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PSA: Please summon candy sprites near candy npc's
Please summon candy sprites near candy npc's, that way we can have a common area to go to for other people who need it. The fishing event
is kinda killing this event for some people and they didn't really make the summon scrolls with a high drop rate. So if you do get this scroll and/or decide to use it - please use it there. I mean if you're gonna go there anyway, might as well do it there and help people out at the same time.
Please READ

You do whatever you want. I don't care. Your pass, your gold, whatever. Just don't be a jackass over it.
Thank you.
Shame that only 3-6 people will walk by in the 5 minutes that its around, at least for the last 3 spawns I did.
Not a lot of people chill by those npcs.
Well, thank you for doing so. If more people do, more people can do this event and won't have to miss out.
You know how they say
"The true test of civilization is whether you will, without any reward or punishment, return a shopping cart to its origin"
Its a tiny, TINY bit of extra effort that benefits a general group to which you belong. It doesn't benefit you directly to return a shopping cart, it doesn't inconvenience you, its an action that shows the world that you're a functional member of society without being prompted, and if everybody did it, the super market would be a better place overall.
This is the same thing.
Of course you can spawn your thing wherever you want. Its yours. Do what you want.
But if you choose to not share something, where there are zero downsides, then you might just be the kind of person that doesn't return a shopping cart.
Do you want to be that person?
You know I did say explicitly that this is only a REQUEST, it is not a demand. You can do whatever you want and FO at the same time. I hope all the shopping carts in the world ding your car.
I'm ready to be banned.
You bet they can, but maybe they could just do the request anyway? I mean, it's not against the law to be rude to people, but why not just be polite; that kind of thing.
<sarcasm>Nah that sounds too much like Socialism. And you know how it is with Americans: Socialism is bad because ... reasons? Kitsune News told them so; not that it thinks for them or anything like that.</sarcasm>
Well socialism is just another word for communism. kek. We're just talking about common courtesy. Now that's not to say that aeternitis is not human or a decent person irl. There is a difference between having humanity and being human, because being human does not indicate being an altruist. Being human could mean a difference between a nice person or a being jackass.
Good bye thread.
Socialism means that there is public sector involvement in providing society's requirements. To what degree the public sector participates have different labels. 100% Public sector and 0% private sector is Communism. 0% public sector and 100% private is actually called Anarchy, which makes it the opposite of Socialism. The opposite of Communism then would be Capitalism since Capitalism calls for private sector involvement in providing society's requirements. People misuse the term Anarchy to mean chaos and so on. The most mild form of Socialism then is Libertarianism, since they do not call for the full dismantlement of the government but its reduction to an absolute minimum in size. As for what the other end of the scales equivalent of Libertarianism, the most mild form of Capitalism is, I don't know what it would be called. The degree of public versus private involvement is a continuum. Take away the two extremes: Communism and Anarchy then Socialism and Capitalism basically describe the same thing with Socialists favouring Public sector involvement and Capitalists favouring Private sector involvement. What this means is that while America is a Capitalist country it is also Socialist country, it's just not as Socialist as other countries. But I digress . . .
You're right, there's no harm in asking folks to summon Candy Sprites near the Candy NPCs.
I dont think this is true.
Socialism and Libertarianism are different scales, though they are slightly correlated.
- A socialist wants socialist policies, like food, shelter, and healthcare to be provided to each citizen, or to have the common citizen control sources of well being.
- A capitalist does not want these policies. They want money to control where these things come from, and believe that this system balances out to be fair.
- An authoritarian wants a large powerful government to control the people and enforce rules
- A libertarian wants a small government, which does not have much power, so that each individual has control over their own life.
- A centrist is someone whos balanced between the scale of authoritarian/libertarian or socialist/capitalist.
So a libertarian is not necessarily a socialist, nor are they necessarily a capitalist. They can be either, they just want less government.
It just so happens that to make socialism work, you generally need a government in charge of it to keep it running. If you had a commune of people, with no government, each supporting socialist values, then it would only be a matter of time until a more powerful group took them over and created a government.
So socialists tend to be authoritarian, which is what communism is, authoritarian socialism.
The opposite of that is a capitalist libertarian, because the opposite of an authoritarian is a libertarian, and the opposite of a socialist is a capitalist.
Though you can be any combination of any of these. Socialist Libertarian, Capitalist Authoritarian, etc.
Personally i consider myself a radical centrist. I believe all the things, at once, all the way.
About the offtopic, socialism and capitalism can be authoritarian, it depends on the amount of opposition they have, not on the system itself, both of them were made to fix the problems of the other one, the people who designed and supported those systems were not villains or heroes, they were only trying to fix the problems of their time, in our era its quite clear that neither of those 2 work well on their own, we need both, and they have to be constantly regulated to maintain our freedom.
And regarding the shopping cart analogy. Posting a thread asking to spawn near Clodagh is more like asking me to take YOUR shopping cart back to where it belongs since I'm taking mine anyway. Now I may see your shopping cart sitting out in the lot long after you are home enjoying your Rice Krispies and at that point I may or may not take your cart back simply to make the supermarket parking lot a better place, but no one has asked me to do so and therefore I do it out of the kindness of my heart or perhaps just because it bothers me. The whole point is that when someone "requests" it of you, it changes into me doing their job. That was my only point.
Just to start, let's leave Authoritarianism out of this. It is about Power not Economics. It's the difference between say, Marxism and Marxist-Leninism. Marxism is just about having a command economy (a name, by the way, that their marketing department should have caught as a bad branding) and not despotism, secret police with knocks on the door at 4AM, and so on. When you add the Leninism then you get all the despotism and secret police and so on. Since Libertarianism is just one step away from Anarchy people don't think of it as Socialism. But calling for public involvement, however small, is Socialism.
