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wondering if anyone has info on these yet? please list any not listed already, as nexon failed to provide any info on how to obtain these
Groovy - no mistakes during the dance game
Pompous - crack the code within 3 tries
almost slipped - crack the code on the final try
I've cracked the code on the final try a few times and haven't gotten a title for that.
Getting 1 point and then failing the next input, then doing nothing for the rest got it for me. You might not have to fail, just get one point? I know that you can't just afk the whole thing.
can confirm
i got one point on the first wave and then i kept putting in the wrong key for the next five waves and completed with only 1 point and got the title
i think for Almost Slipped you have to have 2/3 of the numbers guessed and guess the final one on the last try but i could be wrong, i think thats how i've gotten it anyway
dang, looks like i won't be able to get them then :')
gl to anyone else going after them tho!
I got Almost Slipped by solving it on the last attempt, doesn't matter how many you know beforehand just as long as you get the correct number on the last try