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Ideas to make Transforming non-obsolete

Mabinogi Rep: 1,490
Posts: 44
edited January 5, 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions
Perhaps it as assumption of mine but I have played with many people and no one seems to use transformation anymore. I realized myself that it was in many situations not worth it. For example now that many good titles are being given left and right, when one enters beast transformation their title is replaced with the beast title.
Meaning, to solve this, it would be nice if titles are somehow preserved during beast mode. I understand an update is coming so I am keeping this suggestion short, only just in case the update will not address this problem.


  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,859
    edited January 5, 2023
    1) Create a Falcon/Beast transformation for humans.
    2) Allow Elves and Giants to become Paladin and Dark Knights.
    3) Allow everyone to have both Beast and Knight Transformation operational simultaneously with stats stacking (or if somehow possible, something like multiplying).
    4) Allow unlimited back-and-forth with Paladin<->Dark Knight.
  • Hisame621Hisame621
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,490
    Posts: 44
    I like the idea that each race has race-unique abilities, as well as race-exclusive transformations. I hope they dont change that. Allowing elves/giants to become paladin and DK wouldnt be fair in this case , maybe a fusion of DK+Paladin would be cool for humans tho
  • LoomyOfPiLoomyOfPi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,375
    Posts: 157
    Yes! My main, a human, sees little to no benefit to transformations. I've transformed into the elvish Falcon with my alt a few times lately, but that's only when I accidentally activate it when trying to rank it up. [Insert face-palm here]

    Once upon a time, we applied "Use it or loose it" philosophy to transformations. So often we'd enter a dungeon just after 6 AM (in-game) and wish we had entered with Paladin so we could could get back-to-back transformations on more difficult dungeons. Because of this at 5:40 or 5:50 we'd yell "trans" around moon gates and mana tunnels in chat to get everyone's attention that if they still had a transformation in their pocket, they might as well use it just in case.

    And then... sometimes we'd prank one another by yelling "trans" during the PM hours. Or if we weren't paying attention, we'd fool ourselves and transform 12 game hours early.

    But yeah, I used to use Paladin when I faced stronger mobs or found myself in an emergency situation. That was when the skill was useful. Now? I might go weeks without even remembering that the skill exists, and months without using it. I'll occasionally see a Paladin here and there and become bemused at how once they were essential skills yet now the buffs they offer are trivial.

    How can we fix it? With the skill having so many subskills with their individual buffs, I'm not sure how do do it. But I'd say change it so they have some sort of additional buff for every 1,000 cumulative levels, up to 20k.
  • ChoCho
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,250
    Posts: 253
    I have a few ideas.

    There should be vanity titles. That way G2 transformations could be classified as a vanity title, change the title, but keep the stats. Same with PTJ titles. In the vanity title list, there should be a (none) option that disables vanity titles and a (blank) option that just makes it show only your name. For example, you could be a Paladin and it would just show your name but you'd have your equipped title stats.

    You should also be able to use Crisis Escape during transformation. There might be some difficulty on the developers' end about having your character transform into something while transformed but the aggro drop is too valuable.

    Transformation stats should exceed the stat cap. Old devs probably never thought we'd get to the stat cap and now we have echostones and shine of eweca ignoring it while current devs use arcana as a way to give us a higher stat cap. We shouldn't have a stat cap IMO but transformation should ignore it.

    I use transformation on low level characters when I run out of mana or need a quick heal. It's still relevant early/mid game. For giants, it's extended time for Giant Full Swing when windguard is on CD. Apparently, Elven Magic Missle is getting a revamp so that'll be good for the Elves. I wish they would make Dark Knight taming possible in all dungeons and shadow missions and let you store captures for later. (same with normal taming tbh)

    Paladin's should get their def/prot passive buffed since that was their unique thing and it's not as good compared to all the def we get from STR, armor/shield masteries, and Techniques. Wiki is saying it's 15 def 6 prot 12 mdef 4 mprot. Something like 40 def 20 prot 30 mdef 15 mprot would seem fair. Or just -25% damage taken from all sources.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,859
    Cho wrote: »

    You should also be able to use Crisis Escape during transformation. There might be some difficulty on the developers' end about having your character transform into something while transformed but the aggro drop is too valuable.


    I was not aware of that since I never use transformation. What about Play Dead, Hide, Shadow Cloak, Lullaby, Rain Casting, and Sand Burst? Anyway, this would be NOTHING to fix because I suspect it TAKES code to deny it to transformed characters, so just remove that and BINGO!
  • ChoCho
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,250
    Posts: 253
    edited January 7, 2023
    Helsa wrote: »
    Anyway, this would be NOTHING to fix because I suspect it TAKES code to deny it to transformed characters, so just remove that and BINGO!

    I'm not a coder but I imagine with all of the random little interactions that can happen in the game, it could open the door to some sort of permanent transformation exploit. I also prefer Crisis because it's consistent. I don't have extra equipment slots and it can be used anywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just an oversight though.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,859
    Cho wrote: »
    I wouldn't be surprised if it was just an oversight though.

    It is possible but it strikes me as unlikely. You would implement this skill be either white-listing it to everyone and then putting in exceptions or by black-listing it to everyone and then putting in exceptions. If they did the latter then it could be an over-site but I really think they did the former. In the last few years we have seen Nexon implement new content that shuts down agro-control; they've made deliberate efforts to prevent any kind of cheesing. They want us to power our way through problems and not think our way through them. Powering through problems means improving equipment and enhancements of it. This ultimately eventually translates to more traffic to the Web Shop.
  • LoomyOfPiLoomyOfPi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,375
    Posts: 157
    edited January 7, 2023
    Cho wrote: »
    I'm not a coder but I imagine with all of the random little interactions that can happen in the game, it could open the door to some sort of permanent transformation exploit.

    Neither am I, but if anything I think it's more likely to just cause a lingering graphical glitch, like how Final Hit graphics stick around after the skill has expired. The player might look as though transformed after they loose the buffs. I don't think a true exploit is their concern. Personally, I think it's just a rule they stuck in to challenge players.

    Cho wrote: »
    Old devs probably never thought we'd get to the stat cap and now we have echostones and shine of eweca ignoring it while current devs use arcana as a way to give us a higher stat cap. We shouldn't have a stat cap IMO but transformation should ignore it.

    The original developers probably never thought we'd need those stat boosts. Some of these endgame bosses... I feel like I'm fighting a Sith Lord dual-wielding lightsabers while I'm armed with a wet noodle.
  • Hisame621Hisame621
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,490
    Posts: 44
    I have only ever done very minor coding, so I can only imagine that it wouldn't be something that would take a skilled coder more than 4 Days tops. Even in the worse case where the code was extremely long and badly written.