solea, or a mountain outpost for giants. This would probably imply some kind of commerce would be necessary between the outposts and their main cities. Very long distance, but maybe it can be designed around so that these runs wont take an hour of walking?
    I can imagine
    - Get a commerce quest from an outpost.
    - Meet a supplier thats nearby to a main city.
    - The supplier gives you commerce items that you can then take the rest of the way to the main city.
    or the opposite, where you start at a main city, get a quest to bring supplies to an outpost, and you start the commerce run at a supplier near that outpost.

    You can easily add depth to this system, by making some suppliers only accessible via rafting, or via meeting them mid air in a hot air balloon, or behind a password wall in the iria tunnels.

    its not a fully fledged out system, but I can see something coming from this, and iria commerce would be neat, if we could do without insane time commitment.

    2- Cities are mostly visited if there is a concrete need to be there. I think Vales and Filia need something a little more than just engineering and magic craft respectively.
    Based on the cities of uladh, they need a source of repeatable instance quests like Tail, Tara or Emain.
    Im not saying add stonehenges with new shadow missions to Iria, but maybe move the stardust system over there instead of in dunby, where everyone already is? Maybe have item requests in vales, with core requests in Filia? Sure it requires more travel, but it would be a concrete reason to revisit these cities constantly.

    3- For a more general update, id like text search to be updated in the auction house
    -- Capitalization should be ignored.
    --A harder issue, searching should not display results of a single type, but all items that match your search term. For example, currently if you type in "Asuna," you get a drop down of items that match "Asuna." You then pick one, and the auction house displays all items of that type. I would prefer if instead, you type in Asuna, hit search, and the auction house displays all items that have "Asuna" in the name. Wigs, shoes, outfits, all of it.
    --Something they could do that's interesting, is expose the auction house to the web outside of mabi. Having a website where you can check the current auction house without logging in would be cool, but im also imagining a web api, where you can search information, plot your own graphs, do data analysis, etc. Even simple things like searching what today's most traded item is would be great. Now of course this is basically as much work as a real stock market API, and those cost lots of money to use... And mabis databases would be overworked and open to DDOS without solid rate limiting, but it would be cool.
  • UnpayedUnpayed
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,495
    Posts: 97
    Twelie wrote: »
    Zaylin wrote: »
    - We definitely do need more mobs and field bosses, preferably ones with a better reward pool (plus updated rewards for current raids and squires)
    - A guild revamp. Make guilds actually beneficial to join and participate...
    Unpayed wrote: »
    5. Repair Revamp. (fixed by fixing dungeon/raid rewards, blaanid gear will be much cheaper to repair)
    10. Tara Auction actually selling items we want.
    - Self Explanatory.
    14. Iria Raid revamp.
    16. A commerce revamp.
    19. Guild Revamp.
    Greta wrote: »
    -less new content, fix/revamp old content to be more appealing because most of them are forgotten. Popping out every new content is extremely overwhelming to me and it just makes me want to quit this game fully.

    It is worth mentioning here before posting you all should take a look at the KR update roadmap, as some of the things mentioned are already confirmed and in the works. I have posted this in the overseas content section. There is already confirmed commerce, guild, and raid/dungeon revamps, and some of the other things here were commented on.

    I'm already aware of the roadmap. The list is actually from a "100 things Mabinogi needs fixes" list I made some time ago.
  • PannyaPannya
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,810
    Posts: 205
    First and the most important, no nexon, no korean developers, no korean investors or producers, i have played enough of their games to be sure that they have an awful way of thinking, mabi have a great crafting system but still need a revamp and the rng have to be gone from the finish, more mats, patterns and manuals, enough to make every single item in the dressing room, revamped and trackable neid, a new enchanting system that actually let people enchant stuff, no erg, reforges and special upgrades, events that can be done in less than an hour and no afk events, a realistic pity system in every single dungeon, mission, etc. for every single skill there should be a reliable counter attack, evation should evade every or at least most of the skills without delay to make pvp interesting, no gear or enchants in the gacha thats completly p2w, no more trolling in adv tests or events, the same or better graphics than genshin impact, no gender or race restrictions in anything, at all, the players should be able to repair their own stuff if they got r1 in the skill related, no techniques, more iria and festia events, more actually developed events like the cursed labyrinth, etc.
  • mintielmintiel
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,865
    Posts: 209
    Yeah can we get that earlier generation update where they made Ruairi and other npcs look a lot better. I think they also added voice acting. That'd be nice.

    Hell, just update the old character creation hairs that look awful and older NPCs. I'd probably buy pon more often if that happened. That and just add the hair dyes to the current hair color selections. Weird that there's so many eye colors that were added but I have to get a gacha item to have an alternate shade of pink hair? And that pink will go away if I want to change my hair as if getting the hair coupon I want at a particular time isn't going to be a decent sum dumped into gach.

    Also the weird grid item placement in homesteads really sucks. Lately there's a lot more items to fix that but it'd be nice if there was a way that was just... idk, better. Just take inspiration from FFXIV's housing's decorating system.

