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An opinion for repetition events and persistence.

Mabinogi Rep: 940
Posts: 55
edited January 19, 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions
This current event, where you craft mannequins -and the previous similar event, where you crafted desks- made me wonder why these recipes don't remain after the event ends and give a way to permanently craft chairs (or crafting anything at all, which I find fun regardless of utility). After a while, I still can't come up with a reason that doesn't involve a greedy approach to punish an unworthy-of-nice-things audience, *BUT* I did think of an idea that I believe would be awesome to be seen, so I came to share it, even if unappreciated and ignored. It's nothing new, just a mix of things that have been done in the past.

As it stands right now, repeating an activity a certain number of times grants a day, and a certain number of days, a reward. How about if this gets expanded to a server-wide, persistent reward? In other words, how about if, after the whole server reached a number of repeated activities, something would get unlocked or added permanently to the game? Like, let's say, the permanence of that ability to craft mannequins? Or the inclusion of a pattern/blueprint that doesn't exist yet or that can't be obtained through independent methods? Perhaps not a permanent, but seasonal? Something to give a sense of relevance to community and developers' interventions, rather than a sense of repentance and a lingering thought that mabinogi becoming a private server/single player with lan game would definitely be a better choice.
  1. Choose one2 votes
    1. Oh, yes please! I want to collaborate with others to a goal..but give me credit. My name everywhere!
       100% (2 votes)
    2. The rest of the world can drop dead for all I care.
       0% (0 votes)


  • talex9talex9
    Mabinogi Rep: 940
    Posts: 55
    I also wanted to say -although slightly unrelated- that I hope this tactic of having players report every day on a specific place (9 of 10 times it being Dunbarton) someday stop. I fail to understand the benefits of it. Is it to sell more premium services and force people teleport back and forth? Is it a 'social gathering' method? Is it to deter people from wanting to participate on the events? Or to go play the rest of the game? Maybe something to desperately show that there are still players in the game? Or to give a cover to the creatively impaired to not do anything else? Heck, it may just be a technique to tire participants into abandoning the greed and ambition of materialism! No, it's probably only to endorse the socipaths that live to attempt to block access to quest givers and/or any other imbecile wanting to show how creatively they managed to disguise their offensive selection of characteristics for their avatars. Whatever it may be, I doubt somebody in the decision team of this game ever considered that players could just press a complete button daily on their quest window and make it a sufficient requisite to fulfill the often and otherwise great events. Although, if memory serves me right, I think *some* events actually work this way... but why not all? Or make it the exception to otherwise.

    Who ever thought it was immersive to drop whatever activity one may be doing to painfully go through the obnoxious endeavor of getting into a crowded town to talk to an npc ON A DAILY BASIS? It wasn't even acceptable to do it weekly, as was the case for the next update master plan, but at least it was less malign.
  • talex9talex9
    Mabinogi Rep: 940
    Posts: 55
    After some consideration, it came to mind a thought that often happens when trying to comprehend a possible cause for a situation dependent on decision making: what could have led them to do that? In particular, I think (still with the possibility to be wrong) that the reason behind this mode of operation may be originated from an educational foundation. Although, if it's incidental, then it still may end up being educational from exposition.

    In other words, having to withstand the overcrowded places designed for these events may just end up being the product of a decision founded on education. To educate for an equally unpleasant reality outside of the game. One often filled with situations of crammed humans in unfit habitats.

    If this is the case, maybe our characters should starve to death when no food is provided too, for it is what I have understood happens whenever a living organism doesn't feed.

    At first, I thought that video games could take whatever good things we could gather in our experiences as humans and transport them into a new, cleaner world, but the more time passes, the more I feel to be wrong, naive or just plain stupid, for it seems impossible to leave the bad vices and unpleasantries behind -at least for the humans I've come to meet, in person or through their actions and creations.

    Maybe there's no way for any of us out of here. This reality may be a quarantine zone that we call hell, one in which all the missdeeds stand and permeate into any creation we attempt to make, thus condemning them. And for any of us trying to make something good or trying to save something from all of...*this*, the only thing we can do is impotently watch it become stained, damaged and hurt. It's what we have learned and what we go to teach, right? Even if from exposition.
  • ArcielliaArciellia
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,750
    Posts: 127
    Member, Administrator, Nexon
    Reading this whole thread has been one wild ride, but I can see what you mean.
    I appreciate you providing such depth and feedback for this! It coincides with player sentiment from other players as well, and I'd like to take it into consideration for future events to the best of my ability. ❤
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,860
    talex9 wrote: »
    ... If this is the case, maybe our characters should starve to death when no food is provided too, for it is what I have understood happens whenever a living organism doesn't feed. ...

