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Guild Revamp (We NEED Guilds to be worthwhile)


  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    DDSN wrote: »
    With all the QoL added over the years I don't see why not, the main hurdle I think would probably be the connection with the web browser, maybe they can't rework that system but adding more things for guilds to do together would instill a lot more group cohesion, taking another example from Guild Wars 2, some guild activities or missions would be great, maybe a new repeatable daily achievement that rewards guild currency that you could use for things like reforge tools or experience fruits, make it worthwhile to participate with your fellow guild members, could vary day to day like "Participate in x Festia Games with Guildmates" or "Defeat x Enemies as a Guild", something that encourages a guild to participate in content.

    Your idea to have guilds be able to dole out goodies gives me an idea. Have some goodies that are only available for guild purchase with NX. Each guild has a public-to-the-guild-members log book that records all expenditures to the guild. With NX-only enhancement then such guilds become the more desirable ones, but then there is a mechanic to identify the freeloaders. So the better off guilds become the ones that members contribute to.
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 50
    Helsa wrote: »
    DDSN wrote: »
    With all the QoL added over the years I don't see why not, the main hurdle I think would probably be the connection with the web browser, maybe they can't rework that system but adding more things for guilds to do together would instill a lot more group cohesion, taking another example from Guild Wars 2, some guild activities or missions would be great, maybe a new repeatable daily achievement that rewards guild currency that you could use for things like reforge tools or experience fruits, make it worthwhile to participate with your fellow guild members, could vary day to day like "Participate in x Festia Games with Guildmates" or "Defeat x Enemies as a Guild", something that encourages a guild to participate in content.

    Your idea to have guilds be able to dole out goodies gives me an idea. Have some goodies that are only available for guild purchase with NX. Each guild has a public-to-the-guild-members log book that records all expenditures to the guild. With NX-only enhancement then such guilds become the more desirable ones, but then there is a mechanic to identify the freeloaders. So the better off guilds become the ones that members contribute to.

    Honestly I think monetizing guilds would be a bad idea unless it was done well, the only thing I think Nexon should do NX Cash-wise would be offering Guild Hall Space Upgrades ala the Homestead Permit Upgrades, if they even decide to persue a "guild hall" type system, if they go down the route of adding paid temporary buffs or other kinds of enhancements that cost money I can quickly see guilds becoming very elitist and only recruiting people that can afford to contribute financially with real money.

    I think adding a "Guild Adventure Seal" similar to the already existing daily Adventure Seals, maybe even adding a Guild tab to the quests list, would add a lot more variety to daily/weekly/monthly quests, could work like the existing party quest scroll system, if the game doesn't select activities for you automatically you should be able to choose from a quest board, with the time (daily/weekly/etc) changing the difficulty or amount required to complete a quest, things like "Perform x Jam Sessions with Guildmates" or "Craft x of x Materials", maybe participation can be tracked like how field boss monsters are but you'd be limited in your total allowed participation to stop players from solo'ing content and taking all the glory, further pushing the cooperation that guilds should instill.

    I'm not opposed to NX shop exclusive guild hall props that are either permanent or on lease, something like a working bank or NPC shop props would be awesome to have in a guild homestead,
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    edited August 30, 2022
    DDSN wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    DDSN wrote: »
    With all the QoL added over the years I don't see why not, the main hurdle I think would probably be the connection with the web browser, maybe they can't rework that system but adding more things for guilds to do together would instill a lot more group cohesion, taking another example from Guild Wars 2, some guild activities or missions would be great, maybe a new repeatable daily achievement that rewards guild currency that you could use for things like reforge tools or experience fruits, make it worthwhile to participate with your fellow guild members, could vary day to day like "Participate in x Festia Games with Guildmates" or "Defeat x Enemies as a Guild", something that encourages a guild to participate in content.

    Your idea to have guilds be able to dole out goodies gives me an idea. Have some goodies that are only available for guild purchase with NX. Each guild has a public-to-the-guild-members log book that records all expenditures to the guild. With NX-only enhancement then such guilds become the more desirable ones, but then there is a mechanic to identify the freeloaders. So the better off guilds become the ones that members contribute to.

    Honestly I think monetizing guilds would be a bad idea unless it was done well, the only thing I think Nexon should do NX Cash-wise would be offering Guild Hall Space Upgrades ala the Homestead Permit Upgrades, if they even decide to persue a "guild hall" type system, if they go down the route of adding paid temporary buffs or other kinds of enhancements that cost money I can quickly see guilds becoming very elitist and only recruiting people that can afford to contribute financially with real money.

    I think adding a "Guild Adventure Seal" similar to the already existing daily Adventure Seals, maybe even adding a Guild tab to the quests list, would add a lot more variety to daily/weekly/monthly quests, could work like the existing party quest scroll system, if the game doesn't select activities for you automatically you should be able to choose from a quest board, with the time (daily/weekly/etc) changing the difficulty or amount required to complete a quest, things like "Perform x Jam Sessions with Guildmates" or "Craft x of x Materials", maybe participation can be tracked like how field boss monsters are but you'd be limited in your total allowed participation to stop players from solo'ing content and taking all the glory, further pushing the cooperation that guilds should instill.

