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Artists, please visit and read this post since I'm looking for couple's commission (or single): Gold Only
Quitting - Nothing much to lose as I have sold what kept me to this game
Selling all pets, gears and fashion F (anything prior 2018)- inbox me what you are after and I'll see if I have it.
Also have Tailoring, Hilwen and Magic craft stuff if needed. Msg me what you're after.
- Bhafel (Clean) Armor & Langu (R13L) Armor F
Pet adoption medals will go at AH price.
UPDATE: Echostones are all sold. Gloomy got rerolled.

Whistles: Fantasia Scooter Imp, Band Conductor Sheep & Celestial Unicorn
I cannot log in Mabinogi at the moment. I keep getting errors. Can you DM me here or on Discord instead?
okay ill add ya via discord and i message ya on pm just get back to whenever best!
Sadly I don't have it
Np! thanks for the response
Hi! unfortunately, no
I've got an IG offer for it atm but happy to do art. Are you comfortable with seamless design/pattern?