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Halloween Event 2020 vs Halloween Event 2021
So I always look forward to Halloween events in mmo games and Nexon does a amazing job with most of their Halloween events. This new "The Milletian Detective's Journal," event looks awesome and I am glad we got it this year after being disappointed in 2020. Last year was so bad I had to make this about it:

(seriously though thanks for giving us a awesome Halloween event this year Nexon. we need a fun event like this to forget about covid and all the other depressing problems going on right now)

Damn, you must be really fun at parties huh?
I mean, they have a point. After day 1, this event isn't all that exciting. I love the shop items because I love Halloween, but storyline appears basic/boring, and the mini-games don't look all that great either (judging from the post). I hope to be wrong about the mini-games and that the story gets better, but the hype over this event doesn't match with what we've received so far.
while I agree the story doesn't appear to be quite as good as some Halloween events in the past it is certainly better then what we go last year. a boring rock, paper, scissors event with some problems and adding a free event item into the gacha last year was just insulting. just to be clear I don't think this is the greatest Halloween event we have ever had but I still like it and hope that the story gets even better as we go further into it. so far Nexon is doing a pretty good job with Halloween this year. when I am blaming Nexon for how bad last year was I am blaming Nexon KR not the NA team cause KR makes all the big decisions.
honestly last year the Halloween event felt so poorly done it would have been better to just give us a old Cursed Labyrinth event instead. this thread is mostly just my opinion on what I think of the event last year compared to the event we got this year and last year I think Nexon KR really messed up. I want us to have better events and if we have to have gacha they should at least be good gacha. if Nexon KR is going to try to rip us off then I intend to express my disappointment in their work.
please continue to comment on what you all think of this event cause that is all this is, a thread comparing this Halloween event to the last one. not sure how the Halloween gacha will go cause it is not out yet but hopefully at least this one won't try putting a event item intended to be free in it this year.
so hover your mouse over your mini map and you will see a icon that looks like a person called NPC search. click on that icon and you will be be able to see a list of all the npc characters in the Dunbarton area. scroll almost all the way down that list and near the bottom of the list you will see 3 npc characters called Town Resident or something like that. click on each one on the list and it will show you each of their locations on your mini map. one is near the event npc, another is near Glenis the grocery store npc, and the last one is near Nerys the weapon shop merchant. you only give these resident npc characters candy and all you have to do is talk to them to give them the candy.
so it should go give candy to a resident, talk to Kristell at the Dunbarton church and eat the food she gives you, give candy to another resident NPC, talk to Glenis and eat the food she gives you, and finally give candy to one more resident and report back to the event npc Erris.
When critiquing it, you gotta think about how much effort was put in developing it.
Last year, recycled RPS event. Slapped together game mechanics and rewards and you got a last minute event.
This year, new minigame. New code had to be written. New code in an old engine take FOREVER to write and test.
yeeeeaaaah. I honestly expected it to be a stripped down version of the cursed labyrinth but with the gimmick of racing an npc.
This is just "pathfind x times"
That's just Greta being Greta. Don't mind her too much because I can be worse.
Hey, guess what? So glad i wasn't excited, the event is pure garbage. Literally everything else we had at Halloween before in this game was better for me. 7-10 minute event... Bruh...
Take a screencap and reference the correct path bit by bit.
I promise you will be able to complete it really quickly with this method.
dumb Papyrus wanna-be spirit...