One of societies needs is the ability to apply force, ideally as a last measure: calling in the SWAT team during a hostage situation or repelling an invading foreign army. Libertarianism wants to keep these services in public hands, as there is then a means of public oversite. Also, these are services that the rich and powerful directly benefit from so they don't mind sharing the cost to maintain them with peons like us, via taxation.
Such services need not be in public hands. So let's talk about Anarchy. The best example of this, believe it or not is the Mafia. Not the American but Sicilian version, since that island has lived under varying degrees of Anarchy over the centuries. Imagine you open a shop. Representatives of the local Mafioso visit and give you the old, "gee this sure is a nice shop. I'd be a shame if something were to happen to it" schpiel. If you don't take the message, your shop gets vandalised. So, you comply. Now, you're paying protection money to the mob. Let's say an unassociated gang steals and vandalises your shop. You go to the Mafia boss and say, "Hey where's my protection?" Do they say, "not my problem but you better keep your payments up"? No, they say, "don't worry I'll take care of it." and they also say "send me the bill." So then the boss finds out who attacked your shop and has them dealt with. In this case then the Mafia acts like the police, the courts, and the insurance industry. Why? Because they're making money from your shop. They want it to succeed. The better it does the better their take. Hence taking care of the costs. Your business is back up that much faster and the mafia makes up the difference in short order. So rather than paying tax and insurance payments you pay protection money, but you get the same services back. If you don't pay your protection money then the boss sends armed guys to your house. If you don't pay your taxes then the government sends armed guys to your house. So, all these economic systems are essentially the same. The differences is whether the services come from the public bucket, the private bucket, or both.
Since, Authoritarianism is a decision making system with regards to societal policy and not an economic system, you are correct that any society, regardless of it's degree of Capitalism versus Socialism, can become Authoritarian, since they are two different animals and are not related. When you ask most Americans what Socialism is they answer by describing Authoritarianism. This is ridiculous of course. But it's a narrative that the rich and powerful have perpetuated, since it maintains the status quo.
As for the original topic. Thanks for the tip!
The goal of going to the supermarket is to shop and bring home groceries.
Bringing the shopping cart back, is optional. Its just common courtesy.
The goal of this event is to get 50 candy.
Spawning the sprite in public is optional. Its just common courtesy.
Your interpretation of the metaphor would be valid, if you were doing people's job by completing their goal for them, which would mean buying their groceries for them.
But buying groceries would cost money, it would mean you have to do your own job twice, just to have somebody else benefit.
That is NOT what you are doing by sharing a sprite. You dont have to do double the work for two people's benefit. You dont have to do 10x the work for 10 people's benefits. When you do the work yourself, and share, then you let 10 people benefit, for the work of one person, and thats work that you would have done anyway if you spawned the sprite privately.
If you want a new super market metaphor, this is equal to saying
You're at a supermarket, at the checkout, and the cashier says "congratulations, you've won our charity promo. If you agree, you let the next 5 people in line get their groceries for free!!!"
and you respond:
"No thank you. I bought my own groceries, they should have to buy theirs too"
I think you're missing my point. It's not the sharing I'm opposed to, it's the asking. To prove this and to defend my character, I was the one who posted this, prior to Crimson making his or her request.
Your comparison is flawed in that none of the customers behind me are requesting that I comply and they are willing to pay for their own groceries or else they wouldn't be in line in the first place.
i dont mean to personally attack you, or say anything about your personal character, im just giving a counterargument.
I may have said things like "then you might be the kind of person who wont return a cart" but thats just for dramatic flair
I disagree that people don't want to grind to participate in the event.
I just think that nobody actually wants to grind for hours. Like I work until 7pm, then play mabi for a few hours. If i had kids and a family, or was still in college, then i probably would only have 1 hour at most to play video games. And if i'm gonna spend my one theoretical hour running the same 2 minute shadow mission over and over to get a chance at a ticket, and I don't get it at the end of that hour because the rates are meant for a party of 8 to be able to get it after multiple runs, then that's scuffed.
So having a community effort to share these tickets, benefits
- people who do grind, but have bad luck
- people who cant grind because of real life limits on game time
as well as
- people who can grind, but just dont want to grind
And you might think, "I dont want to help someone who doesnt want to TRY to participate"
And i think, thats fair, but helping a few of those people too, along with all the people who do try, doesnt cost anything more than just helping those who do try but got unlucky, or who do try but cant play for hours and hours.
Oh, I know. I didn't feel personally attacked. I just felt misunderstood...and sadly, still do. In a nutshell: Big Bird taught me to share. Oscar the Grouch taught me to be wary when someone asks me to share something. That's all.
Didnt notice your reply until now.
Id say if we cant include authoritarianism into the conversation because its based on power and not economics, then we cant include libertarianism into the conversation either, because its the other side of the same coin as authoritarianism.
An authoritarian government is a powerful government that controls its people.
A libertarian government is a weak government that has minimal control of its people.
Whether its socialist or capitalist is the other question, because we have examples of both socialist and capitalist libertarian societies.
You used the Sicilian mafia as an example of anarcho-capitalism. I had another example. South Africa often has sky high rates of crime in certain areas. Police are often ineffective, so if drug lords take over a building, companies will hire armed eviction companies to regain control of their property. This is anarcho capitalism. Little government involvement, lots of corporate involvement.
An anarcho-socialist example, would be the capitol hill autonomous zone that happened in America a few months ago.
You had the US police staying waaaaay away from the zone, and having it controlled mainly by the participants of the protest. When you had crime, groups of protestors would patrol in cars by themselves, but effectively, it was everyone for themselves, with a few socialist policies to keep people working together.
Both are valid forms of libertarian society.
I did say please.