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Crom Bas Questline "An Unwelcome Guest" bug?
So I'm having a little problem here with Crom Bas questline, specifially in the quest titled "An Unwelcome Guest".
I'm suppose to walk around some pirates to escape and stuff but as soon as I load into the mission, I can't move. I assume there's suppose to be a cutscene of some sort but nothing happens. I have tried exiting the area and coming back, relogged, closed the game and logged back in, even uninstalled the game and installed it again but still the problem remains.
Anyone else having this problem? Is there a way to solve it?
EDIT: Now thinking about it, this bug has been around for a while. This wasn't ever addressed?
No, that's not the bug I'm talking about. I don't get a dialog box at all. I just load in as the RP character and nothing happens. Trying to move just kept me in place.
In any case, I managed to find a way around it so that it would trigger the cutscene. I just logged out while being in the shadow mission and when logging back in I would enter the mission once again and that seems to help triggering the necessary cutscene before you can start the shadow mission.
It just sounded like it then.
It was after the maintenance. Now I'm having trouble starting G25 and not sure if that's an issue on my side or on mabi's side. I have all gens completed so idk what the issue could be.
Nope, you're not the only one experiencing the G25 issue. Another thread just popped up asking about it. The changes made with new update seem to have broken quite a few things :S