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Please merge Alexina and Nao Mk XII
I would LOVE to see the marketplace bustling again, at least with what is left of mabinogi NA. @OP, how about making a poll to see how many support this?
most of us have stopped making polls when making server merge threads since for some reason they were always getting locked and labeled as petitions even when most of them were not petitions.
I could, I suppose, but the total number of data points is likely to be less than 40.
Each of these records have a field called record number. It starts at 1 (or 0 depending on how they want to implement it) and each new record created is n+1. As a consequence, record number is always unique. When the merge happened, since Mari was the largest of the servers to be merged, they began with that partition. So Mari folks record numbers are the same as they were as Mari. The next partition appended to Mari was Ruairi. So whoever had record number 1 on Ruairi became, on Nao, TheHighestRecordNumberOfMari + 1 and so on. Last added was Tarlach so number 1 on Tarlach became, on Nao, TheHighestRecordNumberOfMari + TheHighestRecordNumberOfRuairi + 1. The very first uniquely Naowegian character then was record number: TheHighestRecordNumberOfMari + TheHighestRecordNumberOfRuairi + TheHighestRecordNumberOfTarlach + 1.
It has been proposed, by the community that the primary key be switched to record number. This would allow name duplication without the +oldserver business. Furthermore, it has been suggested since this would eliminate name squatting that everyone could have precisely the name they actually wanted. In order to contact the correct character from of list of identical names, each character would have a unique contact number , like a phone number, in the real world (calculated from their record number). This number would remain the same even if the character changed their name. Freeing up the name field like this would make name change a simpler and less consequential operation on the server side, allowing the service to be made cheap enough for Nexon to price it at the optimum demand elastic point.
Oh, yeah, and it'd make a final merge a nothing-burger.
My mk XIII finger is itchy!