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Do away with gender restrictions.

Mabinogi Rep: 3,330
Posts: 145
in Feedback and Suggestions
Let people choose what they want to wear, especially when it comes to very different design results between male and female versions of an outfit.

Keep it gacha if you must, but at least let people choose which version they prefer best and allow them to wear it. Design the outfits accordingly to reflect that choice.

Basically: make eluneds obsolete.


  • MarsBarsFromTheStarsMarsBarsFromTheStars
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,000
    Posts: 42
    Say it louder for the people in the back! I'm sick of girls getting samey looking skirt outfits! Some of us like pants! The guys seem to get cooler looking outfits and girls get outfits that I can't tell apart from each other half the time. It's either short skirts or super short shorts or midriffs or cleavage hanging out. If you're into those outfits that's fine, but not all of us are! Sorry for the rant. My point is that I agree with you wholeheartedly! :D
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    Say it louder for the people in the back! I'm sick of girls getting samey looking skirt outfits! Some of us like pants! The guys seem to get cooler looking outfits and girls get outfits that I can't tell apart from each other half the time. It's either short skirts or super short shorts or midriffs or cleavage hanging out. If you're into those outfits that's fine, but not all of us are! Sorry for the rant. My point is that I agree with you wholeheartedly! :D

    I completely agree, if we let anyone wear anything they want without gender restrictions in mabi girls would have more pants. We have so many eluned outfits it is already getting hard to tell what some of the character genders really are anymore anyway. The biggest reason I don't see Nexon removing gender restrictions on all outfits is money. Special outfits with idle poses and eluned outfits make more gacha sell. But I don't see any reason why the shouldn't release more female outfits with pants at least.

    This Basically Describes How Nexon Thinks:
    The sad truth is there are tons of guys that like seeing cute outfits with skirts in game and girls like some of them as well. So I understand why they will never stop making those kinds of outfits. It is simply good for business but more male outfits for female characters could make them some money as well.
    or cleavage hanging out.
    Well it looks like Mabi KR is already adding sliders. Not sure if the sliders will just be for Partners or our own Characters as well. They also plan to make some changes with diet potions:

    Watch from 4:42 to 5:45 in this video to see more:

  • KelpSodaKelpSoda
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,145
    Posts: 287
    me sitting over here just wanting more femboys since that's what life is about

    yep totally, need more pants for girls!!!!!!
  • MarsBarsFromTheStarsMarsBarsFromTheStars
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,000
    Posts: 42
    Negumiko wrote: »
    Say it louder for the people in the back! I'm sick of girls getting samey looking skirt outfits! Some of us like pants! The guys seem to get cooler looking outfits and girls get outfits that I can't tell apart from each other half the time. It's either short skirts or super short shorts or midriffs or cleavage hanging out. If you're into those outfits that's fine, but not all of us are! Sorry for the rant. My point is that I agree with you wholeheartedly! :D

    I completely agree, if we let anyone wear anything they want without gender restrictions in mabi girls would have more pants. We have so many eluned outfits it is already getting hard to tell what some of the character genders really are anymore anyway. The biggest reason I don't see Nexon removing gender restrictions on all outfits is money. Special outfits with idle poses and eluned outfits make more gacha sell. But I don't see any reason why the shouldn't release more female outfits with pants at least.

    This Basically Describes How Nexon Thinks:
    The sad truth is there are tons of guys that like seeing cute outfits with skirts in game and girls like some of them as well. So I understand why they will never stop making those kinds of outfits. It is simply good for business but more male outfits for female characters could make them some money as well.
    or cleavage hanging out.
    Well it looks like Mabi KR is already adding sliders. Not sure if the sliders will just be for Partners or our own Characters as well. They also plan to make some changes with diet potions:

    Watch from 4:42 to 5:45 in this video to see more:

    Yeah, I understand that Nexon wants to make money from the gacha sales. "Why release the outfits as unisex when can re release them and get MORE MONEY?" XD

    I just wish there was more variety. There are a select few girl outfits that don't look too samey, but that ain't much. I would also like to see more outfits that have something other than high heels, but maybe I'm asking for too much lol.

    I believe the sliders are only for partners at this point. I remember checking them out and it appears that the breast slider can only make them bigger, because, of course... Unless they changed something since the last time, but I doubt it. Flat chested girls don't exist after all -_-

  • SollSoll
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,330
    Posts: 145
    Negumiko wrote: »
    The biggest reason I don't see Nexon removing gender restrictions on all outfits is money.

    There -are- ways to still make money even without limiting players. For a game all about freedom, it becomes weirdly restricted when you start to dig deeper into the fashion aspect.

    Heck, they started to put separate idles and put special/nonspecials in gacha for that very reason. Create rarity for people to pull the version with idle. It wouldn't be too farfetched to keep doing it, or as I've suggested in another thread, to just make the unisex version gacha-only while releasing patterns for the regular versions. There are options that allow freedom whilst still making money, the matter is nexon being willing to give players something nice.

    When we keep seeing the sameish designs for both males and females anyway, might as well just let us choose.

  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    It seems to me that if all clothing restrictions are removed: gender, race, and age, that that would allow for more participation in the markets, and so increase demand. It seems to me that would be good for Nexon and the player-base; win-win.
  • MiliardoMiliardo
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,470
    Posts: 74
    On paper I like the idea of all outfits being gender unlocked. But I see one problem with implementing this. Nexon KR has to be the one to implement it first. Why? Because you are changing core design elements. Now I don't know how mabi's gender meshes are handled because I haven't really taken the time to actually look at them. But you normally can't just flip a switch on all the outfits and bam it just works. Normally if you did that you'd end up with nasty texture clipping. And since the game was always designed around male/female who knows how much code is tied to it. Expecting the small NA team to make such a sweeping change is likely a very tall order. Not to mention since you would be changing a core part of the design it would likely cause issues when KR decides to do something like add body sliders that alter a certain aspect of female anatomy.

