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Dan Test Revamp

Mabinogi Rep: 1,130
Posts: 8
in Feedback and Suggestions
Have you ever tried 30 Dan tests for a particular skill and still fail Dan 3?

There are many reasons. RNG in terms of critical hits(lightning bolt), displacement (pummel), ridiculous aggro(ANY bonus round/magic giant sprites), ping(far from server, high latency).

I could go on and on of all the reasons why Dan tests should be revamped in other ways than attempts per day. I am incredibly grateful for the additional attempts, as it has allowed my progress to really kick off. As I am nearing all Dan 3 tests however, I find myself at a hard stop, whether it be my latency too horrible to load counter attack before a golem charges me, or simply just horrible luck for critical hits, I waste my attempts every day hoping for the tallied points at the end, just to fail as they are not a fixed amount.

I know others experience the same issue, it seems to trend on Mabinogi's subreddit often, and have many commenters as well discussing their frustrations. Skill training has and always will be tedious work, but the tests are not measuring our ability to use the skill.

I like to think I speak for much of our community. Reply with what you think, and with faith in our Mabi team, they will help us!
  1. Should Nexon overhaul the requirements to pass these advancement tests?7 votes
    1. Yes!
       86% (6 votes)
    2. No.
       14% (1 vote)


  • UnpayedUnpayed
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,495
    Posts: 97
    Mabinogi should stay away from anything RNG until they revamp the RNG with a new RNG method (Two numbers, averaged).
    All Advancement tests should at least be testrunned at least 100 times and see how many times one fail and one passes.

    Or at least revamp the dan tests of saying A give you X points, S give you X points, SS gives you the best points.
  • talex9talex9
    Mabinogi Rep: 940
    Posts: 55
    edited January 15, 2023
    Dan tests should be for the extremely exclusive as a way to prove oneself worthy to be considered an absolute master of a particular art. The problem is that the increasingly difficult content demands that all numbers are continuously increased and, what are you going to do? Tell players to not do the new things?

    Instead of trivializing the experience and having a bunch of players do skills they don't care about just because they think they need to, the game should just go back to basics and allow people to be able to sufficiently do with a single path, if they choose to do so.

    Who are we kidding? That would just drive away players! New and current!! If numbers no bigger, then game no good, right?

    I can back up your plead on changing requirements that depend on hardware, since I have low end systems and feel the bitterness of being excluded on basis of poverty. but not on requirements that depend on randomness, specially on systems that should be optional or additional.

    Maybe it's just a lesson in life: only the wealthy and favored by luck advance. But I think I have enough 'lessons in life' from life itself to also have them on my scapism method.

    There's one thing I do hate though, and it's to call for a poll in an attempt to put pressure on the ones in charge, no matter how much abuse of power or indolence they exercise. A poll should be called when it's creator is interested in the OPINION of the participants, not just to recruit an army for your own DEVIOUS purposes, otherwise, you're not better than the evil you're fighting against.
  • TimxTimx
    Mabinogi Rep: 620
    Posts: 2
    edited February 1, 2023
    Why are the Dan test not a test of skill like they should be?!?! I agree with that it should be hard to accomplish Dan 3, but it should not be hard in the sense that you can't get it because of your luck or the RNG was bad. The test right now are pretty much all just how well you can spam the skill over and over, and hope the AI don't interrupt you. It's nice that most of the test will reset your skill cooldown so it might be possible to even possibly complete the test, but that isn't how the test should be in the first place. I feel that the test should be testing you on how well you know how to use the skill in actual gameplay not how well you can spam the skill if you could spam it.

    Make more specialized conditions like using the skill in a combo like how the Chain Test does it where you Chain Sweep after using Death Mark or for the Charge Test has you block ranged attacks for points and make those worth more points instead of copy and pasting "Use the skill on and Enemy" and "Defeat an enemy using the skill". Make conditions that have players play on using the strength of the skills, not have them hope that they crit, which is something they cant control.

