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Closed Current State of the Community
As soon as the master plan event ended, the community went back to it's vile ways. If standing up for yourself and those around you while making sure bad actors don't get their way is seen as a bad thing by Nexon then the system is inherently flawed. Meanwhile, dogpiling on someone and harassing them into submission as you mass report them while painting their good deeds in a negative light is seen as what you're supposed to do? All to protect those that are truly malicious?
We don't need more compensation for Nexon's terrible management of Mabinogi, we have to shape up and renew how we look at each other instead of treating each other like we're scum of the earth. Which I sincerely think that about EVERYONE alive, we are all terrible and the way we treat each other on mabinogi shows it as our true identities are hidden.
I sincerely want to change but after how I've been recently treated both by others in-game and Nexon's customer support, I don't know if others just aren't willing to take the same leap or if "being your worst self" is just how people are supposed to act towards each other?
I would like to think that we all want to treat each other with respect, but like alot of people say "treat people the way you want to be treated" so if someone does bad things to me? I say mean things to them, I'll call them out on their bad behavior, if I'm acting less than human? sure call me that too, because that's how I want to be treated.
My final words on this are, while I have a bar on how I think people should act and others have their bar we need to strive for an in-game experience with minimal conflict, that is not what I've seen through-out this past month, and I have acted what I felt was appropriate toward all of you. I will not apologize for the things I've said, but I am willing to move forward to better myself, hopefully you all will better yourselves too.
Karmic-Consequences are Absolute. The rule is simple : As you or your servants do unto others is done unto you.
Many see themselves as the «good guys» whilst «punishing» others, but, this is an erroneous-belief. When it comes to Spirit-Law, the Law which has the ultimate jurisdiction over all mortals, a harmful-activity done upon another or taking away of their free-will incurs negative karmic-debts. How this works is basically, for example, say that someone stole something from me one day, let us assume that it was maybe €1500 worth of goods and/or those pieces of paper that people call money (even though they are actually IOU debt-notes). If I react in a manner where I decide to cut off the thief's hand, then, all I accomplished was yet to incur another negative karmic-debt, that mine own hand will then be cut off in the future. When my hand eventually does get cut off as a result of someone else's actions, most-likely at a time when I will have long-forgotten that I had chopped off the hand of a thief in the past, then, decide to kill the guy for cutting off my hand, I then incur yet another negative karmic-debt, one wherein I am due to be killed.
Now, here is the big secret, that nobody would have stolen the €1500 from me to begin with in the first place if I had never been complicit to the total theft of €1500 from others ever since the time my «spirit» first came into existence; the Spirit-Law is Absolute. You are never made to «suffer» beyond the total cumulative-suffering that you have been complicit to having been caused upon others (all of the «collateral» suffering must also be accounted for first by the way). The significance of all this...? Say, for example, that in all of my spirit's eternal-existence, it was complicit to say €15M worth of thefts upon others, then, you can bet that I will be constantly stolen from, but, for as long as I am not complicit to any form of thievery upon others, eventually, the «karmic-debt» will be «paid off» once I have «suffered» through the loss of €15M (this also includes any and all «collateral» sufferings that resulted as a result of the €15M worth of thefts upon others). Once it is ALL accounted for, and, I have experienced said material-losses in the totality of everything to which I had been complicit, then, from that moment onwards, provided that I am no longer complicit to thievery, then, absolutely nobody will ever steal from me again, even if I forget my laptop at a mall, I can come back for it several hours later and it will still be where I left it (or possibly turned into lost-and-found), or god-forbid I left my wallet on a table in open-public, nobody will take it, etc (this is the «Divine-Protection» that is granted, eventually, for those who willing to endure unto the end, without retaliation or seeking revenge, for, any act of retaliation/revenge will only result in incurring even more negative karmic-debts that we must then suffer through).