    Another thing is just... can we have an elf update. Please. PLEASE?
  • stormhammerstormhammer
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,465
    Posts: 52
    piping hot fresh complaint.
    Make the new pickup hotkey work to the full range of a huge lucky drop.
    So far, you can pick up almost everything, except the outermost ring of drops. Makes me sad.
    Also holding down the button could keep picking items up, but that would be the cherry on top to save my hands from carpal tunnel.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    edited September 10, 2021
    i have a few things i'd like to see! first is i'd LOVE a scythe talent as well, maybe use inspiration from Cethlenn's scythe spawning attack? of course, more instruments for music is another thing that i would love to see happen (though it did appear in the roadmap of Mabi KR so i'm looking forward to that!!)
    i do agree with the underwater idea and i'd love if they could expand north or west in Uladh but i think Iria is pretty barren and needs some love too, like there isnt even any background music.. i'd love to hear Kemono Friends styled music over there! :>
    also i wonder if there will ever be a different way to get festival instruments other than community events? hmmm..
    ooh and i'd love a commerce revamp! i think that it's also already on the KR roadmap but one thing i liked that was suggested was on a feedback thread (i forget which one?) where they suggested a party feature, people could form caravans instead of soloing! people could bring their own wagon or ride with a few friends and switch the driver every once in a while, another person could play music (kinda like enthralling performance i guess?) and for sure there definitely needs to be some work done because the ducat economy is just.. it hurts to look at right now X_X

    i might come back and edit this if i have any more ideas but this is what i can think of rn :p

    EDIT: just had some really good ideas! firstly, i'd love if they would revamp the Bard Bulletin Board, i'd like to be able to add filters to the search (and not have to spam the >> key all the way just to USE the search feature...) im sick of the Yvona/Nele scores blocking up the ACTUAL SONGS...
    and an actual 'favorites' tab we can use to bookmark certain scores we like so we dont have to hunt them down again every time we want another transcription of it
    another thing that can use more love is MabiNovel, its currently bugged to hell and back, i can barely get it to publish anything i write anymore and its missing quite a lot of characters.. my actual suggestion would be to let us buy the books once and register them so we dont have to haul 50 books around just to make mabinovels (im guessing this would be difficult with crossover themed books so they'd be the exception to this) and who knows, maybe there could be fun events that integrate mabinovel into them, like that one event we got when we first got the feature and we got event character books, or maybe make it a forum contest and give people different themes to go on?
    (of course the ridiculous amount of bugs will have to be squashed before anything)
  • DemoncatDemoncat
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,840
    Posts: 163
    edited September 15, 2021
    Add the bloody Necromancer or Black Magic talent already for god sakes x.x
    update the engine and graphics: which i know is in the works already
    Remove Durability and have weapons last infinite
    and Buff magic again

    oh ya and get rid of the god "bleep" special non special idle outfits and just make single outfits with idle for male and female. its getting really obnoxious with greedy punks in this game over pricing new "special" outfits because they are desperate for gold x.x
  • TwelieTwelie
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,850
    Posts: 272
    Demoncat wrote: »
    and Buff magic again

    oh ya and get rid of the god "bleep" special non special idle outfits and just make single outfits with idle for male and female. its getting really obnoxious with greedy punks in this game over pricing new "special" outfits because they are desperate for gold x.x

    Magic doesn't really need another buff, but battlefield overture is apparently going to add magic attack.
    I agree we don't need two versions of the same outfit, but it's not the people selling the special outfit's fault- its the gacha rate and demand that determines the price. If special outfits came out in an outfit bag for 20$ a pop the price would immediately drop, I promise- but on average to get a "good" item you've often sifting through a whole stack of 45, and then it isn't even what you wanted.

    Keep in mind that male outfits are also leagues cheaper if you want to rebirth into male :^)
  • UnpayedUnpayed
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,495
    Posts: 97
    27. Mabi GMs actually banning/kicking/reporting Mules.
    28. Anti Mule systems
    29. Events are had limitations for new user accounts.
    30. Mule/Bot control.

    Seriously, are the GMs aware of these mules/bots? I hope they don't add any of those lottery events- until they get their botting/mule issues done.
  • nibblesthecatnibblesthecat
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,785
    Posts: 43
    That Apocalypse Raid advertisement? I would like to see that sort of thing in regular and hardmode dungeons. Not to force it on people, but have several options to vary the dungeon experience and encourage teamwork beyond merely making the monsters stronger. Something like Challenge Mode on the old Phantasy Star Online I think would be really fun.
    In no particular order:
    -Optional multiplayer mini-questlines to work through as a team (solve a mystery, split up to find items and activate switches/traps remotely
    -Single-player or npc-aided versions of the above
    -more meaningful drops (WoW-style randomized weapon and outfit drops from monsters, for example)
    -Optional DnD-style traps (pits, teleports, more lasting/dangerous status effects, etc)
    -Send groups of monsters on patrol
    -Optional bring back the items dropping on KO and the empty room that damaged players for no reason
    -optional puzzles and minigames to work together on with consequences for failure
    -optional timers in some rooms
    -optional limits on item use, recovery, etc
    -Lastly, a big prize for players/teams who beat all of these "special" dungeon modes