    Some simple suggestions are stuff like: (Feel free to take ideas and implement them)
    "Hit 2 or more enemies" with Lightning bolt or Thunder
    "Use the skill quickly" with Icebolt (Plays on the idea that you can charge it up and spam it quickly)
    "Use Smash or Counterattack before using skill" with Charge or Assault Slash (puts them in the position to use the skill)
    "Have your freeze spread to an additional enemy" for Ice Spear
    "Attack an enemy under Rain Casting" with Water Cannon (Rain Casting literally give extra damage to water cannon and is a common strat to use Water Cannon with Rain Casting, like come on)
    "Closed x meters of distance with skill" with Charge, Lance Charge, or Combo: Charging Strike
    "Use Shadow Bind before using Skill" with Kunai Storm or Shuriken Charge

    I also suggest replacing some of the chosen AIs for certain test, like the Light gargoyles and Gremlins in test like Charge where their attacks being able to intercept the skill even if they shouldn't, I've had Smash interrupt Charge from well before I should be in their attack range, or things like them loading Defense and suddenly its a fully loaded Counterattack in a tenth of a second(not exaggerating here) and it interrupts Charge and puts it on CD. I've even had times where I get Counterattacked by a gargoyle that doesn't even have Counterattack charged and he's not aggroed on me, like . The amount of times I've witnessed or heard of the AI randomly walking 1 step and suddenly Charge is canceled and placed on CD because "The enemy is too close to be used charge on" which honestly should not put Charge on CD in the first place.

    Please Nexon fix this thing, for the love of god.

  • LibiriLibiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 560
    Posts: 13
    edited February 9, 2023
    talex9 wrote: »
    I can back up your plead on changing requirements that depend on hardware, since I have low end systems and feel the bitterness of being excluded on basis of poverty. but not on requirements that depend on randomness, specially on systems that should be optional or additional.

    Maybe it's just a lesson in life: only the wealthy and favored by luck advance. But I think I have enough 'lessons in life' from life itself to also have them on my scapism method.

    There's one thing I do hate though, and it's to call for a poll in an attempt to put pressure on the ones in charge, no matter how much abuse of power or indolence they exercise. A poll should be called when it's creator is interested in the OPINION of the participants, not just to recruit an army for your own DEVIOUS purposes, otherwise, you're not better than the evil you're fighting against.

    Luck is a real life thing (you even acknowledge this buy saying "only the wealthy favored BY LUCK") and sometimes you are just stuck with bad luck. I've seen people with an average of like 40 or so runs to get X, while others tend to get it with an average of around 20. So from what you said about changing requirements only on hardware stuff but not changing requirements that depend on randomness is pretty much giving those people with bad luck a middle finger and going "OH well, too bad. Lol". And wealth/money is easier to control than one's luck. You can buy a better computer and so on, but you can't buy better luck. So there is more reason to work on the randomness than focus on hardware as it will have an effect on more players rather than some small portion.

    As for the issue with your issue about the poll, it is a quicker and easier way to give feedback from the mass. Instead of reading through THOUSANDS of comments to see how many feel one way or another, you can look at one poll and have your numbers. From what you are saying, we should not be voicing any feedback unless asked. But then it becomes a matter of them even asking for feedback and even showing they have interest which they may just forgo. If you really feel this way, then I take it you never speak unless asked, as that is essentially what you are saying needs to be happening to all the players.

    "Your not better than the evil you're fighting against"....and silence is the answer to it all? From what you are saying, do not argue or question the evil, just accept it. And you want to talk about being evil via a poll...

    Not only did you show hypocrisy by doing a poll yourself, but you also put down as the choices for the poll to be:

    1) You agree with me
    2) You are a person

    As for dan tests....uuugggh.
    Definitely needs a revamp. Having requirements for getting crits to have enough points to pass? The hell did you get hit upside the head with to think that was a good idea?
    Fix your stats and skills to nerf ya? Again, not a good idea cause it increases the issue with some of the requirements (like damage).

    You are not testing the player, you are having the player play a character YOU made. I think what they need to do is change it to be more like grandmaster questing but with some increased difficulty (ie - instead of just making an item, it has to have X quality to it). So that way it actually tests your character (as in YOUR character), while also helping remove the heavy necessity for luck with some stuff since you won't have to deal with a time limit.
  • FalmostaFalmosta
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,590
    Posts: 68
    I Rarely even use the Dan Test Feature as it's current iteration makes me not want to play the game. Honestly, If they tests had a Higher time limit and the Risk of losing the Chick the healing dan wasn't so high then we wouldn't have an issue. Also, Everyone knows that getting anything lower then the highest grade for a passing score on higher Dan makes it even more frustrating.