Thus, I do not «report» people for purposes of their punishment; certainly, if I think that they are offensive and in error, I will (try to) educate them about this Karmic-Law, and, strongly advise that they put away their mace, whether it be verbal or material, lest they face the rather terrifying consequences like so many others who never learned that the most-important reason to be forgiving (i.e. : not seek retaliation/revenge) of others is so that one does not continue to accrue painful negative karmic-debts that result in one's own on-going never-ending suffering (Wide Road to Eternal-Destruction). Keep in mind that, what you pay others to do, also comes back to you, and, thus, one reason I absolutely will not pay taxes, due to how it funds so many activities that fall into the category of domestic-terrorism (e.g. : pulling you over so that you can get ticketed for something), extortion (e.g. : fines they want you to pay or else go to jail or the thing they call a «bond» that they demand you pay before they will release you from your false-imprisonment/etc), hostage-taking (e.g. : arresting people without probable-cause), hostage-holding (e.g. : jailing people, such as that pastor in Florida, whose so-called «crime» was feeding homeless-people), ransom (e.g. : not only must you pay for driver-licenses, you must endlessly pay more every year or few for them to be renewed, and, as-if that wasn't payment enough, you are expected to pay tax on the gas within which you fuel your car, plus the State-MONOPOLY Proof-of-Insurance vehicle-coverage premiums, plus the tax you are also made to pay on top of the routine car-maintenance, and no doubt they want to add «proof-of-jab-status» passports for which they also expect you to pay, etc., etc), etc.
For all who seek to better themselves, I commend you, and, wish you well on your efforts. Have a nice day !
Edit: For the sake of keeping the thread civil, I won't get into the plausible accusations of slander that come with the examples you typed out as well despite being offended by them since I've never done anything so disgusting as the crimes you listed.
This becomes apparent and obvious if one does «empirical» research/reading into all of the evidence about this which had been collected by those who have investigated the phenomenon (and there are mountain-loads of it even though nearly nobody amongst the world-population seems to even know of its existence). You may as well spend more time at a public-library and ask the librarians to point you towards the books/publications on scientific para-psychology; recommended authors include Chris Carter, Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Ian Stevenson, Ian Currie, examine the archives of Edgar Cayce, etc. Certainly, separating out the «wheat from the chaff» can be very, Very, VERY time-consuming, due to the influence of the «materialism» philosophy that dominates Western-cultures in particular (whilst posing as a «science» even though Materialism in reality is a Philosophy), with their particularly peculiar history-repeating mistakes of insisting that so many things are «impossible» (it apparently didn't end with the Wright-Brothers, nor Tectonic-Plates, nor Ohm's Law, nor Ball-Lightning, nor Germ-Theory which now also has a competing Terrain-Theory, nor Geo-Centrism to Helio-Centrism, nor Motion-Picture, nor Faster-Than-Horse-Speed-Courier, gosh, I could list paragraphs worth of this «history-repeating» behaviour of how «materialists» continue to remain pseudo-skeptics to such an extent that they're like a fundamentalist-religion, but, not to digress).
Some «circles» (of the «religious» variety or those who call themselves «spiritual» and refer to so-called «ascended masters» who «returned from heaven») I have come across seem to have this false notion/idea that we must «re-incarnate» back into an «earth-life» in order to be able to continue to «pay off negative karmic-debts» ...this is a FALSE belief because «suffering» will continue, even in realms of spirit, once one has exited/departed from the flesh of their current physical-body. It is also FALSE because, if indeed the earth-life were the only «realm» within which it was even possible to «experience suffering» then, by definition, this material-universe would have to be what those religious folk often refer to as «hell» if «suffering» were not possible to experience within any other plane/universe/dimension/bubble/FeldRaum/etc (listen to the Lacerta-Interview in regards to this Feldraum-Reference), and, everywhere else would have to be «heaven/paradise» by definition, IF if were factually that «suffering» for us ceased due to our «exit» from this earth-life. I have also suffered a great deal in this life, such to the point where I ended up as an Atheist four times in total, even to the point of having come up with extremely elaborate and deceptive plans on how I would be able to pull off killing every last form of life on this earth without drawing suspicion to myself (yes, I was driven to literal-psychosis as a result, and my non-remorse for any living creature lasted for two and a half years before it eventually wore off, but, the saving grace on my part was eventually recovering my pre-earth-life memories a few years down the road which is why I know that what I am writing here is in fact the truth and reality), and, yes, even I had been «disappointed» with «field-testing» the «results» of this «karmic-law» equation, but, the «burdens» I now face have indeed become less... much less, mother is no longer constantly «argumentative» towards me since a couple so years ago, and I won't deny the fact that it took a great deal of patience to be able to «take it» from others, but, for the most part, most-everyone I now encounter tends to interact with me in a peaceful-manner (not that I am part of any «normies» circles as the expression goes : Birds of a Feather Flock Together)...