    So what exactly happens if your character DOES "starve to death"? Our characters die all the time, yet we just revive. Would starvation just be another version of that? If it is, then the good news is that it's basically trivial, in that you don't lose your character forever, or worse, have to give Nexon money to have them revive you (WAIT WAIT NOTHING TO SEE HERE NEXON; MOVE ALONG). The bad news is that, it would add a major annoyance to the game, without making it funner or more "interesting" that the inevitable incessant beaching, from the community, would lead to it being removed.

    Dieing because a monster kills you is acceptable as this is what the game is all about. "Don't Starve" is a different game entirely. The idea, outlined above, is how Minecraft works but it is a single-player game that happens to have a multi-player option. Plus, other than the very early game, the ability to obtain and hold food is made mildly inconvenient, in Minecraft. In the old old old game: Ultima II, you could starve to death. As soon as your food is gone, you starve quickly and, once dead, you have to start a new game. At least it was a single player installed game and not an online multiplayer deal, but that ain't saying much. Needless to say, that mechanic was not repeated in future sequels. Sure Ultima III had starvation but it took longer and you could play a party of characters which could revive you if you died anyway.

    The system we have now, regarding food, is good. Food is not necessary but using it boosts stats, and so on. Sure, it's not realistic but this is a game and, first and foremost, a game should be fun. Simulations are fun but tedium, for most people, isn't. This is why we don't have sleeping (although, I suppose, one could argue that "Rest" is basically sleeping), taking a shower, and using the toilet in Mab. Mind you, I suppose they COULD implement that using a similar approach; you don't HAVE to poop but, if you do, your stats get better.
  • talex9talex9
    Mabinogi Rep: 940
    Posts: 55
    I feel -or rather, hope, as 'feeling' is often a blindfold to disguise hope and the stubbornness behind 'trying one more time'- that your intentions are good, '@Arciellia. I also live with the hopes that actions inspired by good intentions, lead to results that are, likewise, good, albeit with the probable necessity of constantly question ourselves on wether we are, in fact, good. Or if external factors are misleading us. Or if we lose it along the way ('it' including, but not limited to 'the road', 'the will to fight', 'sanity', 'sanctity', etc).

    Still, as we have witnessed in this very here example, unpleasantries are -or 'seem', if you still have 'hope'- unavoidable. But, at the very least, if something good (enjoyable, rather than pure, for purity only last fraction of seconds in this life -if even) comes from all of this, then we can indulge ourselves into the creation done and forever ask its forgiveness afterwards when we witness their unavoidable -or 'seemingly unavoidable'- desecration and demise, thus making each rightfully deserving of the same evil each do.

    I honor Nexon for -often, not always- having a good sense of taste, so I believe something, as mentioned, enjoyable has the potential to result. A critic, though, is that the mechanics set in place are REALLY HARDLY revisioned. Maybe due to pride, or not considering said perceived details as in need of fixing (those are, after all, opinions, be them popular or otherwise), or the difficulty existing in code correction, or just resource allocation into other tasks. Things are done, and rarely changed. But what do I know? You're likely to have sessions of testings, trial and errors and iterative development (not to mention, teams of individuals trained in behavioural conduct) that are unseen to the public and set on creating a product that clients want to come back to. Yet, I'm grateful for the existence of a forum for suggestions that can allow me to express my opinions (and even more for the acknowledgement of a member from the development team, I'm not going to lie), and if I manage to state something that hasn't been considered by your team, and that something makes the world of mabinogi better (not necessarily for other players, but for the world itself), then...nice! Right?
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,860
    @Arciellia I think that translates to:

    Thanks for noticing my post. Thanks for reading my post. Thanks for replying to my post. Thanks for acknowledging my ideas. Thanks for recognizing that I'm not alone in thinking these ideas. Your post, however, did not contain any clear hard commitments to have the idea's implemented, therefore, because you replied and given that you are the Nexon-salaried CM here, without expressing such clear hard commitments, I'm feeling kinda blue balled.

