Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Returned after 5 years and im lost

Mabinogi Rep: 1,740
Posts: 64
in General Chat
I started playing mabi again after 5 years but what do players do now? aside from dailies and skill training im a bit lost on what players run now and the gear and enchantments i should be looking to get


  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    edited November 25, 2022
    I know one of the more recent dungeons I hear a lot about now is Tech Dungeon, but that's only available after you do Apocalypse (and I have no clue what's good about it cause I can't go there yet), the newest generation. Might be a good idea to just focus on catching up on the generations, and do Blannid, a semi-new beginner quest line that just got another revamp, which gives cumulative level ups and good ap if your below 20,000. Another thing, the events that's going on right now is good. Only trainer I picked so far is the Endurance guy, cause his rewards are great, he levels you to 60 every time you rebirth, and all he requires you to do is log in.

    I don't know how recent the Spirit Weapon update is, so not sure if your aware of this, but yeah, they updated the Spirit Weapons, too. There are now Classic Spirit weapons (the older ones), and the newer versions, which are really nice and don't get cranky if you don't feed them gems. So that's also a thing to look into. I believe you can talk to Berched for more info there...I think.

    Forest Ranger outfit is one of the best armors (if not the best). Its a light armor, and...if its too expensive right now, there's another armor that's going for much cheaper with about the same stats. I can't remember its name, I feel like it was "Enchanting" or "Elegant" something. Andd yeah, there's more Celtic weapons now, which a lot of them are nicer, though idk about the Celtic sword, doesn't seem all too nice in comparison to some others swords.

    Oh, they also added more Sms, but I wouldn't say that's too big of a thing. I don't know much about enchants, so I can't help you there. A lots been added though, but I don't think they are too different, when it comes to running missions. I imagine Sidhe Finnachaid was around when you were still playing, and that's still pretty relevant, I'd say. Oh, they also added a Traveler Dungeon Guide, so you can warp directly to certain Sms or dungeons. There's also a quest for it, that gives support armor and coins. The armor's not too nice, but the Squirrel Support bag you can get will expand if you do all the dungeons and sms it wants you to do, along with some pets with nice invi space.

    That's all I can really think of. No need to get overwhelmed though, just take it slow if you need to! And welcome back to Mabinogi.
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    Oh, okay, I think I found it. It should be the Elemental Harmony armor that has about the same stats as the Forest Ranger Armor, and is going for cheap, I believe.
  • CinnabunCinnabun
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,740
    Posts: 64
    thanks for the info looks like i have a bit of new generation quests to catch up on
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    Your welcome, and good luck! I do definitely advise doing Blannid's quest (think its called Blue Fragments of the wind in the basic area of the quest box section), as its a good guide overall for new or returned players, with lots of boosts that could be helpful.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,862
    Cinnabun wrote: »
    I started playing mabi again after 5 years but what do players do now? aside from dailies and skill training im a bit lost on what players run now and the gear and enchantments i should be looking to get

    Since, five years ago, maybe Chain Slash has been introduced. If you don't know what that is then you want it. Remember how when Knuckles were introduced they were OP well Chain Blades did that again.

    As for enchants and gear, just look around and see what folks are using. I don't know if auction house is new since five years ago, but you can look through that to see prices of gear and enchants to see what is coveted. It should be obvious, but if you don't know, all the servers were merged together, so the entire player-base is contributing to the auction house market now. If you don't have the very best enhanced equipment then just do what I do: just hit the monster again and, like Piccolo told Gohan: DODGE ; it's that simple.

    As for what to run, do you mean for gold or experience? For experience there's a girl near the grocery store in Dunbarton that has a series of quests that renew every rebirth, they can get you level one-hundred and change quickly.
  • CinnabunCinnabun
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,740
    Posts: 64
    Helsa wrote: »
    For experience there's a girl near the grocery store in Dunbarton that has a series of quests that renew every rebirth, they can get you level one-hundred and change quickly.

    Do you mean Lorna or the explorer of forgotten tomb? i get no quest when speaking to them and i dont see any other npc

  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,862
    edited November 28, 2022
    Cinnabun wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    For experience there's a girl near the grocery store in Dunbarton that has a series of quests that renew every rebirth, they can get you level one-hundred and change quickly.

    Do you mean Lorna or the explorer of forgotten tomb? i get no quest when speaking to them and i dont see any other npc

    I can't remember her name; I was hoping the description would be enough; lemme check; one sec: it's Blaanid. The renewable quests are to fill out her Memory Book.

    Sorry, I'm not personally familiar with all the details since I reached current level 200 back in Dec. 2017. At the time I already had 5 digits-worth of AP, so I've been making use of the level 200 bonuses and have only reset talent, not level, for any rebirths since then; meaning that I haven't actually done these quests yet, and that my total level has been static since then as well! LOL :)
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    edited November 28, 2022
    Helsa wrote: »
    Cinnabun wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    For experience there's a girl near the grocery store in Dunbarton that has a series of quests that renew every rebirth, they can get you level one-hundred and change quickly.

    Do you mean Lorna or the explorer of forgotten tomb? i get no quest when speaking to them and i dont see any other npc

    I can't remember her name; I was hoping the description would be enough; lemme check; one sec: it's Blaanid. The renewable quests are to fill out her Memory Book.

    Sorry, I'm not personally familiar with all the details since I reached current level 200 back in Dec. 2017. At the time I already had 5 digits-worth of AP, so I've been making use of the level 200 bonuses and have only reset talent, not level, for any rebirths since then; meaning that I haven't actually done these quests yet, and that my total level has been static since then as well! LOL :)

    You no longer meet Blaanid in Dunbartion anymore. Like I mentioned in my post before, the Memoir quest starts in the basic quest area, called something like "Blue Fragments of the Wind" You have to find her in Tir now, but first the game wants you to talk to some Tir npc's, like the woman who teaches you the sit skill and tells you about pets. Just follow the quest and it'll lead you to Blaanid.