...I do know the «lonely» road, because I have it travelled, for, none or at least very few will have the «understanding» for what I've gone through; I get that what you experience must feel potentially isolating, but, you are not required to remain in any «unhealthy relationships» nor are you required to even dialogue/communicate with others (and it is probably best not to and better for you anyway if you find that others' dialogues/communications only come across as hostile to you). Also, things that others do also incurs suffering debts upon ourselves, even the act of Voting will do it if one has voted for an Errant Mortal (which they all are), via an Adversarial (rather than Co-Operative) system, just think what your «servants» (e.g. : police if you've ever called them) have done to others, and, another relevant quote to show/demonstrate how easy it is to become complicit to the suffering of others...
«When the rich wage war it's the poor who die.» Jean-Paul Sartre
Habimaru, So you're trolling me with the slanderous accusation of treason because I stood up for myself?
Helsa, I made this thread because Mabinogi was starting to do better than became a nuclear wastedump equivelent again. Not because of what happened to me personally. So the fact you're trying to bring it back around to that is quite annoying. Not to mention the people running the defamation campaign against me because they know they're in the wrong and have connections with Nexon to the point I got insulted by a GM in one of my customer support tickets. Definitely not how someone in customer support should act.
Insulting me directly under the guise of leniency, not to mention I have NO CLUE what I actually did despite asking. So yeah, the community is so bad even the GMs are in on it.
Keep note this is not about the ban appeal but showing the way the said GM treated me.
From the bit that I have read about what you have claimed, you have lost the equivalent of something like 80 million+ or so gold worth of goods/items due to some potential/possible mis-understanding that happened somewhere down the line...? I easily have 80 million+ worth of goods I don't need that I can send you through the Erinn mail-box on the Alexina-Server if you feel like you need some sort of compensation or, alternatively, I can set aside some time to generate 80 million+ gold over the next month depending on my ability to schedule/co-ordinate everything and deliver you the funds and only ask that you make an effort to heed these following words of wisdom...: «Walk away from those who are busy trying to find faults in you whilst you over-look the faults in them... this will grant you more "time" for productive-pursuits.» (Also, related, consider those people who have millions of subscribers, and, especially when their comments-section explodes into thousands of comments per day after every video-upload; if they were to «spend their time» on responding to every negative-comment made about them or their video, they would literally be spending all day long and all their «time» in responding to said comments... just think about the implications of that, how much productivity was lost, when that same amount of time could have been directed towards more exponential-progress rather than allowing one's negative-emotions to subjugate their mind to the point of becoming «obsessed» with trying to «prosecute» everybody who may be offensive possibly for even for irrational reasons like they looked at me the wrong way)
Finally, I highly recommend you make use of The Star Prayer from this day onwards, for, this is literally the most-powerful prayer in existence for purposes of calming down your emotions so that you do not become so easily irritable; it should be used thrice a day from now onwards and is as described within the following spoiler-content...
I see your Star shining above
please cleanse my mind with all your love
so that I may heed your call of peace from above
Note: 'Mother of love'* - you may choose to say: 'Father of love' or 'Mother and Father of love.'
For extensive details see http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/islam/web/starpray.htm
This sort of behavior is the kind I want to prevent, it is very confrontational to tell someone to 'touch some grass or something'. Instead of that can't you at least try to contribute to the discussion?
Oh snap the titans are gonna clash. This is going to be the most intriguing interaction ever. We got the Greta vs. Vima. Who will go down? @Helsa GET THE POPCORN.
But you used to write walls of text...
Anyway I used to think you were the nuclear one of the forums, but someone is contending for that title.
Gonna be real, it isn't about me; I mean I like to play mabi but not when everyone is basically a condensed Chernobyl's worth of radiation.
I'm sure alot of us feel the same.
I'm surprised that the straight up inappropriate behavior of a GM in a customer support ticket hasn't been talked about yet.
When? Where? Compared to Habimaru or Helsa i'm not even near that level lmao.
Because i don't see anything bad there. Literally a bot response and nothing else.
If 'touch' is Lithuanian for 'smoke' then count me in!
EDIT: I forgot to say, I know you won't believe me, but I really am glad to see you back Greta.
But who i'm kidding, you people never stopped and never will. I did and believe me that was probably best decision i did last year.
But I think you should stop making these threads, or any threads for a bit. You got one in Alexina, one here in General, you had a thread nuked by a mod. I'm going to request a lock on this one and I highly advise you against creating any further threads about the state of the community or Nexon because...they all end up the same way and they are all pretty much the same.
Discussing positivity is a wonderful thing, but passive aggressive positivity does lean towards breaking our community guidelines. Remember what we have here, respecting others is a very important part of communication, that includes Nexon Staff, Gm's, Customer Support, and other players.