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G23 rest and relaxation Murielle is blind
character: carolinebrie
hello im have some trouble with the quest in G23 "rest and relaxation " when i start the quest everything is fine up till a point ware i have to cook the 'steamed mushroom and shellfish' right when im done cooking 2 of them i hand them over to murielle but she just says that i haven't cook them yet or that their not in my inventory at all . At first i thought i was doing something wrong and look few the forums to see if anyone was having the same problems as me and found a way around it ....but no such luck iv try many thing as i was in the quest to see if im not doing the quest right but i found out i am and it might be a glitch.
i hope this is fix and this is not just me experiencing this in the game i wood rilly love to finish g23 for how fun it is
EDIT: I tested out what happens if I dropped different items from my inventory: Dropping the salt got her to recognize the two dishes. Hopefully anyone else experiencing this issue in the future finds this thread.
Nexon, please fix this glitch lol.