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The article says we can increase storage using gold boxes? Are those the same gold boxes we have in our possession now? If so will they emptied or not?
BTW Folks should SELL their gold pouches to NPCs. Before May 26.
Yeah, I noticed that too. It may be that this is a case where they set a cap that was meant to be "infinite" but, since it can't be, they just picked a ridiculously high number. Still it'd be nice if @Katherz could clarify.
Shya! It's amazing how many folks drop items that are worth a few thousand and do so right in front of an NPC with a shop. I never understood that but I'm not complaining; they heat my pool!
I'd say that's pretty much guaranteed. Again, @Katherz should clarify.
More information regarding the update will be released closer to the release date.
That's a good question! The announcement says that gold in our inventory will be added to our gold tally and will be destroyed as an object in our inventory. But what about subsequent gold, as you say? Gold enters our possession in one of two ways: we pick it up or we are given it. The code that handles gold given to us I think would continue to act in the same way it does now, except that it shunts the gold to the tally rather than our inventory, but the code that handles dropped gold will have to be changed such that upon clicking on it, it's value is added to our total and the object we click on is destroyed. That would imply then that gold cannot be added to our inventory any more as the announcement says only gold boxes can do so. I guess this means then that the gold you click on will either just stay on your cursor and do nothing or you will get a notification upon clicking on the gold saying to get lost. Again we'll need clarification.
This actually makes me wonder now, how two players will be able to exchange gold with each other in the field. I'm talking about private sales or just gifting. Will we have to exchange checks even for trivial amounts. Will we have to fill our inventories until we can have spill over to our gold boxes and then trade a gold box with gold for an empty one. This all seems rather clumsy. Maybe they'll just have a 'Give Gold' button and it's all done electronically over the Erinnite equivalent of Bluetooth.
A further epiphany here is these changes will allow for the ability to easily create the code to do the same with ducats.
They may want to expand the check feature, or they could simply enable us to "add gold" to the trade window which would then transfer to the other player without any visual representation of the gold aside from numbers.
What I fear the most is the fact that there is a limitation on how much gold you can hold and that they are already selling "Bank Limit Expansion Coupons" does that mean they will remove any and all gold stacking items aside from the bags? I mean why only remove the bags when they are the most available type of gold storage, wouldn't it make more sense from a financial point to remove all gold storage items if they intend to make money of selling the "Bank Limit Expansion Coupons"?
Ducats have also long been a forgotten relic that should (but most likely won't) become tradeable.
Mhm, I think that's exactly what will happen. You add the electronic gold to the exchange window which then holds it in escrow upon completion or cancellation of the exchange.
The per-character increase in bank storage of gold, aside from the expansion coupons, was mostly driven by the server merges. This was to ensure no one lost gold upon a merge. The expansion coupons are Nexon saying uncle to the battle with in-game gold inflation. Inflation being inevitable, of course, since players mostly grind for gold to buy items from other players rather than NPC's. This keeps the gold in circulation so the money supply expands. First-year macroeconomics will show that increasing the money supply leads to inflation. So, Nexon might as well make a buck off of it. Frankly, good for them. As long as Nexon is making money, from Mabinogi, the game is worth it to keep operating. The dark side, of course, is that inflation makes some players unhappy as they learn that there are some things that they will never have. In other words it creates virtual social stratification. This could factor into the overall size of the player-base. That aside, Nexon doesn't mind in-game inflation since it makes Web-shop items purchased directly more attractive, which helps fund the continuation of the game.
I used to want Ducats to be tradable, but I've since changed my mind. I think their role should be expanded as a form of shadow economy. In their present form that shadow economy cannot be inflated by players since all transactions are conducted with NPCs only.
Goodbye easy gold from NPCs
Oh, there will still be folks too lazy to click on the NPC next to them and dump an item on the ground instead.
Looks like that is the plan:
Link: https://mabinogi.nexon.com/page/news/notice_view.asp?id=4889635
Pumped through Google Translate
It doesn't appear to be the same thing as the exchange window, maybe it pops-up from that.
Oh, boy, I see a problem: in the final section:
So, if you mess up, then people can swarm in and take gold from you. That's no good; the game should compute if the transaction is possible and then display a warning first, allowing you to back out and correct it.
They could do that regardless and their dolls do it anyway. It's no different from what we already go through, you run out of room, gold spills to the floor and dolls pick it up. If you are not paying attention then it's your fault.
Okay, then it's an old problem that needs to be fixed.
Picking up abandoned gold bags will be missed . I frequently found them in front of Walter. Oh well, it's a relatively small amount of profit for all the other ways gold can be earned. I won't lose sleep over it.
But I'm wondering about what happens to the gold in bags on our characters when the update occurs. I'm sure that they intend to automatically convert such gold, but there could be serious issues for some players. I used to have enough gold bags to hold 1.2m. I wouldn't be surprised if there is someone else out there who not only has that many bags (or more), but they are full of gold, exceeding the cap. That could be a lot of lost gold if such a player has taken a break from the game.
And what about the collecting pets? Will they still collect gold? Not a real issue since we have doll bags these days, but I'm curious about these old pets.
I'm also curious about the end chests, especially the ones that doled out gold pouches.
I know, I know, wait for the web post. Just expressing my musings.