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And we get to finally meet!
Nah, you're not the only one. I definitely am not happy about it either. I'm worried about what Nexon is gonna mess up this time around. I wish they'd leave well enough alone. Not to mention the lag it's gonna bring. I brought this up before, but Mabi can lag my computer when there's not a whole lot of people around, but it's definitely worse when there's more people. Then, everybody and their brother makes alts that create even more lag and block NPCs, which is SUPER annoying. I'm definitely not looking forward to this at all... And really, we can't even keep our names if we're from Alexina? Good job, Nexon, you've done it again. That isn't fair at all. -_-
If there is lag they will add more channels. If you must be on channel 1, and only channel 1, all the time, well, then you're not gonna be happy.
my computer tends to chug a bit too, even with players nearby minimized... im hoping some optimization updates are planned in the future for us too, anything to help with this
yes!! i can show you my Cirno cosplay >: D
Optimization only helps with per channel lag on those channels with a lot of activity. Overall lag is dealt with by adding more channels.
You did meet my Nao character. I think it was in your homestead, but I can't remember what you had on. If you are giant allied though I'll be able to carry you. Feel like exploring map glitches?
If there is lag they will add more channels. If you must be on channel 1, and only channel 1, all the time, well, then you're not gonna be happy.[/quote]
I play on Channel 4, I only go on Channel 1 when I want to shop and I definitely don't stay there any longer than I have to.
I hope you're right Crimsy. Remember though, my concern is about the optics of it rather than about such pragmatic things as housing all of us. In the case of Nao, SO MANY dormant players logged in during the days right after the merge that they boosted Nao from 7 to 10 channels; remember that? It occurred before Nao was even one week old. There is a chance that could happen again; I'm hoping it does. If they boost Erinn to, say, 14 channels then I'll feel a lot better.
If our pets would be allowed to get their name changed for free, like free medals, that would be some kind of relief. I doubt that would even occur, or if it were to happen there wouldn't be enough for all of them.
): Hi there, any player can check if their name is taken on the Nao server using the mailbox (on Nao). Attempting to send mail will either confirm a player or pet character name already exists, or confirm a non-existing character. This way people will have no surprises. EDIT: Make sure to check upper-case and lower-case versions.
Since your ign is Typo (found this using your post history), it seemed to be something someone would have taken on the original servers before Alexina was created. Still, I went ahead and attempted to mail Typo on Nao.
Something that would benefit a lot of players (Nao and Alexina alike) in this upcoming server merge is the separation of pet and character igns. I always thought it was a weird system that pets and characters share the same name pool. I believe if they could somehow delete all pet names and allow you to rename your pets on a separate system it would help all Mabinogi players.
That's because in code they're basically all the same kind of objects. Their records will have a 'secret' field that identifies what specific type they are: Player Character, Non-Player Character (this includes signs, dungeon alters, and possibly all props), player pets (this includes regular pets, partners, and temporary pets like puppets, golems, and tamed mobs) and Non-Player Pets (this includes monsters, those horses and ostriches that you can ride on the G4 map and the jousting horses). When they originally designed the records for these objects they pooched the design so that their name and server of residence had to be a unique combination when it needn't have been that way. This was bad design and everyone involved in development dropped the ball there. It can be fixed. It'll take work though but fortunately Nexon has a whole great big building full of software development teams and the actual source code and everything. They need to fix things so that the implementation is what it should have been from the get-go. That it wasn't has nothing to do with something like the state of hardware at the time or any such notion, they just plain eft up.
Please use the solution that you came up with in the last merge, specifically: "(...) all current Meet-Cute Bracelets will be removed, and the Peas in a Pod Gift Box will be distributed back to the character that originally opened the box."
Please don't put any effort into coming up with a solution more complicated than that. I want my Peas in a Pod box back. I am anti-merge and as far as I'm concerned, this is the only silver lining to this fiasco.
Okay, if you're not then especially tied to a particular channel, then adding more channels will solve your concerns. The important thing to help ensure that is that when the merge happens to contact everyone, and their mother, to log in and if necessary just AFK so they have to add more channels. If you were active during Nao's first week you will remember that it was created with 7 channels and long dormant players logged in to have a gawk, and three days later they added 3 more channels.
If that's what they did last time and it worked I should think then that that's what they'll do this time. In typical software fashion this is yet another version of turn-it-off-turn-it-on.
I seen alot of posts that were angry about the merge, mostly in regards to names; I think alot of people are not seeing the big picture. This is about bringing the entire playerbase/community together; So what if you need to change your name or live with some minor inconveniences for a while? We should all be excited to finally be able to play together/shop together/enjoy the game together! That's just my two-cents, and I also wanted to say as someone who was part of the initial merge from Tarlach > Nao, it really wasn't that painful. I have to give Nexon some credit here and there eh?
The ONLY thing I'm concerned with is that 10 channels probably will not be enough; Not because they will be filled necessarily, but because if some of us want to chill on a quieter channel it may be a bit more difficult -- especially for field bosses or raids. However, I'm not sure what the actual player counts have been like lately, sooooo I don't want to complain too soon.
Either way, just wanted to say thank you to the Nexon team for finally doing this. I'm excited, this game has a special place in my heart, and I'm glad to see it's still here
On the FAQ page they say you'll get a free name Change for every +Alexina tag. I am just wondering if they expire at some point. I really can't find any information about that.
My bad, I meant to say that while I spent money on Paid Name Changes, most of it was on Pet Medals.
Tagged names were freed after the merge, but it was by first-come-first-serve basis.
Free name changes were only offered for characters not pets, which is why I had to spend money on Pet Medals to remove the +Server tag.
Hope your friends lists being green for a few weeks was worth it. You all deserve it.