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That is very interesting.
Me 3!!!!
Bridge From Rano to Courcle:
Bridge From Courcle to Cor Village:
So the Commerce Tents in Uladh look like the Commerce Tent in Qilla. As you can see in the pic below this tent is in Emain and has Trade Imps in front of it instead of humans:
More Images of Port Connous and Port Sella:
All of this and more can be seen in this video from 1:09:33 to 1:11:44
Another Interesting Iria Commerce Video:
(To bad I don't speak Korean. It would be interesting to know what they are saying.)
New Iria Commerce Music for a NPC:
You can listen to all the Iria Commerce Music here for free:
These tracks can also be downloaded for free there as well.
Iria Commerce will be connected to Uladh Commerce. You will be able transport trading goods overseas using Port Qilla or Port Connous or Port Sella (Port Connous and Port Sella will be the new ones). So yes, Iria Commerce will be different and in it's own separate area from Uladh but you can still sell your trading goods in Uladh if you want to. Airship trading will be a completely new feature and it will be in Iria only.
Commerce is a little bit of effort when your first getting into it but if you are thinking about starting Commerce you should probably start in Uladh first. It gets much easier once you obtain the horse wagon mount mostly cause it is much faster than your character running everywhere. Whether or not it is worth the effort depends on what you want out of Mabi. Take a look at the Ducats shop and see if there is anything you want to work towards. There are also a few monster transformations that can only be obtained through Commerce or Bounty Hunting. I suggest trying it out for a few days and if you like it stick with it and if not no big deal, Commerce isn't for everyone.
Personally I hope they bring the Naco Commerce Event back shortly after this update as it is a good way to help introduce new players to the Commerce System and makes it a lot more fun.
For anyone that doesn't want to go through all that work here is the translation from the Closed Captioning:
It looks like season ducats can only be used to buy the new commerce mounts or you can exchange season ducats for regular ducats once a day. This image is all the info I found on it:
Here is some more info about the update I planned to post anyway since it was found on the same post as the image above:
First is a human girl in Port Qilla. I strongly believe she is in Port Qilla cause you can see a very blurry image of Qilla behind her and I think I have seen her there while watching Korean streamers play Iria Commerce:
Next we have a Elf who is probably a npc at the new Port Connous. He appears to be blind in his right eye:
I can't prove she is a giant from just a image of her however this npc looks like someone from the Vales area to me. So probably someone at the new Port Sella:
Last we have human so maybe he works at Port Ceann:
It has already been confirmed in the "Producer's Letter: Upcoming Summer Content," announcement currently on page 2 of the news posts on the main website that Iria Commerce will be arriving in late June. So I suspect the release date will either be June 23rd or June 30th which are the last two Thursdays of the month. We are also getting some new Iria dungeon before the Commerce Update according to the announcement. I have not been able to dig up any info about this dungeon on the mabi kr website so I am quite curious about it. They call it the Fahmes Ruin and it is a solo dungeon.
Link: https://mabinogi.nexon.net/news/74397/producer-s-letter-upcoming-summer-content
Link: https://mabinogi.nexon.net/news/74870/champions-of-commerce
Link: https://mabinogi.nexon.com/page/pds/gallery_wallpaper.asp?wallpaper_category=0