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The final had 10-1 and it can be found here.
I tell ya, fishing events have always been the bane of jousting finals. Nonetheless, we had some good matches as the former Naowegian members of the community learn well from their former Alexinan brethren.
The final had 10-1 and it can be found here.
Nao's last remaining high ranking jouster finally made it on to the Erinnite rankings list with a win! This tournament was characterised overall by cautious play; the competitors seemed willing to let RNGesus make the final decision on things.
The final had 10-1 and it can be found here.
The standings in the rankings tightens up a little bit more, as everyone that has made it to the final round, on Erinn, remains quite close to each other, with no one really running away with it; as yet, anyway.
The final had 15-1 and it can be found here.
Despite the fishing event, which usually adversely effect jousting final turn-out, we came close to having a five-rounder. In the end the ranking list tightened up a little bit more.
The final had 13-1 and it can be found here.
Spoiled tournament this week, so two second place lances are awarded.
The final had 11-1 and it can be found here.
Second spoiled tournament in a row, so two second place lances are awarded this week as well.
The final had 15-1 and it can be found here.
Due to a player, due to face an NPC, quitting out, the tournament glitched and created a pseudo five-rounder. This happens on occasion due to a bug that I haven't bothered to report; I really should get around to it.
The final had 12-1 and it can be found here.
Spoiled tournament this week, so two second place lances are awarded.
The final had 14-1 and it can be found here.
Good turn out as Alexina's top jouster starts to assert themself.
The final had 12-1 and it can be found here.
We had a couple matches glitch, turning this into a spoiled tournament; so, two second place lances awarded.
The final had 13 and it can be found here.
Our long lost favourite forum troll, gets PWNed biggly both on the pitch and in the smack talk department!
The final had 13-1 and it can be found here.
Spoilt tournament this week, so, two second places awarded.
The final had 14-1 and it can be found here.
Some new folks and some long absent folks showed up. Most got squashed in the first round but one made it to the final ... and THEN got squashed.
The final had 15-2 and it can be found here.
The Gate-Night Gore-fest was a high ol' time, had by all. An elf won; non-humans don't win too often!
The final had 15-1 and it can be found here.
A nice turn out. The highest ranking Tarlachite from the Naowegian community defeated a relatively new jouster in the final. On the way there, forum hero: Wolfsinger defeated our favourite forum troll: Pan.
The final had 17-1 and it can be found here.
A character we haven't seen joust before showed up for the first time and won! It can happen. It's rare but it can happen. Tune in next week to see if they can make it two times in a row! That's even rarer but it has happened.