    I'm not opposed to NX shop exclusive guild hall props that are either permanent or on lease, something like a working bank or NPC shop props would be awesome to have in a guild homestead,

    I'm not suggesting pay-to-win but maybe pay-to-win-more-easily. One of the biggest problems with guilds is that so many people join to "get" from them rather than to "give" to them. If NX guild enhancements are things that really don't really matter that much, to most people, then it's not likely to be all that successful.

    All your ideas are fine but more is needed. Generally, we all need to come up with ideas that folks would want to pay for so that Mabinogi relys less and less on Gacha. Idealistically, if they could earn enough money outside of gacha to be able to afford to abandon it, then I think that's a useful longer-term goal. Not to mention, that no more gacha might allow countries whose laws prevent their citizens from playing Mabinogi, because of the random nature of Gachas, to play Mabinogi again.

    Guild-wide advantages funded by NX-acquired advantages resulting in making the game easier for guild members I think could be a source of income for Nexon. Allowing all guild member to be able to purchase these advantages, eases the burden on the guild leader. Having a log of member contributions helps ensure guild-wide commitment to the guild.
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 50
    Well I'd certainly like to hear some suggestions on these paid enhancements and what they would theoretically provide.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    DDSN wrote: »
    Well I'd certainly like to hear some suggestions on these paid enhancements and what they would theoretically provide.

    I seem to remember that guilds that win defender titles have a special shop that members can buy supplies from. Most people are focused on combat, so enhancements to make combat easier, more effective and efficient, and so on would be desirable. The next group are fashionistas. I've got a pretty big wardrobe despite being a giantess but I'm not sure what they might want; maybe wings for gold in a guild store; I don't know. After that are crafters. So, similar kinds of enhancements for them as per combat people. Maybe stuff that helps grinders? This is what the thread is for; so folks can brain-storm ideas.
  • ChewbarkaChewbarka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 53
    edited November 4, 2022
    Ctrl+J (That's still the Feather hotkey right? God I hope so or this joke is a huge miss)
  • ChewbarkaChewbarka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 53
    Never letting this die. :U
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Never letting this die. :U

    THAT'S THE SPIRIT! Keep the faith. Afterall, what did my merge thread number get up to? Like, 15 or so?
  • AmarazAmaraz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,060
    Posts: 316
    please for the love of Morrighan make guilds more customizable and worthwile.
  • ChewbarkaChewbarka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 53
    Helsa wrote: »
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Never letting this die. :U

    THAT'S THE SPIRIT! Keep the faith. Afterall, what did my merge thread number get up to? Like, 15 or so?

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they say!
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Never letting this die. :U

    THAT'S THE SPIRIT! Keep the faith. Afterall, what did my merge thread number get up to? Like, 15 or so?

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they say!

    That is true in mechanics, politics, and intimacy.
  • ChewbarkaChewbarka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 53
    Helsa wrote: »
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Never letting this die. :U

    THAT'S THE SPIRIT! Keep the faith. Afterall, what did my merge thread number get up to? Like, 15 or so?

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they say!

    That is true in mechanics, politics, and intimacy.

    Mabinogi content suggestions involves all 3 of those so, it applies!
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Never letting this die. :U

    THAT'S THE SPIRIT! Keep the faith. Afterall, what did my merge thread number get up to? Like, 15 or so?

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they say!

    That is true in mechanics, politics, and intimacy.

    Mabinogi content suggestions involves all 3 of those so, it applies!

    Of course! I did say politics and that's what threads like this or my many merge threads would fall under! :)
  • ChewbarkaChewbarka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 53
    Knock Knock..
  • ChewbarkaChewbarka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 53
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Knock Knock..
    Who's There?
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    edited December 6, 2022
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Knock Knock..
    Who's There?

    I hope so! They owe me money and I know they're good for it since they play first base for the Cardinals. :)

    EDIT: Oh spellchecker, thou art a persnickety beast.
  • ChewbarkaChewbarka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 53
    Helsa wrote: »
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Knock Knock..
    Who's There?

    I hope so! They owe me money and I know they're good for it since they play first base for the Cardinals. :)

    EDIT: Oh spellchecker, thou art a persnickety beast.

    Also, How much money we talking? U_U
  • ChewbarkaChewbarka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 53
    Knock Knock.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    edited December 16, 2022
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Knock Knock.

    Y'sellin' sum'n? Y'all better be sellin' them fancy par fumeys that m'waff likes n'makes 'er stink purdy n'all, or sum-o-that silken faanery that sh'puts own whenever she fellin' frisky. The one's she got rat nah, do the job real good n'all but they's jus' 'bout wore at. If'n y'ain't then get the hail off'n m'property. Ahm a sov'rin cit'zen nah know ha t'use this'ere 12-gauge.
  • ChewbarkaChewbarka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 53
    Helsa wrote: »
    Chewbarka wrote: »
    Knock Knock.

    Y'sellin' sum'n? Y'all better be sellin' them fancy par fumeys that m'waff likes n'makes 'er stink purdy n'all, or sum-o-that silken faanery that sh'puts own whenever she fellin' frisky. The one's she got rat nah, do the job real good n'all but they's jus' 'bout wore at. If'n y'ain't then get the hail off'n m'property. Ahm a sov'rin cit'zen nah know ha t'use this'ere 12-gauge.

    I'm actually just a humble traveling magician. Watch and be amazed as I make myself disappear! *runs away*