    That's what I got

  • CrazyTim7CrazyTim7
    Mabinogi Rep: 930
    Posts: 7
    When Mabinerd came 7o visi7 my local ci7y we had a similar conversa7ion abou7 7his ho7 7opic. Mab really doesn7 have ano7her dunbar7on, a 7own where all 7he gamers hang ou7 a7.
    I personally would love if 7hey made 7he hidden 7alen7s have 7heir own symbols like 7he soul s7ar, druid, e7c. I could see hidden 7alen7s having differen7 cel7ic symbols since mab is highly influenced by 7he cel7ic s7yle.
    For a long 7ime i wan7ed dinosaurs in 7he game because why no7 bu7 you know 7here is a whole world ou7 7here more 7han jus7 7wo con7inen7s and a large island and a small island, even being able 7o visi7 doki doki during non season would be nice. Heck 7heres even a dark world. Would love 7o see more of 7he world and more of 7he dark version of 7he world 7ha7 mab has.
    Also an elf upda7e is ex7remely needed! More Lance skills would be cool. Sy7he and rapier 7alen7s would be dope.
    I don7 7hink 7he hidden cos7ume designer 7alen7 would coun7 for 7his bu7 maybe a fashionogi 7alen7? No7 7oo sure wha7 i7 would be based on bu7 i7 sounds like an in7eres7ing concep7. Maybe more merchan7 skills. (wha7s up wi7h 7hese 7alen7s wi7h only 2 or 3 skills anyways?)
    Ive hones7ly no problem wi7h 7he games aged as7ech7ic i ac7ually really like 7he old poly look = )
    oh and 7his is some7hing ive fel7 mab should of always had anyways...REPLAYABLE GENERA7IONS NO7 JUS7 SAGA!!
  • mintielmintiel
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,865
    Posts: 209
    CrazyTim7 wrote: »
    When Mabinerd came 7o visi7 my local ci7y we had a similar conversa7ion abou7 7his ho7 7opic. Mab really doesn7 have ano7her dunbar7on, a 7own where all 7he gamers hang ou7 a7.
    I personally would love if 7hey made 7he hidden 7alen7s have 7heir own symbols like 7he soul s7ar, druid, e7c. I could see hidden 7alen7s having differen7 cel7ic symbols since mab is highly influenced by 7he cel7ic s7yle.
    For a long 7ime i wan7ed dinosaurs in 7he game because why no7 bu7 you know 7here is a whole world ou7 7here more 7han jus7 7wo con7inen7s and a large island and a small island, even being able 7o visi7 doki doki during non season would be nice. Heck 7heres even a dark world. Would love 7o see more of 7he world and more of 7he dark version of 7he world 7ha7 mab has.
    Also an elf upda7e is ex7remely needed! More Lance skills would be cool. Sy7he and rapier 7alen7s would be dope.
    I don7 7hink 7he hidden cos7ume designer 7alen7 would coun7 for 7his bu7 maybe a fashionogi 7alen7? No7 7oo sure wha7 i7 would be based on bu7 i7 sounds like an in7eres7ing concep7. Maybe more merchan7 skills. (wha7s up wi7h 7hese 7alen7s wi7h only 2 or 3 skills anyways?)
    Ive hones7ly no problem wi7h 7he games aged as7ech7ic i ac7ually really like 7he old poly look = )
    oh and 7his is some7hing ive fel7 mab should of always had anyways...REPLAYABLE GENERA7IONS NO7 JUS7 SAGA!!

    I love the idea of replayable generations but I wish your post didn't read like you were a homestuck character...

  • DemoncatDemoncat
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,840
    Posts: 163
    Twelie wrote: »
    Demoncat wrote: »
    and Buff magic again

    oh ya and get rid of the god "bleep" special non special idle outfits and just make single outfits with idle for male and female. its getting really obnoxious with greedy punks in this game over pricing new "special" outfits because they are desperate for gold x.x

    Magic doesn't really need another buff, but battlefield overture is apparently going to add magic attack.
    I agree we don't need two versions of the same outfit, but it's not the people selling the special outfit's fault- its the gacha rate and demand that determines the price. If special outfits came out in an outfit bag for 20$ a pop the price would immediately drop, I promise- but on average to get a "good" item you've often sifting through a whole stack of 45, and then it isn't even what you wanted.

    Keep in mind that male outfits are also leagues cheaper if you want to rebirth into male :^)

    why in gods name would i want to rebirth into a male x.x also the BFO buffing magic is actually just buffing Intermediate and bolt magic only. but either way id still prefer to see another magic buff or necromancy talent