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Irusan's Attendance Check-in
Time to check in, meow! Log in everyday for new rewards, including the Incubus King outfit set. And if you finish the attendance calendar before the end of the event, there is a bonus attendance calendar with more rewards! Check out the details
on the webpost.
Event Dates: Thursday, January 27th, After Maintenance - Thursday, April 14th, Before Maintenance
The names for the Incubus King's Greaves (F), Incubus King's Gloves (F), and Incubus King's Noble Coat (F) are silly given the definition of an Incubus and the definition of a King. Since the M/F counterparts look identical in the images, why not simply make a single unisex version, of each, as it would be fully inclusive and not have the silly names. Or keep the items as they are but label the F versions replacing Incubus with Succubus and King with Queen Regent. Succubi don't have to always wear chain-mail bikinis, do they? Or dress like they're dancing five nights a week at a roadhouse?
You get 2 stamps every Saturday and Sunday.
Weekends give you 2 stamps per day.
And you can always fix it by spending REAL money! Mwa ha ha ha ha >:^{D>