    Maybe not?
  • talex9talex9
    Mabinogi Rep: 940
    Posts: 55
  • ChoCho
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,250
    Posts: 253
    talex9 wrote: »
    Maybe there's no way for any of us out of here. This reality may be a quarantine zone that we call hell, one in which all the missdeeds stand and permeate into any creation we attempt to make, thus condemning them. And for any of us trying to make something good or trying to save something from all of...*this*, the only thing we can do is impotently watch it become stained, damaged and hurt. It's what we have learned and what we go to teach, right? Even if from exposition.

    ^ what 6 months of back-to-back AFK events does to someone
  • talex9talex9
    Mabinogi Rep: 940
    Posts: 55
    edited January 22, 2023
    You know? Now that you mention it (and since shutting me up sometimes becomes kind of difficult), on that subject, I keep wondering to myself if people want to be given something to do or if people want the prizes. I think the two things should remain separate from each other.

    I can relate to enjoying the results of a difficult task and, an included additional prize with it, makes it even better. But when I have done things just for the prize, I start questioning my actual commitment to the activity or activities I'm doing -which probably shouldn't always be 'the activity or activities I'm being told to do'.

    Honestly, the more I read posts, comedically or otherwise, making mentions on the possible laxed nature of events, the more I wonder if nobody is actually smart enough to find something fun to do here without being told and the more I wonder if things would be done have them not prizes attached to them.

    It's not my intention to lash out on other players, since I couldn't possibly care less about what anybody else is doing -If something, I probably would prefer to not even know- but, if players keep bullying the company running the game, and this eventually (eventually? no, rather, continuously) makes them surrender to the demands of the toxic and mediocre, then I guess I should state that *at least one* is against all of it. This in case said decisions are executed against their vision and against their will, rather than because some elements inside the company also share the previously mentioned vision, if it can be called so. Still, even if this other way of thinking gets to be thought by myself alone, that won't necessarily make it the wrong one.

    Though, some of the AFK events actually root characters and make them unable to do anything else, in which case I support your suggestion for using that time for insight thinking.

  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    This is not Habimaru, Helsa.
  • LibiriLibiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 560
    Posts: 13
    edited February 10, 2023

    First of all, I would like to point out how you were pretty much saying someone is evil for having put a poll to get people's opinions with their options for the poll being Yes or No.

    You have posted a poll doing the same. EXCEPT your options for your poll is:

    1) You agree with me.
    2) You are a terrible person.

    As for shared goals to unlock stuff for the server, I do agree with that as it will get people to cooperate with eachother more and would add a really nice touch to an MMO.
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    Yeah, I think it would be nice to have people unlock stuff for the server, and it'd be interesting. I want to say though...yes, while you have to report to an event npc or talk to them to be able to do the next bit of the event, like with Yuri, you don't have to keep standing there after that. I guess for the mannequin event, it might be kind of different, but even then, no ones making those people stand right there at the event npc. I feel like that's more of an issue with the players, honestly. Even when I do linger around the event area, its not always right there at the npc. I tend to move further from the crowd, partially for lag reasons, and also cause I like to actually look at my character.

    Even when it was npcs that you didn't have to talk to after the first time, like some of the puzzle ones, people still chose to stand there. Not to mention its became a weird trend for people in--channel 9 for instance--to stand at the sidewalk of dunbartion when you first enter. Sadly, I don't really see how there's a good fix for it either, but I doubt making it so you can complete event quests in the quest box will change much when it comes to crowds. And I kinda feel like it'd just make it boring, but that's just my opinion.
  • talex9talex9
    Mabinogi Rep: 940
    Posts: 55
    edited September 5, 2024
    At its core, the idea *could* work, if everyone in the area just went and did something 'productive'. As in, what actual people living or visiting in an actual city or town do. So, even idle posing ELSEWHERE nearby is acceptable (unless the posing is of something disgusting or offending, which there never is a lack of and never a lack of someone thinking they are so clever and funny for doing).

    The town in question could and should feel lively if everyone just took to themselves to become actors of good or beauty in the enviroment, rather than always wanting to be the protagonists and always only caring about themselves or what's convenient to them. There are many voids to be filled, but it more and more feels as if nobody wants to *do* anything and they just want to be given things, or (maybe) only do things *if* they are given things.