    Realistically speaking I don't see this happening. Though I would very much like to see it implemented.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    As you say it does depend. Either each item must be prepared in data independently or the game reads the data and an algorithm shapes it around the character. If the former then it is a lot of work, if the latter then you really can "just flip a switch". There is evidence for the latter: there are extant examples of texture clipping in items one is supposed to be able to wear. In my own case, as a tall girl, I have footwear that doesn't quite fit right despite my being able to put them on. On the other hand, despite this, if it really is a case-by-case situation then there still is hope as Nexon has a great big building full of people who do this kind of thing if they are told to; like most things, it's just work, so they do it. This would increase demand, as it would allow more folks to participate in the market; so, Nexon has the incentive for the investment.
  • MarsBarsFromTheStarsMarsBarsFromTheStars
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,000
    Posts: 42
    Miliardo wrote: »
    On paper I like the idea of all outfits being gender unlocked. But I see one problem with implementing this. Nexon KR has to be the one to implement it first. Why? Because you are changing core design elements. Now I don't know how mabi's gender meshes are handled because I haven't really taken the time to actually look at them. But you normally can't just flip a switch on all the outfits and bam it just works. Normally if you did that you'd end up with nasty texture clipping. And since the game was always designed around male/female who knows how much code is tied to it. Expecting the small NA team to make such a sweeping change is likely a very tall order. Not to mention since you would be changing a core part of the design it would likely cause issues when KR decides to do something like add body sliders that alter a certain aspect of female anatomy.

    Realistically speaking I don't see this happening. Though I would very much like to see it implemented.

    I totally get that they would have to rework outfits to stop them from bugging out and clipping and maybe they can't change every outfit, but maybe going forward with new outfits they could make them unisex. As much as I'd love all outfits to be unisex I know it's not realistic. We can dream! :'3
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    We can dream! :'3

    We can dream for now but just wait until companies can start sending commercials and ads directly into our brains while we dream. Nexon is definitely the kind of company that would do this to their players if they could:
  • MarsBarsFromTheStarsMarsBarsFromTheStars
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,000
    Posts: 42
    Negumiko wrote: »
    We can dream! :'3

    We can dream for now but just wait until companies can start sending commercials and ads directly into our brains while we dream. Nexon is definitely the kind of company that would do this to their players if they could:

    Without a shadow of a doubt lol.
  • KelpSodaKelpSoda
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,145
    Posts: 287
    Negumiko wrote: »
    We can dream! :'3

    We can dream for now but just wait until companies can start sending commercials and ads directly into our brains while we dream. Nexon is definitely the kind of company that would do this to their players if they could:

    mmm swimsuit and negligee dreams

    but would they be unisex dreams though?
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    Darn it, I just thought of a problem: female characters wearing male swimming trunks or Tork's Blacksmith Suit (M); how's that gonna work?
  • KelpSodaKelpSoda
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,145
    Posts: 287
    Helsa wrote: »
    Darn it, I just thought of a problem: female characters wearing male swimming trunks or Tork's Blacksmith Suit (M); how's that gonna work?

    thats the opposite of a problem

    clearly we just advance as a society to the point where all genders get treated the same in regards to clothing restrictions
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 50
    Get rid of the damned gender restrictions.
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    KelpSoda wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Darn it, I just thought of a problem: female characters wearing male swimming trunks or Tork's Blacksmith Suit (M); how's that gonna work?

    thats the opposite of a problem

    clearly we just advance as a society to the point where all genders get treated the same in regards to clothing restrictions

    Yeah, I mean, the male can wear tops even though its not totally necessary, and/or the females just don't have much details on their chest. But yeah, I would love to be able to wear more of the female clothes. I like playing playing as a boy, and a lot of the outfits are awesome, but I'm getting tired of all the stuffy looking pants and I would like to wear more skirts/dresses.
  • KagenokamiKagenokami
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,125
    Posts: 105
    I can agree. Having 1 set for male and female and being able to choose what version to wear regardless of character gender would be fantastic. Also...make flights unisex too. No reason I can't be lovey dovey with my bros.
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 50
    Kagenokami wrote: »
    I can agree. Having 1 set for male and female and being able to choose what version to wear regardless of character gender would be fantastic. Also...make flights unisex too. No reason I can't be lovey dovey with my bros.

    They already got rid of the gender restriction for marriage, surely they can remove this restriction as well.
  • EmilieBerryEmilieBerry
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,720
    Posts: 62
    Play FFXIV, they do a good job at that.

    Mabi is too old of a game to make these changes as it requires alot of budget and workers to have all outfits look good with different body proportions
  • LyniLyni
    Mabinogi Rep: 845
    Posts: 24
    edited August 22, 2022
    A cheap way to implement this is to just swap base body types when the player equips a different kind of gear. PSO2 does this, and your body armor determines the class of other gender-locked equipment you're allowed to wear below the neckline. No gear equipped? Any armor is allowed. 1 piece of M gear equipped? You're M-only until you un-equip.

    It's not quite the same as fitting a suit to a F-shaped body, but at this point I'll take anything that lets me wear fashion without requiring a full flaunt of shaved legs or cleavage. Lemme wear shorts that cover past my butthole dangit :(